[Update-2] TinyUmbrella 6.10.2a releases with support of 6.0.2 & 6.0.1 ,Save U'r SHSH
6.0.2 and 6.1 support for all relevant devices has been added. Sorry for the delay. I'm still working on the rewrite that will include auto updating and much cleaner code. I'll post more details as I get closer to completion. I have a feeling I'll be making at least some of the modules open source on either github or bitbucket.
UPDATE: SORRY! I forgot to update a couple important manifests. All should be ok now. Please keep the feedback coming
UPDATE 2: Ok. This time I fired the QA Team. Apparently my version detection was borked. My fault! I released way to hastily. I should have planned better. Thank you all for your patience!