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    V.I.P HoangThong_hotrokythuat5's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
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    Mặc định 27.11.2009 MTB NK v 2.02 Availble


    MTB NK v 2.02 released :

    genSX4 - is intended to repair simlock and sx4 on RAP3 and RAPIDO phones (SL20).
    This helps revive phones that were damaged by other boxes while trying to unlock them.
    Example of such phones is 5800, 7210, E71 that restart becasuse of missing SX4.
    This button will not repair missing HWC,CCC,NPC certificates.
    Also it will not generate CMLA, DRM data.

    Cost 12 credits (genSX4) - generate simlock and superdongle data

    RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting link ( 27.11.2009 )

    http://www.sagmaster.com/inne/GT/MTB_NKgtr_2_02.rar Direct link ( 27.11.2009 )

    F A Q

    Q: Where I can see my login/password for new service.
    A: Login/password No exist for this service. All credits are added direct to box.

    Q: Can we use old account login/pass for unlock RAP3S hash 9DDBF ?
    A: No, you cannot use old account. You have to buy new account called SL20cr and we need box sn for cradits activation.

    Q: How to check my box counter ?
    A: Click "save" button and write login - boxlogin and password - boxlogin. You see o/xxx (xxx=box counter)

    Q: Which phones are RAP3S 9DDBF ? Any list of supported phones ?
    A: Here is list !
    RAP3S hash 9DDBF : 3600c, 5220, 7210c, 7310, 7510a, 6600s, 6600f, 7610s,
    RAPIDO : New v30/300/200 5800d, E71, N96, N85, E63!

    Q: Can we repair BB5 phones damaged SIM Lock ?
    A: Yes, you can repair damaged SIM Lock "Failed to Read"!!

    Q: How many cradits need for unlock per SL2 9DDBF.. ?
    A: You need 10 SL20 cradits for unlock per phone.

    Q: How to unlock rapido/rap3g phones ?
    A: Download the new version v2.02 and connect phone with fbus cable press info and HIT "RAPIDORPL" button! Whether you unlock RAP3S 9DDBF phone or new RAPIDO.

    Q: Is this calculated rpl can unlock my damaged phone ?
    A: Yes, If you've damaged locked phone, this rpl can unlock your phone aslo you don't need another 10 SL20 cradits for unlock it, whether you unlock RAP3S or RAPIDO phone.

    Q: Can we repair damaged NPC/IMEI "1234567858123" with this rpl ?
    A: No, You cannot repair damaged certificates with this rpl.

  2. ( HoangThong_hotrokythuat5 ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    DuyĐanMobile™ (30-11-2009)

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