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  1. #11
    Thành viên tích cực teoduagang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Dec 2008
    Bài viết
    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 71 Times in 54 Posts

    Mặc định

    ủa cái log write pm vẫn bình thường mà:
    RAP Data :
    SYSTEM ASIC ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 [RAPGSM ver: 1.1]
    EM0 ID: 00000232
    EM1 ID: 00000353
    PUBLIC ID: 2080020C475F7A5675C862EF7012CC947D78CF7D
    ASIC MODE ID: 00
    ROOT KEY HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B1
    ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F
    SecondaryBoot: rap3gv3_2nd.fg [BB5] version: 1.30.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x3C00
    Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
    FlashID0: 0020 881C - 0000 6A21 [ST M58LR256JU,256 Mbits] type: NOR,RAP
    ExtBUSC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
    ExtDEVC: FFFF 0000 - 0000 0000
    Algorithm: RAP3Gv3_algo.fg [BB5 ALGORITHM] version: 1.40.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x22C10
    Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0003192101002000, 000C192101002000, 0003192101002100, 000C192101002100, 0003192101002200, 000C192101002200, 0003192101012200, 000C192101012200, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
    RAP PAPUBKEYS HASH: C0E691EA16A7593A9BB28832D7312A39F7ED668D
    Reading RAP NPC (0x168 bytes)
    Imei: 35308102957894
    NPC_DATA saved OK
    RPL saved to "C:\mobileEx\3.3\data\backup\RPL\35308102957894_NP C.RPL"
    Erasing CMT NPC ... OK
    Writing PM from Node ...
    Section: 1
    - Key: 0, size 114 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 98 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 110 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 98 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 110 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 98 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 86 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 86 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 86 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 29, size 6 bytes written.
    - Key: 34, size 80 bytes written.
    Section: 2
    - Key: 0, size 432 bytes written.
    Section: 4
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 64 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 10 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 5 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 80 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 4 bytes written.
    Section: 8
    - Key: 0, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 128 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 128 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 16 bytes written.
    Section: 11
    - Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 6 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 11, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 12, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 15, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 16 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 32 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 32 bytes written.
    - Key: 21, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 24, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 26, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 27, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 28, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 29, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 30, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 31, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 32, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 33, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 34, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 35, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 36, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 37, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 38, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 39, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 40, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 41, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 42, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 43, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 44, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 45, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 46, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 47, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 48, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 49, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 50, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 51, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 52, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 53, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 54, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 55, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 56, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 57, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 58, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 59, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 60, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 61, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 62, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 63, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 64, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 65, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 66, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 67, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 68, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 69, size 16 bytes written.
    - Key: 70, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 71, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 72, size 13 bytes written.
    Section: 12
    - Key: 0, size 102 bytes written.
    Section: 13
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 11, size 48 bytes written.
    - Key: 12, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 15, size 886 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 21, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 24, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 26, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 27, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 28, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 29, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 30, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 31, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 32, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 33, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 34, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 35, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 36, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 37, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 38, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 39, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 40, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 41, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 42, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 43, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 44, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 45, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 46, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 47, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 48, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 49, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 50, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 51, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 52, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 53, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 54, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 55, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 56, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 57, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 58, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 59, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 60, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 61, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 62, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 63, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 64, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 65, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 66, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 67, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 68, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 69, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 70, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 71, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 72, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 73, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 74, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 75, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 76, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 77, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 78, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 79, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 80, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 81, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 82, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 83, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 84, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 85, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 86, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 87, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 88, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 89, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 90, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 91, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 92, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 93, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 94, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 95, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 96, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 97, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 98, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 99, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 100, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 101, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 102, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 103, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 104, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 105, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 106, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 107, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 108, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 109, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 110, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 111, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 112, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 113, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 114, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 115, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 116, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 117, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 118, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 119, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 120, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 121, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 122, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 123, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 124, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 125, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 126, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 127, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 128, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 129, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 130, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 131, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 132, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 133, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 134, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 135, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 136, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 137, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 138, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 139, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 140, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 141, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 142, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 143, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 144, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 145, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 146, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 147, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 148, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 149, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 150, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 151, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 152, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 153, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 154, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 155, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 156, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 157, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 158, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 159, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 160, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 161, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 162, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 163, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 164, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 165, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 166, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 167, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 168, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 169, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 170, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 171, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 172, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 173, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 174, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 175, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 31
    - Key: 4, size 12 bytes written.
    Section: 42
    - Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 11, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 12, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 40 bytes written.
    Section: 50
    - Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
    Section: 54
    - Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
    Section: 55
    - Key: 0, size 80 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 2 bytes written.
    Section: 56
    - Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 4 bytes written.
    Section: 59
    - Key: 0, size 63 bytes written.
    Section: 65
    - Key: 0, size 11 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 11 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 11 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 11 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 11 bytes written.
    Section: 66
    - Key: 0, size 160 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 160 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 160 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 160 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 240 bytes written.
    - Key: 11, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 12, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 24, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 26, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 28, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 30, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 32, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 34, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 36, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 38, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 40, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 43, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 44, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 53, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 64, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 65, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 66, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 67, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 68, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 70, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 82, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 83, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 84, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 86, size 20016 bytes written.
    - Key: 87, size 6144 bytes written.
    - Key: 88, size 300 bytes written.
    - Key: 89, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 99 skipped, frame length too long
    - Key: 104, size 43 bytes written.
    - Key: 105, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 106, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 107, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 108, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 111, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 112, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 113, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 114, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 115, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 116, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 117, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 118, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 120, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 121, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 122, size 4 bytes written.
    Section: 67
    - Key: 0, size 2756 bytes written.
    Section: 76
    - Key: 0, size 534 bytes written.
    Section: 84
    - Key: 0, size 3 bytes written.
    Section: 87
    - Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
    Section: 88
    - Key: 0, size 36 bytes written.
    Section: 96
    - Key: 0, size 24 bytes written.
    Section: 107
    - Key: 0, size 21 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 89 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 69 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 70 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 132 bytes written.
    Section: 110
    - Key: 0, size 6 bytes written.
    Section: 111
    - Key: 0, size 200 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 20 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 20 bytes written.
    - Key: 126, size 20 bytes written.
    - Key: 127, size 20 bytes written.
    - Key: 150, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 151, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 152, size 40 bytes written.
    Section: 116
    - Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 11, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 12, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 21, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 40 bytes written.
    Section: 117
    - Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 3 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 6 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 10 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 3 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 3 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
    Section: 153
    - Key: 0, size 68 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 68 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 68 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 68 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 68 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 68 bytes written.
    Section: 163
    - Key: 0, size 8 bytes written.
    Section: 181
    - Key: 0, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 10 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 182
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 183
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 184
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 185
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 186
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 187
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 188
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 23, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 25, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 190
    - Key: 0, size 355 bytes written.
    Section: 191
    - Key: 0, size 5 bytes written.
    Section: 193
    - Key: 2, size 8 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 32 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 32 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 64 bytes written.
    Section: 200
    - Key: 0, size 5 bytes written.
    Section: 202
    - Key: 4, size 42 bytes written.
    Section: 213
    - Key: 0, size 20 bytes written.
    Section: 215
    - Key: 0, size 84 bytes written.
    Section: 217
    - Key: 0, size 32 bytes written.
    Section: 218
    - Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
    Section: 225
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 6 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 6 bytes written.
    Section: 232
    - Key: 0, size 20 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 1 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 238
    - Key: 1, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 250
    - Key: 1, size 1116 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 128 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 392 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
    Section: 301
    - Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 11, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 12, size 36 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 20, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 21, size 40 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 40 bytes written.
    Section: 309
    - Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 2 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 12 bytes written.
    - Key: 22, size 12 bytes written.
    Section: 319
    - Key: 0, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 148 bytes written.
    Section: 320
    - Key: 0, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 8, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 9, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 10, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 11, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 12, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 13, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 14, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 15, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 16, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 17, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 18, size 148 bytes written.
    Section: 321
    - Key: 0, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 2, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 3, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 5, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 6, size 148 bytes written.
    - Key: 7, size 148 bytes written.
    Section: 322
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 334
    - Key: 0, size 1 bytes written.
    Section: 339
    - Key: 0, size 511 bytes written.
    - Key: 1, size 511 bytes written.
    Section: 341
    - Key: 3, size 4 bytes written.
    - Key: 4, size 4902 bytes written.
    Completed in 32.703 s
    RAP Data :
    SYSTEM ASIC ID: 000000010000022600010006010C192101001101 [RAPGSM ver: 1.1]
    EM0 ID: 00000232
    EM1 ID: 00000353
    PUBLIC ID: 2080020C475F7A5675C862EF7012CC947D78CF7D
    ASIC MODE ID: 00
    ROOT KEY HASH: BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B1
    ROM ID: 191EC665DFAAF68F
    SecondaryBoot: rap3gv3_2nd.fg [BB5] version: 1.30.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x3C00
    Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
    FlashID0: 0020 881C - 0000 6A21 [ST M58LR256JU,256 Mbits] type: NOR,RAP
    ExtBUSC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
    ExtDEVC: FFFF 0000 - 0000 0000
    Algorithm: RAP3Gv3_algo.fg [BB5 ALGORITHM] version: 1.40.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x22C10
    Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0003192101002000, 000C192101002000, 0003192101002100, 000C192101002100, 0003192101002200, 000C192101002200, 0003192101012200, 000C192101012200, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
    RAP PAPUBKEYS HASH: C0E691EA16A7593A9BB28832D7312A39F7ED668D
    Updating CMT NPC ...OK

  2. #12
    Thành viên kỳ cựu chanhtin_2104's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    SECURITY_TEST failed!
    Lỗi khúc này nè
    thả pm bỏ vùng 120 +309
    rồi sx4 nữa là ok

  3. ( chanhtin_2104 ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    teoduagang (21-02-2010)

  4. #13
    Thành viên tích cực teoduagang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    mod ơi trong list ko có pm120 chỉ có 309 em đã bỏ đánh dấu sx4 write lại vẫn vậy

  5. #14
    Thành viên kỳ cựu chanhtin_2104's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Trích Được post bởi teoduagang Xem bài viết
    mod ơi trong list ko có pm120 chỉ có 309 em đã bỏ đánh dấu sx4 write lại vẫn vậy
    pm mình làm cho bạn nhé.

  6. #15
    Thành viên kỳ cựu chanhtin_2104's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Trích Được post bởi teoduagang Xem bài viết
    mod ơi trong list ko có pm120 chỉ có 309 em đã bỏ đánh dấu sx4 write lại vẫn vậy
    như vầy nhé bạn load 1 cái pm vẩn còn nguyên thủy 120 + 309
    bạn lick vào sx4 song thả tiếp cái pm nhớ bỏ 120 + 309
    khi thả nó hỏi bạn no hay yes bạn bấm no.

  7. #16
    V.I.P TuanAn Mobile's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Nếu 308 không lỗi thì bạn cho cái log sx4 xem báo thế nào! Log trên đã thấy sx4 ok chỗ nào đâu! Log đó là bạn Erasing CMT NPC thì đúng hơn!
    Nếu 308 lỗi thì bạn phải thao tác từ khi repair SD đếu super sd auth ok rồi mới nạp được pm full!
    Máy này không có 120! Chỉ cần read pm 0-512 từ máy đang bt rồi remove thủ công phần 308 mà phang vô là ok! Khi nạp pm full đã bỏ 308 Mx không hỏi yes no!
    cũng đã unlock repair sd cũng dzay luôn ~_~
    Mình khẳng định với bạn nếu máy lúc đầu lên bt chỉ lỗi xạc thì 100% máy bị CS do fw! Và nếu do fw thì bạn xử lý repair sd ok từ a-z thì không bao giờ không được!
    Bạn cứ trình bày các bước bạn repair sd này và đưa log cụ thể mình sẽ chỉ cho bạn chỗ chưa ok!
    Last edited by TuanAn Mobile; 21-02-2010 at 22:53.
    TuanAn Mobile
    59B - Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai - TP Vinh - Nghệ An

  8. #17
    Thành viên danh dự Hà Linh Mobile™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    SIMLOCK seems to be valid
    SUPERDONGLE_KEY seems to be valid
    CMLA_KEY seems to be valid
    WMDRM_PD seems to be valid
    SIMLOCK_TEST passed
    SECURITY_TEST failed!
    Xem cái này, cộng với lời của bác Tuấn An mình nghĩ, chủ thớt đã hiểu ra vấn đề.
    Đã bỏ nghề - Nhưng vẫn yêu Mobile

  9. #18
    Super Moderator tuanhoang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Khổ chủ chỉ cần sx4 done >>> sau đó nạp PM này vô là ok !
    Chuyên SW & HW all Mobile -LH_ ĐT:0613778888-3867722-0902442220-0966907790
    Bank-plus Cua VT:9990110214707_Vũ Tiến Hoàng : NH Agribank số TK:5915205023902

  10. ( tuanhoang ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    teoduagang (12-03-2010)

  11. #19
    Thành viên tích cực teoduagang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    file pm của mod TuanHoang đúng là liều thuốc bổ đã cứu được em nó hết contact và hết cái bệnh đáng ghét not charger support anh em ai bị trường hợp giống mình nên chạy file pm trên

  12. #20
    Thành viên tích cực linhanh_919's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Trích Được post bởi teoduagang Xem bài viết
    file pm của mod TuanHoang đúng là liều thuốc bổ đã cứu được em nó hết contact và hết cái bệnh đáng ghét not charger support anh em ai bị trường hợp giống mình nên chạy file pm trên
    file của ai cũng vậy thui ko gì bằng file minh raad từ máy bình thường ra vấn đề là sử lý thế nào thui

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