Detection initiated, connect the phone and power on it...
Vcc: null
Gnd: 5
Analyzing Rx and Tx...
Some mobile phone must have VCC or GND pins set in order to detect pinouts. Detection requires a longer period of time, please be patient...
Detection initiated, connect the phone and power on it...
Vcc: null
Gnd: 5
Analyzing Rx and Tx...
Some mobile phone must have VCC or GND pins set in order to detect pinouts. Detection requires a longer period of time, please be patient...
flash chíp j vậy bạn nói rỏ đi giúp cho
có lỗi gì đâu bạn flash chip gì vậy cái này báo bạn tìm tx rx hay pinuots đó thôi .. chưa check được máy bạn cần flash .
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