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  1. #11
    Thành viên tích cực tiepmobile's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    cái ji đây bạn
    HUYỀNNGÂN MOBILE:249 trần thành ngọ- kiến an- hải phòng
    yahoo:huyennganmobile sdt:0989666966

  2. #12
    Thành viên mới lyjg0505's Avatar
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    Exclamation 高品质的的电话录音产品

  3. #13
    Vi phạm nội quy cdef234's Avatar
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    Mặc định Summon Guard

    When Eliza is called from her grave she uses her Summon Guards spell, they do not have a lot of health and not very dangerous by themselves in wow gold, however, combined with her abilities she can be very dangerous for someone to handle alone. She can re-summon the guards if slain so the best strategy is to get rid of her then eliminate her world of warcraft gold guards. A random number from 1 to 5 can be summoned and she can continue to summon more as the fight progresses.If you can, try to always start a fight with a wow gold charge. If your not the puller then let the puller pull a target while you back away from the group a bit. When the enemy starts running for the puller wait until it is two or three feet from the puller then charge.

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