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Polar FIS+ - Firmware Update v0.3.0b0
We are proud of present our new firmware update for VAG vehicles with COLOR and WHITE dot.
As you know, FIS ADVANCED only supported (till today) RED dot, but we started support for rest of clusters.
This is the initial firmware ready for this kind of clusters, so lets start with it ...
Please, any report or issue not doubt to inform us in our official forum.
More updates and fixments will arrive, but we need all kind of reports from all our users.
I put list with functions that have this firmware (most of them are heredated from RED cluster firmware)
For info about parameters, ask in forum :-)
[+] TV-Free function to see video in motion
[+] Battery drain fix for vehicles equipped with RNS-510 and old gateways before index "K"
[+] Parktronic OPS emulation function (see Parktronic screen in RNS510 with Parktronic PDC ecu) (only available with Skoda vehicles)
[+] Confort blinkers configurables from 3 to 10 blinks
[+] Mirror lowering function (passenger mirror goes down to a configured position when engage reverse gear)
[+] Add BT Hands free compatibility with White dot Hands free units (Can works with all models of BT for white dot cars up to this date)
[+] Activation / deactivation of RNS-510 hidden menu
[+] Configurable chronometer, possible to switch as lap counter, or to measure acceleration between 2 desired speeds
[+] New function to see climatronic adjusts in RNS-510 screen (only available in Skoda vehicles)
[+] Configurable number of desktops from 1 to 10
[+] New menu design
[+] Basic functions availables with diagnostics cables:
1 - Adjust sensibility percentage of automatic wiper
2 - Adjust sensibility percentage of automatic lights
3 - Activation/Deactivation Daytime running lights
4 - Activation/Deactivation cornering lights
5 - Activation/Deactivation american lights
6 - Activation/Deactivation cornering lights
7 - Activation/Deactivation warning lights (with blinkers)
8 - Activation/Deactivation of second rear fog light
9 - Activation/Deactivation windows automatic rain closing
10 - Activation/Deactivation automatic closing at 20 Kmh
11 - Activation/Deactivation one touch closing
1 // Real Speed
2 // External temperature
3 // RPM Motor
4 // Battery voltage
5 // Petrol tank litres
6 // Calculated oil temperature
7 // Measured oil temperature
8 // Engine ambient temperature
9 // Admision temperature
10 // Cooler temperature
11 // Engine coolant output temperature
12 // Radiator coolant output temperature
13 // Oil temperature
14 // Requested boost pressure
15 // Measured boost pressure
16 // Atmospheric pressure
17 // Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (Intake manifold absolute pressure)
18 // Presión bomba combustible requerida
19 // Presión bomba combustible medida
20 // Presión en rail de combustible
21 // Presión pedal freno??
22 // Presión bomba freno??
23 // Calculated engine load
24 // Measured engine load
25 // Mass Air Flow
26 // Mass Air Flow
27 // Acelerator pedal position
28 // Acelerator pedal position
29 // Acelerator valve position
30 // Acelerator valve position
31 // Engine torque
32 // Engine power (CV)
33 // Level oil
34 // Minimun level oil
35 // Injection Timing
36 // Ignition Angle
37 // Misfire sum
38 // Misfire Cylinder 1
39 // Misfire Cylinder 2
40 // Misfire Cylinder 3
41 // Misfire Cylinder 4
42 // Misfire Cylinder 5
43 // Misfire Cylinder 6
44 // Misfire Cylinder 7
45 // Misfire Cylinder 8
46 // Misfire Cylinder 9
47 // Misfire Cylinder 10
48 // Misfire Cylinder 11
49 // Misfire Cylinder 12
50 // Misfire Cylinder 1
51 // Misfire Cylinder 2
52 // Misfire Cylinder 3
53 // Misfire Cylinder 4
54 // Misfire Cylinder 5
55 // Misfire Cylinder 6
56 // Misfire Cylinder 7
57 // Misfire Cylinder 8
58 // Misfire Cylinder 9
59 // Misfire Cylinder 10
60 // Misfire Cylinder 11
61 // Misfire Cylinder 12
62 // Angle Delay Cylinder 1
63 // Angle Delay Cylinder 2
64 // Angle Delay Cylinder 3
65 // Angle Delay Cylinder 4
66 // Angle Delay Cylinder 5
67 // Angle Delay Cylinder 6
68 // Angle Delay Cylinder 7
69 // Angle Delay Cylinder 8
70 // Angle Delay Cylinder 9
71 // Angle Delay Cylinder 10
72 // Angle Delay Cylinder 11
73 // Angle Delay Cylinder 12
74 // Escape temperature
75 // Escape temperature
76 // Catalyzer input temperature
79 // Fuel Trim Bank 1/3
80 // Fuel Trim Bank 2/4
81 // N75 Duty Cycle Specified
82 // N75 Duty Cycle Actual
83 // Injection Quantity
84 // Injection Start
85 // Injection Duration
86 // Injection Start Quantity
87 // Injection Quantity 1
88 // Injection Quantity 2
89 // Injection Quantity 3
90 // Injection Quantity 4
91 // Injection Quantity 5
92 // Injection Quantity 6
93 // Injection Quantity 7
94 // Injection Quantity 8
95 // Injection Quantity 9
96 // Injection Quantity 10
97 // Injection Quantity 11
98 // Injection Quantity 12
99 // EGR Duty Cycle, EGR 1
100 // EGR Duty Cycle, EGR 2
101 // Chargue Pressure Control Specified
102 // Chargue Pressure Control Actual
103 // Temperature prior bost
104 // DPF Temperature, DPF 1
105 // DPF Temperature, DPF 2
106 // DPF Oil Ash Volume, DPF 1
107 // DPF Oil Ash Volume, DPF 2
108 // DPF filling
109 // DPF regen counter
110 // DPF input temperature
111 // DPF output temperature
112 // Lateral G-Aceleration
For install this update, please use ActiveX from our official web Autopolar Official Web site (Update Zone)
Any enquire, sugerence or question, please not doubt in contact with our staff at Auto-Polar forum
Thanks in advance for all your attention,
with best regards,
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