So what we have done this week ?

New Models:

New RIFF Software:
  • RIFF JTAG Manager v1.45
  • RIFF Box firmware v1.34
- ST-Ericsson NovaThor U8500 MCU support is added;
- Updates List is now displayed in alphabetic order ("Check Updates" button on the "Box Service" page);
- Small cosmetic change to CTRL+F find form: CTRL+V/CTRL+X operations on ID search field starts search immediately;
- Added "Override Embedded Reset Strategy" feature: is usefull in rare cases when there are some problems with target
coming out of reset, etc. The feature is accessible via "Advanced Settings" button on the "Box Service" page;
- Added "Apply NRST before connecting to target" (to setup click "Advanced Settings" button on the "Box Service" page);
This feature is handy for development purposes especially when working with Qualcomm MCUs - after erroneous H/W config
(most often is 0x45 error code) MSM locks down, to reconnect need to reset power. Enabling this feature simplifies this.

Firmware 1.34

- ST-Ericsson NovaThor U8500 MCU support is added

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