tinh hinh em nhận dược cây q p5 vao tin nhắn báo không có mà dung avartor fomat hay read file -wireflash -cung báo vậy ae gặp hay có cách nào giúp mình với
It is sensing the pinout fast,please hold on the phone Power key
RXD=23 TXD=22
Connecting...Please hold on the POWER key until the red gauge is going...
Any errors please select another boot and try again.
BB:6235, HardwareVer:8A01, SoftwareVer:8A04
Loading boot...
INT_SYSRAM_BOOT test completed.
Loading boot...
Boot2 test completed.
Nor Flash ID: 0000000000000000
Nand Flash ID: 00AD007900A50000
Nor Flash not found.