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  1. #1
    Thành viên chính thức qbdam's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jun 2013
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    Cám ơn !!!
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    Mặc định Ae koi giúp con c2_00 nó bị lỗi gì

    Creating product data items list
    Product data items list created
    Backup not required
    Flashing phone
    Download files list initiated
    Waiting for USB device...
    Sending EBL loader...
    Sending EBL...
    Boot successful
    Downloading file: rm704__03.99.mcusw
    Erasing 131070 bytes...
    Total progress: 6%
    Sending data...
    Total progress: 13%
    Erasing 131070 bytes...
    Total progress: 20%
    Sending data...
    Total progress: 26%
    Erasing 1048574 bytes...
    Total progress: 29%
    Total progress: 31%
    Sending data...
    Total progress: 40%
    Erasing 25952254 bytes...
    Total progress: 42%
    Total progress: 44%
    Total progress: 46%
    Sending data...
    Total progress: 48%
    Total progress: 50%
    Total progress: 52%
    Erasing 262142 bytes...
    Total progress: 56%
    Total progress: 60%
    Checksum mismatch
    Failed to download file rm704__03.99.mcusw
    Starting to recover the phone
    Recovering phone
    Flash operation failed
    Download files list initiated

  2. #2
    Moderator CAM KHE GSM™'s Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    May 2014
    Địa điểm
    Bài viết
    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 1,809 Times in 1,297 Posts

    Mặc định

    lôi box ra chiến đi bác
    Lê Hưng mobile phone repair services

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