Welcome to Octopus box software version 1.5.2
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM1
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Phone not detected. Please try again.
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM5
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Mode: Normal
Phone model: GD570
SW Version: GD570-MSM260140T-V10g-JUN-04-2010-TMO-US
IMEI: 012276-00-012107-1
Bluetooth address: 8C:54:1D:8A

Firmware compiled date: JUN 04 2010
Firmware compiled time: 22:00:00
Firmware released date: Jun 4 2010
Firmware released time: 14:35:45
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM5
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Mode: Normal
Phone model: GD570
SW Version: GD570-MSM260140T-V10g-JUN-04-2010-TMO-US
IMEI: 012276-00-012107-1
Bluetooth address: 8C:54:1D:8A

Firmware compiled date: JUN 04 2010
Firmware compiled time: 22:00:00
Firmware released date: Jun 4 2010
Firmware released time: 14:35:45
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM5
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Mode: Normal
Phone model: GD570
SW Version: GD570-MSM260140T-V10g-JUN-04-2010-TMO-US
IMEI: 012276-00-012107-1
Bluetooth address: 8C:54:1D:8A

To perform this operation please write firmware "GD570-FOR-UNLOCK" from the support area.
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM5
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Mode: Normal
Phone model: GD570
SW Version: GD570-MSM260140T-V10g-JUN-04-2010-TMO-US
IMEI: 012276-00-012107-1
Bluetooth address: 8C:54:1D:8A

Opening "GD570-FOR-UNLOCK.oct"...OK
Reading NVM...OK
Saved to "GD570-012276000121071_20-10-2010_11-28-43.nvm"
Switching to Download mode...OK
Writing Firmware...
Checking partition...OK
Writing QCSBL...OK
Writing AMSS...OK
Writing EFS GANG...OK
Writing Firmware done!
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM1
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Phone not detected. Please try again.
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM5
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Mode: Normal
Phone model: GD570
SW Version: GD570-MSM260140T-V10g-JUN-04-2010-TMO-US
IMEI: 012276-00-012107-1
Bluetooth address: 8C:54:1D:8A

Firmware compiled date: JUN 04 2010
Firmware compiled time: 22:00:00
Firmware released date: Jun 4 2010
Firmware released time: 14:35:45
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM5
Selected model: GD570
Please connect the phone with acceptable SIM card or Motorola test card and select "Data service" in connection menu.
Mode: Normal
Phone model: GD570
SW Version: GD570-MSM260140T-V10g-JUN-04-2010-TMO-US
IMEI: 012276-00-012107-1
Bluetooth address: 8C:54:1D:8A

Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "GD570-012276000121071_20-10-2010_11-34-55.sec"
Writing security area...OK
Phone successfully unlocked!
Rebooting phone...