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    V.I.P maidung_mobile's Avatar
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    Mặc định HWK Release 21/03/2009

    Release Date: 21/03/2009

    The Official release is ready in our download area http://sarunasoftware.com.

    WARNING !!!
    If the HWK is a "TRIAL" or affected by 3rd party tools, this software may not work properly, so use at your own risk.

    ATRz v2.0.8.3

    1. Fixed clipboard issue on Vista.

    UFS_DCTxBB5 v2.0.8.3

    1. New BB5 products: RM-495,RM-496 (5130c-2,5130c-2b)
    2. New DCT4+ products: RH-121,RH-122 (1661-2b,1661-2)
    3. New DCT4+ UNL versions support:
    1202-2,1202-2b (RH-111,RH-112 v3.00, v3.10)
    1661-2 (RH-122 v3.10)
    2610,2610b (RH-86,RH-87 v7.11)
    2680s-2,2680s-2b (RM-392,RM-393 v4.56, v4.91)
    5000d-2,5000d-2b (RH-362,RH-363 v3.50, v3.54)
    7070d-2 (RH-116 v6.20)
    4. Simlock status detail info for DCT4 and BB5 models added.
    5. Fixed clipboard issue on Vista.

    Do not use external VPP adapter with RX2 enabled cables, since this will put VPP direct to RX2 and its possible to KILL the phone.

    LG_GSM V

    1. BIN (TotalBin) files support added for ADI models.
    (BIN bundle files open as Code)
    2. ADI KP260, KP265 UNLOCK and REBUILD fixed.
    3. ADI KP170, KP175 added, cable as for KP130,KP210,KP260
    4. LGMDP NV2 format files support for QC NVM Write.
    5. User interface localisation.
    6. Fixed clipboard issue on Vista.

    SAMs V

    C275L,C500L,C506,C510L,C516,E570L,U106 added (DUNL,IM,FL)
    B520B,M310L added (CUNL,FL)
    C145,C161,C168B,M140L added (DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
    C3610C,E200B,E230L,E251L,F270L,F275L,F480L,J700L,P 906,U900L
    added (DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
    B130L,E1110(Euro and Asia),E1110C,E1117,E1117L
    added (DUNL,IM,FL,SECT)
    Increased flashing speed.
    G400L,M8800B,V820L added.
    UNLOCK and UNFREEZE added for these models:
    (Use [QCDI Info] button to readout keys)
    Fixed clipboard issue on Vista.

    We would like for some users to add localisation in their own native language to the software, localisation is added to SAMs only at the moment but will be added to other modules in future.


    1. Only 1 contributer per language.
    2. You must know how to use the software and what each function does.
    3. The chosen language is your native language or you are fluent in the selected language, for example Chinese is not my native language and I would like someone to take over from me and finish/correct as required.

    Many thanks to all those who have supported us!!!
    ''Ngược gió đi không nản, Rừng thông tuyết phủ dày
    Ngoạ Long cương đâu nhỉ? Đầy trời hoa tuyết bay! ''

  2. ( maidung_mobile ) đã được 4 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    DONG DUONG MOBILE (21-03-2009), ThanhHai_GSM (29-03-2009), thanhvinhdtdd (30-03-2009), trung20055 (06-05-2009)

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