Now you see many new BlackBerry 8xx, 82xx, 9xx series models .
Unlock, Relock, Systed area data change, IMEI , BT, PIN repair .
Function avariable, with original bootloader , no risk destroyed ur phone.
Meteor 9000
K-Start 9100
GammaRay 8800
DeltaRay 8820
Saturn 8830
BabyBear 8300
PapaBear 8310
MamaBear 8320
Jupiter 8330
Positron 8100
Lancer 8110
Comet 8120
Europa 8130
Tach2+ 7780
Tach2+ 7730
Eltron2+ 7750
Quark Mono 7200
Quark Colour 7200
Photon 7290
CDMA Photon 7250
Baryon 7510
Baryon 7520
Baryon 7520
WLAN Photon 7270
Charm 7100
EDGE Charm 7130c
CDMA Charm 7130e
iDEN Charm 7100i
Electron 8700
UMTS Electron 8707
CDMA Electron 8730
Little theory:.
Knocking to BB internal memory possible only in defoult phones ,
phones with empty bootloader and no more.
when in phone one bootloader - you can make all what you want, read block,
write block, store data , fix settings and another things.
Because all boxes use similar methode for unlock , and another methode is not exist.
How to working with bb:.
1. Install oroginal BlackBerry driver.
2. Install MML to C:\MML fiolder.
3. Copy all files in arphive bb.rar to c:\MML\HHFiles\...
4. Connect phone to USB and Run MML (with set Automode)
5. MML loader erace firmware and sending enpty bootloader to phone with defoult settings,
after you can update firmware , or you can change phone data IMEI , Lock channen, Systed area, PIN , RF settings and more.
6. After fixed SP area and internal data settings you must run desctop software and make update BlackBerry firmware.
that all.
In soon add more.
B.R. TestBox2 team.