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    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định NsPro v3.0.0 released : "Software was never easyer to use"

    - Added REAL support for X540
    - Fixed several minor software bugs
    - Added fully customisable software assistant

    You can find the new version on official NsTeam website: www.nsteam.org and on NsPro support area
    Is highly recomanded to update to last software version.

    First let's present some extra functions from NsPro software:
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  2. #2
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    NsPro Assistant

    NsPro Assistant offers on-the-fly help, guiding you step-by-step while using the software. NsPro Assistant is a must-use tool especially for NsPro beginners. We strongly encourage you to use the assistant. It provides valuable tips in every context you might find yourself while using NsPro.

    The assistant is activated by default when you first install and run NsPro 3.0.0. You can however, choose not to open it automatically when you run NsPro, though we strongly advise you to use it, at least until you get familiar with NsPro.

    When the assistant is not visible, the Help button in NsPro is red. You can show the assistant at any time when the Help button is available and enabled.

    When you make the assistant visible it provides you with tips regarding the current context. The model below shows the assistant’s tips when no model is selected:

    As soon as you select a model it tells you what operations you can do:

    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  3. #3
    Executive Administrator taihv™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    At every time the assistant shows what model you have selected in the main window, regardless whether it is visible or not.

    Usually, the assistant indicates what buttons must be used for commands (such as Unlock, Flash, Stop, go Back, etc.). You must use the actual buttons in the NsPro window and not click on the images in the assistant tips window.

    Important notices are shown in red, such as the notice shown in the image below about how to proceed when using USB flashing for Samsung F300.

    You can move the assistant anywhere on the screen, by grabbing it with the mouse and dragging it, just like you move NsPro or any other window.

    When you click with the right button over the assistant a context menu is displayed:

    The commands from the context menu allow you to:
    • Show the assistant’s tips, if not already visible (use Show Tips)
    • Hide the assistant, which makes the NsPro Help button red (use Hide)
    • Select the assistant (use Select Assistant)
    • Decide whether you want to have the assistant shown when the NsPro is launched (check or uncheck Show at startup)

    When you expand Select Assistant the list of available assistants is shown (the one currently used being checked):

    The available assistants are: Angel, Bear, Cool ***, Dracula, Einstein, Elvis, Green Worm and Robot. Einstein is the default assistant shown when you install NsPro. When you choose a different assistant, it is changed immediately. The selection is saved when NsPro is closed and the last selected assistant is used next time you run NsPro
    Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!

  4. #4
    Thành viên tích cực son_nx2007's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Thêm cái nàycho đủ bộ luôn
    Ns-pro version 3.0.0

    -New and very easy to use software GUI
    -Alphabetical phone model selection
    -Displays information about required cable on selecting phone model
    -Fully customisable software assistant for easyer software usage
    -Automatic flash file selection for Sysol,Swift and Zxxx flashing
    -Autopower/Autoignition phone by the box.
    -Informs user if phone must be connected With or Without battery
    -High speed communication with phone saves you time
    -Read info from all supported models
    -Read All unlock codes: NCK,MCK,NSCK,SCK,PCK,etc...
    -Direct (Fast) Unlock All type of Locks
    -Re-Lock a Samsung phone to a network
    -High speed Flashing
    -Read/Write EEPROM
    -Read/Write FULL FLASH
    -Super fast USB flashing mode available for Agere phones
    -Safe and Super fast Zxxx flashing
    -Rebuilding IMEI (only for repair purpose)
    -Bypass MSL security on new phones for rebuild IMEI
    -Automatic Bluetooth ID calculation after Rebuilding IMEI
    -Repair all software faults
    -Repair 'Phone freeze'
    -Repair 'Phone locked return for servicing' & 'Wrong Card'
    -Repair permanently blocked phones (0 unlock code counter)
    -Repair damaged NV/NVM/EEPROM
    -Service jobs (WAP/Media/MMS/etc... resets)
    -Automatic login to support area from NsPro software
    -Online update and upgrades of Smart Card
    -Use flash files in original format
    -Instant broadcasting service for anouncing new software releases.
    -Periodic online Smart Card integrity check
    -Possibility to use NsPro box as universal box with UFSx cables(pinout)

    Supported Phones:

    Samsung : A501, A701, A707, A800, C100, C108, C110, C120, C130, C140, C180, C200, C210, C216, C225, C230, C260, C240, C300, C400, D100, D307, D347, D357, D407, D410, D415, D428, D488, D500, D500E, D508, D510, D520, D550, D600, D710, D720, D730, D800, D807, D820, D830, D840, D900, E100, E105, E116, E217, E250, E250V, E300, E310, E315, E316, E317, E318, E320, E330, E335, E340, E350, E356, E360, E370, E380, E390, E400, E418, E420, E480, E490, E500, E530, E560, E570, E600, E610, E620, E630, E635, E640, E650, E690, E700, E710, E715, E720, E730, E740, E750, E760, E770, E780, E800, E810, E820, E850, E860, E870, E880, E890, E900, E910, F300, I300, I300x, I310, I320, I505, I600, I607, I700, I750, Nxxx, N700, N710, P100, P200, P207, P300, P310, P400, P510, P518, P705, P710, P720, P730, P735, P738, P777, P850, P900, P910, P920, Rxxx, S100, S105, S200, S300, S300M, S341i, S342i, S400i, S401i, S410i, S500, S500i, S501i, T100, T108, T209, T309, T319, T329, T509, T519, T609, T619, T629, T719, T809, U600, V100, V200, X100, X105, X120, X138, X140, X150, X156, X160, X160B, X200, X210, X300, X400, X426, X427, X430, X450, X460, X461, X466, X475, X478, X480, X481, X486, X490, X495, X497, X500, X507, X510, X520, X530, X540, X600, X610, X620, X630, X636, X640, X650, X660, X670, X680, X680N, X700, X770, X800, X810, X820, X830, X830N, X900, Z100, Z105, Z107, Z110, Z130, Z140, Z150, Z230, Z300, Z310, Z320, Z330, Z350, Z360, Z370, Z400, Z500, Z510, Z520, Z540, Z550, Z560, Z600, Z620, Z650, Z700, Z710, Z720, ZV10, ZV30, ZV40, ZV50, ZM60, ZX10, ZX20,

    LG : U8150, U8210, U8290
    Sanyo : S750, S750i
    Softbank : 705sc, 706sc , 707sc, 709sc,
    Blackberry : Some free blackberry online unlocking logs for each nspro box. For more info, check our official support forum

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