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  1. #1
    Moderator VuongKhoaMobile's Avatar
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    Mặc định iTools 2011 Beta for Iphone

    iTools 2011 Beta

    What's New:
    1. Supports devices: iPhone 1,3G,3GS,4,4S iPad 1,2 iPod touch 1,2,3,4
    2. Supports iOS versions: iOS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    3. Works with both Jailbreaked & unJailbreaked devices.
    4. Applications management.Supports install, uninstall, backup, update.
    5. Media Files management.
    a. Supports Music, Video, Ringtone, Podcast, iTunes U, TV Shows Audio books, Music Video & Voice memos
    b. Imports & exports media files from computer to devices
    c. Transforms mp3 into m4r when drop mp3 files into Ringtone.
    d. Transfroms video files into mp4 when drop into Video
    e. Searchs lyrics & covers from internet.(iOS 5 not support yet)
    f. Plays mp3 files on the device
    6. iBooks Supports: Imports and exports PDFs/Epubs.
    7. Photos and Ablums management : Imports and exports.
    8. Manages docking & desktop by mouse.
    a. Smart classify supports automatic classify icons into folders named by system category.
    b. Docking & desktop Folders and positions backup and restore.
    9. Filesystem managmenets
    a. plist file editor
    b. Favorite
    c. Cydia & installous
    d. Storage
    10. Personal Information Managments(Contacts, Message, Notes, Safari bookmarks, Callhistory)
    a. Imports & exports into csv/outlook
    b. Personal inforbackup & restore.
    11. System Tools:
    a. SSH Tunnel
    b. Clean up
    c. System logs

    Download Here

    iTools 2011 Beta

  2. ( VuongKhoaMobile ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    TÚ CÒI (20-12-2011)

  3. #2
    Moderator TÚ CÒI's Avatar
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    Thank Mod chia sẻ
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  4. #3
    Super Moderator minhchienmobi's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    để sử dụng iTools 2011 Beta for Iphone anh em lưu ý phải cài itunes trước

    Address: Cty TNHH Thiết bị kỹ thuật cao cấp Việt Á
    Số 16 Tòa nhà CT8b Khu Đô Thị Đại Thanh - Thanh Trì - Hà Nội
    Email : thietbikythatcaocap@gmail.com
    Hotline : Mr.Chiến - 0906070106 - 0975895089

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