GPG EMMC Tool 1.25 has Released: Desire 300/500 Samsung S7262 & much more <<July 17, 2014>>

What is News?

Added New Pinouts for ISP / Direct Read & Write to eMMC Ic
Samsung S7262 World's 1st
HTC Desire 200 World's 1st
HTC Desire 500 World's 1st
HTC T328D [BlueBoard] World's 1st
LG P930(BETA) World's 1st
Samsung T528D World's 1st

Added These New eMMC Ic Support:

H26M42001FMR World's 1st
H26M52002CKR World's 1st
H26M64002BNR World's 1st
H26M42001EFR World's 1st


Connectivity Issue Solved ( Some phones not connect with GPGeMMC but Connect fine with other tools is now solved )
Added Volts Checks to verify EMMC Have Hardware issue or Software
Read & Write Speed Improved by 30%
Added Hints if CLK or D0 or any line not Sold properly GPGeMMC software will show you tips it's in beta
Added Changeable VccQ. ( it's not VCC )
Added Support for NEW GPGEMMC Power Adapter

For More:

GPGeMMC 1.25 ISP: Desire 300/500 Samsung S7262 & much more. Connectivity Issue Solve