This is information about beta tests of our innovative solution UNLOCK BB5/BB5+ NOKIA phones. This update will be avalible in next week.
Please participate at our contest and win a Lavarow product with 2 days FREE express delivery by DHL to your country!
Fenix Key contest ! Win Lavarow's products written by Fenix-Supporter
How many F-Bus cables are needed to unlock most of nokia phones?
We need 3 and you?
No need spend money on Fbus cables, no need spend money on delivery costs. Every one know how heavy is a cable set.
Lavarow made the impossible possible, Fenix need just 3 cables, and the best thing is, every one got this cables because those cables most come with your Nokia phone. (mini usb, micro usb, dku2)
Please follow this link to discuss about this fantastic upcoming feature:
Discusion about UNLOCK BB5/BB5 via USB by Fenix Key written by Lavarow
- unlock most nokia BB5/BB5+ via USB cable only, not need Fbus cables, NO NEED ANY BOX !!!
- Flashing all BB5 phones
- Changing language pack
- Changing product code
- Dead USB flashing
- Reading phone info
- USB Reading and writing PM
- USB Reading and writing RPL
- USB Reading, writing and resetting user code
- Flash files download area access
- Fully updatable card reader
- SX4 Authorization via USB
- Works on Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
- Repairing camera DCC config
- Reading stored MMC passwords
- Extended Self Tests support
- "Do not check downgrade status" option (Flashing -> Advance)
- User Code Reading / Resetting is now in Locks And Security tab
- Reading and writing user code
- Resetting user code in both normal and local mode (this works also for phones that cannot be set into "Nokia PC Suite" mode due to security lock
- Easy Nokia N8 flashing & servicing using standard USB cable
About the security of the smart card used in this product:
Lawarov uses a gemalto card and a special own developed reader by Fenix Team. As long as the card is been used by the user with this reader, the card cannot be damaged by other destructive 3rd party software.
Fenix Key
Fenix key update history:
News & Update Fenix Key written by Lavarow
Fenix key reseller list:
Fenix Key Distributors & Resellers written by Lavarow
Fenix key official support forums:
Fenix Key - GSM24Forum
100 - 36euro/pcs
50+ - 40euro/pcs
20+ - 46euro/pcs
1 - 60euro/pcs