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    Thumbs up FREE unlock available DC-Unlocker software activation for Infinity-Box users!

    Dear Friends,

    We are glad to present DC-Unlocker software activation for Infinity-Box users.
    This activation is a result of a Infinity-Box Team and DC-Unlocker Team collaboration.

    What is DC-Unlocker:
    Unlock phone, modem or data card with DC-unlocker software

    What is Infinity-Box Online Service:
    Infinity-Box - Online Service

    Who can use this feature:
    - Main Infinity-Box users
    - Infinity-Box CDMA-Tool Dongle users
    - Infinity-Box [BEST] Dongle users

    Why I need this:
    - You will get an ability to unlock one modem or phone for FREE to test service before purchasing activation.
    - You will not need to buy additional dongle. Your Infinity-Box Box/Dongle will work same as DC-unlocker dongle after full or lite activation
    - You will save on shipping and other expenses that you have when purchase dongle.
    - You will be able to unlock ALL modems and phones supported by DC-Unlocker software
    - You will get FREE DC-Unlocker updates and support
    - You will save space on your work table because you will not need additional dongle

    How to test DC-Unlocker software with Infinity-Box Dongle for FREE:
    1. Download latest DC-Unlocker Client (use version 1.00.0879 or higher) download DC-unlocker software. Unlock supported phones and modems
    2. Connect Infinity-Box Box/Dongle to PC
    3. Run DC-Unlocker Client
    4. DC-Unlocker Client should detect your Infinity-Box Box/Dongle and connect to DC-Unlocker server
    5. Click "Check login" button
    6. You will get FREE 15 DC-Unlocker Credits for one data-card or phone unlock test

    How to check how many DC-Unlocker Credits I have:
    1. Download latest DC-Unlocker Client (use version 1.00.0879 or higher) download DC-unlocker software. Unlock supported phones and modems
    2. Connect Infinity-Box Box/Dongle to PC
    3. Run DC-Unlocker Client
    4. DC-Unlocker Client should detect your Infinity-Box Box/Dongle
    5. Open software "Server" tab
    6. Click "Check login" button and you will see your balance

    What is my login and password for DC-Unlocker software?
    - You do not need any Login or password for DC-Unlocker software. You will be Loged in automatically after starting DC-unlocker software with Infinity-Box/Dongle connected.

    After your free credits will be used you can make Full or Lite Dongle Activation via Infinity-Box Online Service:
    1. Lite DC-Unlocker Activation (preferred for future free operations):
    - Activation price: Infinity-Box - Price-list
    - Number of Credits at your DC-Unlocker account after activation: 0
    - Unlock operations price: Credits amount needed for operation with dongle account

    2. Full DC-Unlocker Activation (preferred for future operations via logs):
    - Activation price: Infinity-Box - Price-list
    - Number of Credits at your DC-Unlocker account after activation: 50
    - Unlock operations price: Credits amount needed for operation with dongle account

    What is difference between LITE and FULL DC-Unlocker Activation?
    - FULL DC-Unlocker Activation comes with 50 DC-Unlocker credits
    - LITE DC-Unlocker Activation comes without credits
    - All other features and functions are same.

    How to make Full or Lite Dongle Activation:
    - If you have Infinity-Credits on your Infinity-Box Online Service Account:
    1. Download latest DC-Unlocker Client (use version 1.00.0879 or higher) download DC-unlocker software. Unlock supported phones and modems
    2. Connect Infinity-Box Box/Dongle to PC
    3. Run DC-Unlocker Client
    4. Click to "Check login" in DC-Unlocker software
    5. Login to your Infinity-Box Online Service
    6. Go to "Products and Addons" menu
    7. Enter your Infinity-Box S/N near required product and click to "Buy" button
    8. DC-Unlocker will be activated on your Infinity-Box Dongle

    - If you do not have Infinity-Credits on your Infinity-Box Online Service Account:
    1. Download latest DC-Unlocker Client (use version 1.00.0879 or higher) download DC-unlocker software. Unlock supported phones and modems
    2. Connect Infinity-Box Box/Dongle to PC
    3. Run DC-Unlocker Client
    4. Click to "Check login" in DC-Unlocker software
    5. Contact to nearest reseller: Infinity-Box - How to buy
    6. Tell to your reseller your Infinity-Box S/N (Serial Number) and reseller will make rest job

    NOTE: We suggest you to use FREE Credits on your account BEFORE you pay for Activation !

    Where and how can I get support ?
    - Support for DC-Unlocker software is provided by DC-Unlocker only
    - For all questions related with DC-Unlocker after activation contact DC-unlocker support:
    - DC-Unlocker forum: DC Unlocker Forum - Powered by vBulletin
    - DC-Unlocker live support: contact DC-unlocker.com live support via Sonork, MSN, email

    Have a question about activation process ?
    Contact to dcu@infinity-box.com

    Have a question about sales or want to be a reseller for Activations ?
    Contact to sales@infinity-box.com or sales2@infinity-box.com

    Đã Active lên DC-Unlocker bằng Best Dongle Tool OK!

    Infinity-Box 8 (eight) years (2005 - 2012) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

    New features and Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service (based on Infinity-Credits)
    - World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
    - Infinity-Box Variants & Packages
    - Technical Support Forum
    - BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
    - CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
    - Language & Resource Editor for MT62xx based models
    - Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
    - Follow us on Twitter
    - Facebook
    Nếu cần liên hệ, xin vui lòng ... liên hệ theo thông tin ở dưới đây!
    • Repair Boot - Unlock giải mã - mở mạng - mở mã pass người dùng - sửa lỗi phần mềm, nạp tiếng Việt, chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ cho các dòng máy Mobile • CUNG CẤP & TƯ VẤN SỬ DỤNG THIẾT BỊ CHẠY PHẦN MỀM MOBILE CHUYÊN DỤNG • CUNG CẤP SẢN PHẨM DUNG DỊCH PHÁ KEO IC, BÃO HÒA TẢN NHIỆT IC, KEO DẪN ĐIỆN, THIẾC BỘT, CHÌ XẢ MỐI HÀN, DAO PHÁ KEO • KEO DÁN MÀN HÌNH CẢM ỨNG iPHONE, iPAD, LAPTOP, GIA CỐ CPU CÁC LOẠI ...
    ThanhHaMobile™ Service Center
    Số: 411 Tô Hiệu (ngay ngã tư An Dương, đối diện siêu thị HONDA Hương Giang) - Hải Phòng.

    ĐT: Gphone 0225.609.239 - 0983.717.628 - 0912.050.858.
    • Tài khoản Anypay Viettel số: 0987 250 552
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: DongAbank - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Đức Thanh
      Mã số TK: 0104365048 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: Agribank (NNPTNT) - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 2112205015281 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: VietCombank - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 0031001023873 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.

  2. ( ThanhHaMobile™ ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    QUỐC MẠNH (02-06-2012)

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