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    Technical hungphongmobile™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định >> SL2 Credits and rulles

    Dear Users,

    The pricing of the BB5 SL_2 RAP3G activation, and RAPIDO unlock will change from today. The one time activation will cost 300 credits, and the unlock will be 40 credits per phone. We are doing this, because we don't want to kill the market.

    The Supported phone types are in the
    SL2 STICKY topic.

    So from today if you try to unlock an unsupported phone, and fail, credits won't be refunded.

    Br.: UB Team
    Last edited by hungphongmobile™; 20-03-2009 at 19:38.

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  2. #2
    Vi phạm nội quy ijkl903's Avatar
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