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  1. #1
    Thành viên chính thức minhhung780's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2010
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    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts

    Mặc định xin giúp unlock ss t959 bằng z3x

    em nhận ss t959 máy t-mobile galaxys unlock em chỉ có z3x unlock nó báo error có a nào làm qua con này xin giúp em với.
    còn đây là lock em bang z3x
    Count supported models - 223
    Searching Samsung USB interface... not found
    No answer from phone
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface...
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface...
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface... not found
    No answer from phone
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface... detected (COM28)
    Model: GT-I9000
    SW: T959UVJFD
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Android modem... detected (COM28)
    Model: SGH-T959
    CountryCode: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
    Factory SW: UVJFD
    UniqueNumber: 75790000086256
    MemoryPhone: KB100D00WM(T959)
    Phone SW: T959UVJFD
    Phone S/N: 00000000000
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Bypass MSL... error (flash patched firmware first)
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Android modem... detected (COM28)
    Model: SGH-T959
    CountryCode: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
    Factory SW: UVJFD
    UniqueNumber: 75790000086256
    MemoryPhone: KB100D00WM(T959)
    Phone SW: T959UVJFD
    Phone S/N: 00000000000
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Bypass MSL... error (flash patched firmware first)
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface... detected (COM28)
    Model: GT-I9000
    SW: T959UVJFD
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    File analysis... OK
    Total File Size: 0x00C00000
    Searching USB flash interface... not found
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Android modem... detected (COM28)
    Model: SGH-T959
    CountryCode: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
    Factory SW: UVJFD
    UniqueNumber: 75790000086256
    MemoryPhone: KB100D00WM(T959)
    Phone SW: T959UVJFD
    Phone S/N: 00000000000
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Bypass MSL... error (flash patched firmware first)
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4

  2. #2
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2007
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    Thanked 231 Times in 176 Posts

    Mặc định

    down file path ở suport về flash vô , unlock ra 8 số 0 nhập vô là oki

  3. #3
    Thành viên chính thức minhhung780's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2010
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    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts

    Mặc định

    lấy five pact về chạy vô nó báo lổi anh ơi
    nạp five pact vô nó báo
    Count supported models - 223
    Searching Samsung USB interface... not found
    No answer from phone
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface...
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface...
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface... not found
    No answer from phone
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface... detected (COM28)
    Model: GT-I9000
    SW: T959UVJFD
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Android modem... detected (COM28)
    Model: SGH-T959
    CountryCode: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
    Factory SW: UVJFD
    UniqueNumber: 75790000086256
    MemoryPhone: KB100D00WM(T959)
    Phone SW: T959UVJFD
    Phone S/N: 00000000000
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Bypass MSL... error (flash patched firmware first)
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Android modem... detected (COM28)
    Model: SGH-T959
    CountryCode: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
    Factory SW: UVJFD
    UniqueNumber: 75790000086256
    MemoryPhone: KB100D00WM(T959)
    Phone SW: T959UVJFD
    Phone S/N: 00000000000
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Bypass MSL... error (flash patched firmware first)
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface... detected (COM28)
    Model: GT-I9000
    SW: T959UVJFD
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    File analysis... OK
    Total File Size: 0x00C00000
    Searching USB flash interface... not found
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Android modem... detected (COM28)
    Model: SGH-T959
    CountryCode: ¹Ì±¹/TMB
    Factory SW: UVJFD
    UniqueNumber: 75790000086256
    MemoryPhone: KB100D00WM(T959)
    Phone SW: T959UVJFD
    Phone S/N: 00000000000
    IMEI: 35180104203392/4
    Bypass MSL... error (flash patched firmware first)
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    Searching Samsung USB interface... not found
    No answer from phone
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4
    File analysis... OK
    Total File Size: 0x00C00000
    Searching USB flash interface... not found
    Done with Samsung 3G tool ver 9.4

  4. #4
    Thành viên mới taibaongoc2000's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2007
    Bài viết
    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts

    Mặc định

    file partch này bạn download trong support phần firmware của I9000 , đúng rồi thì chỉ cần nạp vào máy sẽ khởi động lại chớp tắt. xong thì bạn nạp full lại okey thôi !!!

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