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  1. #1
    Thành viên mới vippro9xvn's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
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    Chu y HWK Panel Update Done 12/3/2017

    Mình vừa update được chia sẻ luôn cho ae
    App: UFSx (HWK) Control Panel v by SarasSoft
    CPU: GenuineIntel
    Platform: Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601 Service Pack 1)
    Versions: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
    C:\Program Files (x86)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
    Nokia Path not Found, Set to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nokia\Phoenix
    C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\W indows\Start Menu\Programs

    Last Server Update: 2016/03/30
    Active Panel Version:

    App: UFSx (HWK) Control Panel v by SarasSoft
    Ftd: Ufs2xx.dll 3.2.7, Ufs2xx.sys 2.8.30
    Box: 1 Location: 274 Serial:
    UFxBoot V2.2 (c) SarasSoft 2003., Id: 62 CF 1 10
    UFS_USB V2.8 (c) SarasSoft 2007.,
    HID: , HWK: A1.04-PRO1
    LIC: True
    None Authorised Copy of Software Detected, Reinstall
    Bad IX: AB1D
    Failed: 100
    Your IP:
    Support: Account Ok
    Wrong Instalation, Try to Use [Install] in Software Page

    Box: 1 Location: 274 Serial:
    UFxBoot V2.2 (c) SarasSoft 2003., Id: 62 CF 1 10
    UFS_USB V2.8 (c) SarasSoft 2007., Sn:
    HID: , HWK: A1.04-PRO1
    LIC: True
    Your IP:
    Support: Account Ok
    REST: Ok
    UFSx: UFS3 SarasSoft, USB S/N:
    NVML: Ok
    BOOT: UFxBoot V2.2 (c) SarasSoft 2003.
    CORE: UFS_USB V2.8 (c) SarasSoft 2007.
    LIC5: True
    BOXK: 2
    UFxBoot V2.2 (c) SarasSoft 2003., Id: 62 CF 1 10
    UFS_USB V2.8 (c) SarasSoft 2007., Sn:
    HID:, HWK: A1.04-PRO1
    LIC: True
    Authentication successfull.
    Upgrade client is up-to-date.
    Upgrade process completed.

    Link : https://www.4shared.com/rar/lNAUIqSZba/UFS_PANEL_2307.html
    Last edited by vippro9xvn; 19-03-2017 at 13:48.

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