xem dùm em k800i nó bi sao vây .
23:41:39| XS++ v1.6.7 Beta Ready !
23:41:39| Executed on Microsoft Windows XP
23:41:49| Attempting to open the interface...
23:41:49| Turn off phone
23:41:49| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone.
23:41:49| You have 30 seconds.
23:41:53| Baseband ID: 9900
23:41:53| Hardware Platform: db2020
23:41:53| Protocol Version: 3.1
23:41:53| Warning: IMEI name does not match GDFS name (IMEI:NULL GDFS:K810)
23:41:53| ...using GDFS name
23:41:53| Profiling SEMC phone...
23:41:53| Baseband ID: db2020
23:41:53| OTP CID: 51
23:41:53| EROM CID: 53
23:41:53| EROM Color: Red
23:41:53| IMEI: 35570401xxxxxx
23:41:53| Phone ID: K810
23:41:53| Network: APAC
23:41:53| CDA: CDA102511/101 R1A
23:41:53| Firmware Version: R8BA024
23:41:53| EROM: R3A022
23:41:54| Ready for operation!
23:42:22| Sorry, your phone is NOT SUPPORTED
23:42:22| Error: Cannot send flash loader
23:42:22| ++ Error: Flashing failed
23:42:24| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
bác oi ,mà sao nó vân sài đuoc bình thuòng.chi là không có tiếng viêt .em flash nó nhu vây.thôi.