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    Mặc định Formatting Guide For 9500


    Note! Formatting the Phone will erase ALL user data from Communicator memory, including:
    - Messages
    - Calendar data
    - Contacts
    - Camera images
    - Notes and links from Desk
    - Documents, Sheets, Presentations
    - Web bookmarks
    - All Communicator side settings (e.g. Internet access points, Regional settings…)
    - All Phone side settings
    Also formatting will erase pre-installed Nokia.com mobile -bookmark from Web bookmarks.

    In addition at Operator variants formatting will erase all pre-installed Operator specific customizations, e.g. background pictures, Desk links, Internet access points.

    All these can be restored from Backup if the Backup was made before formatting. So if needed take a backup before formatting. Note that if formatting is used for repairing some faulty behaviour of the phone restoring user data may return that unwanted behaviour too. In that case partial restore might work.

    SIM card and memory card (MMC) contents are not erased.

    Formatting Procedure:

    1. Remove memory card and SIM card .

    2. Remove all connections from bottom (PopPort™) connector.

    3. Insert charged BP-5L battery to restart the device.

    4. Do not insert Battery cover. Note! Be sure that you have enough power (3 battery bars or more), connect charger if needed!

    5. Open the lid. When you see “NOKIA” on the Communicator display immediately press and hold down the ‘Ctrl+Shift+F’ keys. The ‘F’ key should be pressed last. If Format menu did not appear then remove & insert the battery and try again. Note that different language variants will have different keymats, but key locations do not change.

    6. Select ‘Format’. Formatting starts and after that phone reboots (if Communicator display remains white after formatting then keep the lid open and press Power-button from Phone side, it should help).

    NOTE! Do not remove battery before phone is woken up to “Language selection” and after that wait at least 5 minutes! Basic settings will be created during that time and it must not be interrupted!

    The phone can be used during that time, e.g. Startup settings (language, current city, time and date, My contact card) can be filled but the phone may operate slower than normally.

    Now the phone is totally erased. If needed backup / partial backup can be restored now. Note that if formatting is used for repairing some faulty behaviour of the phone restoring user data may return that unwanted behaviour too. In that case partial restore might work
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  2. #2
    Thành viên chính thức MoTo_HeRo's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Same 9210i

  3. #3
    Thành viên chính thức PHUTHINH's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Guide nhìn phức tạp quá...hee trước giờ ko nghĩ guide có hướng dẫn nhiều thế...

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