tình hình e mới mua box riff,hưng khi chạy thì báo
nOpen serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.56
Selected Resurrector: [Pantech A860S V1.0.5095.48782]
Connecting to the dead body...OK
Detected dead body ID: 0x107180E1 - CORRECT!
Set I/O Voltage reads as 1.81V, TCK Frequency is 1 MHz
Resurrection sequence started.
Establish communication with the phone...OK
Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
Uploading resurrector data into memory...OK
Starting communication with resurrector...FAILED
ERROR: No response from the RIFF Box.
ae nào gặp qua giúp e với thank.