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  1. #91
    V.I.P Lính Khang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jul 2012
    Bài viết
    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 6,265 Times in 1,717 Posts

    Mặc định VolcanoBox V1.6.6 Judgement Day Update - THEY WON'T BE BACK - The Grand Update!

    Today i am very happy to Announce Grand Update
    Grand Kick to Others who think they are giving shock to other

    This update have lot of things.... really Lot of things and sure who don't have Volcanobox Yet they will buy As soon As possible !

    let me start !!

    Volcano Box New Module for MTK SP Unlock & Imei repair !!

    We are happy to announce a Brand new module for MTK mobiles. At the moment it have lot of Exciting Features like Sp unlock of almost All MTK phones which have Unlocking data in its NVM even you can unlock phones which is not in list and it have Sp lock data in its NVM. Also you can repair imei of most MTK phones with AT mode. This is rewrite Whole new Module just for Unlocking & Repair imei !!
    Let me introduce you whole new Module:

    Go to MTK TAB then find MTK New Platform V1.01 and open it.

    It will look like this

    This module have to ability to work in Two type of MTK phones.

    • 1st General Type phones.
    • 2nd RSA Protection type phones.
    Here is Supported List models.. Keep in mind we can unlock almost all MTK phones which have Service Provider locked data in their NVM whatever phone is in list or NOT. You can do it !!

    This list is from MTK GENERIC Type phones !!

    1. ------------Accord------------
    2. A19
    3. ------------Afone------------
    4. H880
    5. ------------Agtel------------
    6. 005
    7. ------------Aino------------
    8. F69F89
    9. ------------Aio------------
    10. N97
    11. ------------AirFone------------
    12. AF111
    13. ------------Airphone------------
    14. No1No4
    15. ------------Airtel------------
    16. L900
    17. ------------Ajanta------------
    18. A3000
    19. A4200
    20. A5000
    21. A52
    22. ------------Alfatel------------
    23. C200
    24. c500
    25. C500
    26. H1
    27. H1A
    28. H2
    29. H3
    30. H300
    31. H4
    32. H5
    33. H5A
    34. H9
    35. ------------Allview------------
    36. S1S2
    37. ------------Anoking------------
    38. M9
    39. ------------Anycall------------
    40. Cect-168
    41. D900
    42. F488E
    43. i660
    44. i908+
    45. L708
    46. S628
    47. ------------Anycoll------------
    48. A508
    49. i908e
    50. L588
    51. QS850
    52. ------------Anycool-----------
    53. D66
    54. D66+
    55. D66++
    56. E307
    57. E553
    58. E553
    59. E556
    60. E802
    61. E880
    62. E880
    63. CE880
    64. LE883
    65. E888
    66. F818
    67. T808
    68. T818
    69. ------------Anylink------------
    70. 6500
    71. N99i
    72. ------------Anyoall------------
    73. sgh-908i
    74. ------------Aobang------------
    75. A880
    76. ------------Aote------------
    77. M660
    78. ------------Appo------------
    79. A300
    80. ------------Aroma------------
    81. D333
    82. ------------Asus------------
    83. V75
    84. ------------Atan------------
    85. M760
    86. ------------AT-Telecom------------
    87. Hi-Messenger
    88. ------------Aura------------
    89. s902
    90. S908
    91. ------------Auro------------
    92. 6321
    93. ------------Austar------------
    94. F455+
    95. ------------Avio------------
    96. A101
    97. A102
    98. A201
    99. A203
    100. A204
    101. A205
    102. A301
    103. A403
    104. A6103
    105. ------------Avvio------------
    106. Avvio SN50
    107. ------------Awang------------
    108. A828
    109. ------------Awang------------
    110. A828
    111. ------------A-zed------------
    112. z62
    113. ------------Baizhao------------
    114. S8958
    115. S8978
    116. TV488
    117. ------------Baoxing------------
    118. K700
    119. K900
    120. N1000
    121. ------------Barbie------------
    122. P520
    123. ------------Basicom------------
    124. V9
    125. ------------BBC------------
    126. i508
    127. ------------BBK------------
    128. i2288
    129. K202
    130. K300
    131. S201
    132. S202
    133. ------------Beetel------------
    134. EC003
    135. ev530
    136. ------------BenQ------------
    137. A53
    138. C30
    139. C36
    140. ------------Bess------------
    141. SP500
    142. VZ210
    143. VZ219
    144. ------------Bestel------------
    145. D5000+
    146. D600
    147. D6000
    148. D7000+
    149. E71TV
    150. ------------Bestking------------
    151. A2688
    152. ------------Bestone------------
    153. KA08+
    154. ------------Betels------------
    155. 6000+
    156. ------------Beyond------------
    157. B333
    158. B38
    159. B505
    160. B530
    161. B818
    162. B83
    163. BY125
    164. C3
    165. ------------Bilwani------------
    166. B2
    167. B3
    168. B9
    169. ------------BlackCherry------------
    170. i2288
    171. i508
    172. P520
    173. V9
    174. ------------Blacklable------------
    175. VVV363
    176. ------------Bleu------------
    177. 255x
    178. 354x
    179. 355x
    180. 453x
    181. 454x
    182. 456x
    183. 466x
    184. 471x
    185. 476x
    186. 551x
    187. 555x
    188. 670x
    189. ------------Bliss------------
    190. D108
    191. D208
    192. V98
    193. ------------Blu------------
    194. Click T300
    195. Q200
    196. Q200e
    197. ------------BMobile------------
    198. C628
    199. K298
    200. TV9
    201. X131
    202. ------------BMW------------
    203. 760i
    204. X6
    205. ------------Bonmi------------
    206. 222
    207. f430+
    208. ------------Boostwer------------
    209. E66
    210. ------------Bossh------------
    211. B70
    212. D96
    213. MD112
    214. ------------Bost-Mobile------------
    215. D615
    216. ------------Bugatti------------
    217. HOOD
    218. 164
    219. ------------Buss------------
    220. G618
    221. ------------Byond------------
    222. By-400
    223. BY-888
    224. BY-999
    225. ------------Bytone------------
    226. T3
    227. ------------Capitel------------
    228. P600
    229. ------------Carbon------------
    230. Art
    231. ------------Cartier------------
    232. V8
    233. ------------Cavio------------
    234. ZT-618
    235. ZTF1
    236. ------------CayenneS------------
    237. Z9
    238. ------------CCK------------
    239. E7
    240. ------------Cect------------
    241. 003
    242. 1088
    243. 199
    244. 5800D
    245. 599
    246. 605
    247. 6300L
    248. 808
    249. 888
    250. A008
    251. A100
    252. A1818
    253. A519
    254. A6668
    255. A706
    256. C2000
    257. DC3000
    258. C3600s
    259. C5188
    260. C600
    261. C800
    262. C828
    263. C8600
    264. C92+
    265. E900
    266. F1200
    267. F22i
    268. F22
    269. 658I
    270. 658
    271. IP200
    272. K2
    273. K369
    274. k770
    275. K808
    276. K808+
    277. K828
    278. K838L
    279. V918
    280. M619
    281. M8
    282. M8600
    283. N6298
    284. N6298
    285. N73
    286. N788
    287. N81+
    288. N82
    289. P168
    290. P3711
    291. P3711i
    292. P8400
    293. Q380
    294. Q500
    295. Q500BT
    296. Q558
    297. Q618
    298. Q618
    299. Q638
    300. Q8
    301. Q86
    302. S588
    303. S613
    304. S800
    305. S90
    306. S901
    307. T1
    308. T118
    309. T520
    310. T520
    311. T590
    312. T601
    313. T689
    314. T808
    315. T918
    316. T999
    317. U880
    318. U8810
    319. U90
    320. V180
    321. V200
    322. V329
    323. V400
    324. V6688
    325. V668B
    326. V70
    327. V768
    328. V777
    329. V90
    330. V909
    331. V909
    332. V909
    333. V98
    334. V98
    335. Y200
    336. Y809
    337. ------------CellOne------------
    338. CX900
    339. ------------Century------------
    340. Piooner-B889+
    341. ------------Cert------------
    342. V400
    343. ------------Cesim------------
    344. V130
    345. V30
    346. ------------Cesim------------
    347. V130
    348. V30
    349. ------------Changhong------------
    350. A330
    351. K218
    352. L138
    353. M838
    354. ------------Changjiang------------
    355. A968
    356. N8+
    357. ------------Changxing------------
    358. A868
    359. ------------Cherry------------
    360. YC8
    361. ------------CherryMobile------------
    362. Q4Duo
    363. ------------Cherry-Mobile------------
    364. D15
    365. D20
    366. Q61
    367. ------------ChinaStar------------
    368. C507
    369. ------------CKing------------
    370. K339
    371. ------------Club------------
    372. C900
    373. ------------cNokia------------
    374. E71TV
    375. TVE71
    376. ------------Coby------------
    377. MP777
    378. ------------Cool------------
    379. ATL-V8
    380. ------------Coral------------
    381. 255
    382. 280
    383. 450
    384. 550
    385. 620
    386. 640
    387. 655
    388. 680
    389. C460P
    390. ------------Corby------------
    391. L6W
    392. 6233
    393. ------------Cosun------------
    394. 289
    395. 638
    396. 8988
    397. 9958
    398. ------------Crew------------
    399. 202
    400. ------------C-Right------------
    401. C10
    402. L2000
    403. ------------Cross------------
    404. CB97
    405. ------------Crtel------------
    406. C200
    407. C800i
    408. C9900
    409. D28
    410. D90
    411. DS110
    412. i200
    413. m31
    414. T928
    415. ------------CSL------------
    416. C9900
    417. DS110
    418. i200
    419. ------------cvfd------------
    420. m31
    421. ------------CXTel------------
    422. D90
    423. ------------Cyfon------------
    424. C800i
    425. ------------Cynix------------
    426. D28
    427. ------------Dapeng------------
    428. T2000
    429. T3000
    430. T5000
    431. T928
    432. ------------Daxian------------
    433. 529
    434. 619
    435. 669
    436. 780
    437. 8100
    438. C800
    439. C8100
    440. E689
    441. J168
    442. J6
    443. JT398
    444. K888
    445. KT1
    446. N55
    447. N800
    448. P168
    449. T108
    450. X3000
    451. X3000
    452. X728
    453. X9188
    454. X960
    455. X960
    456. X999
    457. ------------DBest------------
    458. Royal-VT888
    459. ------------Deco------------
    460. F1
    461. ------------Delta------------
    462. X200
    463. ------------Desay------------
    464. K618
    465. L608
    466. M535
    467. ------------Dezzo------------
    468. D800
    469. ------------Diamond------------
    470. A1000
    471. B711
    472. ------------Diga-Mobile------------
    473. D122
    474. G123
    475. G126
    476. -----------Digiphone------------
    477. 9800TV
    478. ------------Dirland------------
    479. M881
    480. R100
    481. ------------Disney------------
    482. 520+
    483. ------------DMND------------
    484. W720i
    485. ------------D-One------------
    486. DG518
    487. DG568
    488. DG817
    489. G628
    490. ------------Donod------------
    491. D505
    492. D5130
    493. D5130
    494. D805
    495. D805
    496. D806
    497. N95i
    498. ------------Doov------------
    499. YH923
    500. ------------Dopod------------
    501. A6188
    502. E61+
    503. M500TV
    504. S560
    505. ------------Dopodo------------
    506. E61+
    507. ------------Dorado------------
    508. A006
    509. C5000
    510. D380
    511. D890
    512. T33i
    513. TV15
    514. ------------Doro------------
    515. 338GSM
    516. HandleEasy-328gsm
    517. HandleEasy-345gsm
    518. HandleEasy-409s
    519. HandleEasy-410s
    520. ------------Dotcom------------
    521. MB-2300TV
    522. ------------DRV_Mobiles------------
    523. R52
    524. ------------Dubao------------
    525. 758
    526. 768
    527. 777
    528. 738
    529. ------------DV-Phone------------
    530. V93i
    531. ------------Eagle------------
    532. E52
    533. ------------Egitel------------
    534. V6
    535. ------------Egltel------------
    536. V7
    537. ------------Eiroga------------
    538. E666
    539. ------------Ektel------------
    540. C1-TV
    541. ------------Elenberg------------
    542. MT520
    543. ------------Elgin------------
    544. EL-MP730
    545. ------------Elitek------------
    546. FN8618
    547. ------------Elitex------------
    548. 8888
    549. ------------Enimac------------
    550. MQ8200
    551. ------------Enmac------------
    552. MQ3300
    553. ------------Epoda------------
    554. EP2502
    555. ------------Etisalat------------
    556. 211FM
    557. -----------E-Top------------
    558. S30
    559. ------------ETouch------------
    560. 232Pro
    561. 303Pro
    562. 515Pro
    563. 616Pro
    564. 636Pro
    565. CG1
    566. D108
    567. D11
    568. D12
    569. D120
    570. D160
    571. D18
    572. D200
    573. D21
    574. D220
    575. D23
    576. D30
    577. D300
    578. D33
    579. D35
    580. D38
    581. D6
    582. D60
    583. DS100
    584. F50
    585. J100
    586. J165
    587. J168
    588. MD82
    589. X88i
    590. XL10
    591. XL25
    592. XL53
    593. ------------Everfo------------
    594. 2456
    595. 2461
    596. 2601
    597. 2602
    598. 3008
    599. E2211+
    600. E7110
    601. E711DTV
    602. E713D
    603. E730
    604. ------------Evertek------------
    605. E300
    606. X90
    607. ------------Evolve------------
    608. GX607
    609. ------------Eyo------------
    610. E71
    611. E71s
    612. ------------Fashion------------
    613. A5688
    614. F023
    615. F025
    616. T508
    617. T588
    618. ------------Ferrari------------
    619. 267v
    620. Ascent
    621. F1
    622. F100
    623. F108
    624. F9
    625. RHV3
    626. ------------FixedPhone------------
    627. FC8050
    628. ------------FixMobile------------
    629. A969
    630. ------------Flying------------
    631. F007
    632. F035
    633. F69
    634. F800
    635. F900
    636. F916
    637. F936
    638. F996
    639. ------------Flynet------------
    640. F001
    641. ------------Fly-Ying------------
    642. E71
    643. E71i
    644. F003
    645. F006
    646. F007
    647. F008
    648. F021
    649. F026
    650. F030
    651. F036
    652. F080
    653. F200
    654. F636
    655. F698
    656. F99
    657. ------------FMobile------------
    658. B290
    659. ------------Fome------------
    660. N7
    661. ------------Forby------------
    662. G899
    663. ------------Forme------------
    664. 6303
    665. D386
    666. D5
    667. E71
    668. F8
    669. F8+
    670. F808
    671. F9
    672. L300
    673. M6
    674. M800
    675. N26
    676. N78
    677. N82
    678. U969
    679. ------------Fory------------
    680. F288
    681. ------------Foston------------
    682. 968B
    683. FS-829
    684. FS-836B
    685. FS-862
    686. FS-868B
    687. FS-868B
    688. FS-889
    689. FS-968
    690. FS-968A
    691. FS-968B
    692. ------------Frost------------
    693. 701
    694. F27
    695. M23
    696. ------------Fujistar------------
    697. FJ-71
    698. ------------Funker------------
    699. F803DS
    700. ------------Funny Mobile------------
    701. A8
    702. V20
    703. ------------G+G------------
    704. i908
    705. ------------Galaxy------------
    706. T81
    707. ------------Gaoxinqi------------
    708. GXQ-F896
    709. GXQ-H69
    710. N82
    711. TL528
    712. ------------GeneralMobile------------
    713. DST01
    714. DST11
    715. DST12
    716. DST13
    717. G333
    718. ------------Genx------------
    719. T-Z8
    720. ------------Getek------------
    721. TK806
    722. ------------GFive------------
    723. 6620
    724. 7610
    725. D902
    726. E71
    727. L700
    728. M73
    729. N79
    730. N79i
    731. T33+
    732. T580
    733. U800
    734. U808
    735. X9
    736. ------------G-Five------------
    737. 3120
    738. 3510
    739. 6620
    740. 736
    741. 7610
    742. 7630
    743. 800
    744. C2160
    745. C6233
    746. D11
    747. D60
    748. D68
    749. D70
    750. D90
    751. D90
    752. D902
    753. D99
    754. E71y
    755. e82i
    756. F2
    757. F3
    758. F7
    759. F8
    760. G3000
    761. G3000
    762. G365
    763. G370
    764. GF18
    765. GF73
    766. GF73
    767. GF73
    768. H600
    769. H91
    770. i300
    771. i310
    772. L300
    773. L700
    774. M1
    775. M33
    776. M33
    777. M5130
    778. M6
    779. M7
    780. M73
    781. M77
    782. M99
    783. M99
    784. N79
    785. N79i
    786. N90
    787. Q33S9
    788. T320i
    789. T33
    790. T33+
    791. T580
    792. T580
    793. T580
    794. U303
    795. U505
    796. U505
    797. U717
    798. U800
    799. U808
    800. U828
    801. U855
    802. U879
    803. U899
    804. U909
    805. U939
    806. U969
    807. X9
    808. ------------G-Fone------------
    809. 301
    810. 311
    811. 411
    812. 422
    813. ------------Gibox------------
    814. MK396
    815. ------------Gild------------
    816. 6700
    817. FXD3600
    818. H1
    819. N9
    820. S648
    821. S76
    822. S93
    823. X5
    824. ------------Gionee------------
    825. A10-TV
    826. E99
    827. I9
    828. L7
    829. MediaMobile
    830. V890
    831. ------------Gjiang------------
    832. W007
    833. ------------Glid------------
    834. 6700
    835. ------------Globul------------
    836. TA2322n
    837. ------------GLX------------
    838. 2690
    839. ------------GMobile------------
    840. T68
    841. ------------G-Mobile------------
    842. N82
    843. ------------Gnet------------
    844. G8600
    845. ------------Goldmobil------------
    846. J88
    847. ------------G-phone------------
    848. 5700
    849. ------------GPS-Mobile------------
    850. K3288
    851. ------------Gradiente------------
    852. GF500
    853. GF950
    854. ------------GreenPower------------
    855. H48
    856. ------------G-Right------------
    857. 6700
    858. 6700i
    859. 6800
    860. C200
    861. E52
    862. G2
    863. L200
    864. L300
    865. L400
    866. L600
    867. U808
    868. U999
    869. V400
    870. X400
    871. ------------G-Shine------------
    872. L800
    873. ------------GSmax------------
    874. GS868
    875. ------------G-Star------------
    876. 388
    877. 899
    878. Q82
    879. Q83
    880. Q89
    881. ------------G-Tide------------
    882. W510
    883. ------------GT-Mobile------------
    884. V490
    885. ------------*****------------
    886. G600
    887. G600
    888. G629
    889. G668
    890. G888
    891. ------------G-Von------------
    892. 620
    893. ---------------Hagenuk------------
    894. 505
    895. M628
    896. ------------Haier------------
    897. G111
    898. HG-A8
    899. HG-V70
    900. M300
    901. M306
    902. M307
    903. M500
    904. S210
    905. Z701
    906. SZ702
    907. ------------Hang-Jiang------------
    908. A968
    909. N97
    910. ------------Hantel------------
    911. A800
    912. bl699
    913. D801
    914. H5
    915. ht6088
    916. HT6600
    917. m2210
    918. M2210
    919. M678
    920. T6800
    921. TV-488
    922. Y500
    923. ------------Heady------------
    924. H787
    925. ------------Hic------------
    926. S900
    927. ------------Hidden-Dragon------------
    928. N68
    929. ------------Hightech------------
    930. HT100
    931. ------------Hightel------------
    932. H869
    933. ------------Higtel------------
    934. H869
    935. ------------HiPhone------------
    936. T900
    937. TV003
    938. V188
    939. ------------Hisong------------
    940. M920
    941. ------------Hitech------------
    942. H38
    943. H382
    944. H39
    945. H55
    946. H61
    947. H61
    948. M21
    949. ------------Hitune------------
    950. A4
    951. ------------Hitz------------
    952. 2211
    953. ------------HKM------------
    954. N6370
    955. ------------Holyday------------
    956. D600
    957. ------------HTC------------
    958. 6262
    959. A288
    960. G1-TV90
    961. Hero-G3
    962. S900
    963. ------------HT-Mobile------------
    964. A30
    965. G10
    966. G11
    967. G20
    968. G30
    969. ------------HTTEL------------
    970. A800
    971. ------------Hualu------------
    972. 6206
    973. S600
    974. YX9
    975. YX9225
    976. ------------Huante------------
    977. S18
    978. T600
    979. TV-E71
    980. ------------HUAWEI------------
    981. HUAWEI G3610
    982. HUAWEI G6600
    983. HUAWEI G6603
    984. HUAWEI G6605
    985. HUAWEI G7002
    986. ------------Huaxiang------------
    987. N800
    988. ------------Huayu------------
    989. A3
    990. CM336
    991. G688
    992. K878
    993. K888
    994. L888
    995. M678
    996. M818
    997. ------------HX-Mobile------------
    998. H1120
    999. -----------Hyundai------------
    1000. HTV1000
    1001. MB-115
    1002. MB-121
    1003. MB-D125
    1004. MP880
    1005. W100
    1006. ------------Ianus------------
    1007. 999
    1008. ------------Icell------------
    1009. i5130
    1010. -----------I-CELL------------
    1011. T33+
    1012. ----------Idealphone------------
    1013. i869
    1014. ------------Ifoe------------
    1015. P168
    1016. P168+
    1017. P168C
    1018. ------------IMax------------
    1019. C82
    1020. ------------Imo------------
    1021. 168
    1022. i178
    1023. L818
    1024. T738
    1025. ------------Imobile------------
    1026. 2211
    1027. 222
    1028. 318
    1029. 320
    1030. 360
    1031. 510
    1032. 511
    1033. 516
    1034. 520
    1035. 523
    1036. 530
    1037. 610
    1038. 630
    1039. CE0889
    1040. IE3210
    1041. ------------iMODO------------
    1042. Y58
    1043. ------------Innovo------------
    1044. i8510
    1045. ------------Intex------------
    1046. IN1212
    1047. IN1224
    1048. IN2010
    1049. IN2020E
    1050. IN2020QT
    1051. IN2022
    1052. IN2030
    1053. IN2030D
    1054. IN2030DX
    1055. IN2040E
    1056. IN2040N
    1057. IN2044
    1058. IN2080
    1059. IN2080E
    1060. IN2222
    1061. IN2233
    1062. IN2244
    1063. IN2266
    1064. IN3030
    1065. IN3055
    1066. IN3060
    1067. IN3070
    1068. IN3080
    1069. IN3333
    1070. IN4040
    1071. IN4060
    1072. IN4415
    1073. IN4420
    1074. IN4420S
    1075. IN4455
    1076. IN4460
    1077. IN4466
    1078. IN4477
    1079. IN4488
    1080. IN4495
    1081. IN5030
    1082. IN5040
    1083. IN5050
    1084. IN5544
    1085. IN5555
    1086. IN6611
    1087. IN6633
    1088. iSmart
    1089. ------------Iosound------------
    1090. i960
    1091. is102
    1092. ------------Io-Sound------------
    1093. 301
    1094. i81
    1095. i90
    1096. ------------ITel------------
    1097. IT600
    1098. IT700
    1099. ------------Jalor------------
    1100. A8
    1101. ------------JBJ------------
    1102. N99
    1103. ------------Jeep------------
    1104. W900
    1105. ------------JFone------------
    1106. j87
    1107. ------------Jgtel------------
    1108. 003i
    1109. ------------JiaXing------------
    1110. N95
    1111. ------------Jincen------------
    1112. 528
    1113. 666
    1114. JC35
    1115. JC6700
    1116. JC9700
    1117. ------------Jing-Ling------------
    1118. E81TV
    1119. -----------Jin-Ke------------
    1120. E100
    1121. ------------JinPeng------------
    1122. 007FM
    1123. 488
    1124. 5108
    1125. 5199
    1126. 5199
    1127. 5588
    1128. 768
    1129. 8283
    1130. A1280
    1131. A2198
    1132. A5120
    1133. A5616
    1134. A5658
    1135. A5688
    1136. A666
    1137. a799
    1138. A928
    1139. C3000
    1140. E55
    1141. E6180
    1142. E88
    1143. F8
    1144. H788
    1145. i908
    1146. JP1688
    1147. K330
    1148. K730
    1149. K989
    1150. L808
    1151. M8
    1152. M868
    1153. M99
    1154. S109
    1155. S1318
    1156. S1888
    1157. S2128
    1158. S868
    1159. V70
    1160. V70FM
    1161. W169
    1162. W880
    1163. ------------Jinteyu------------
    1164. V678
    1165. ------------J-Kai------------
    1166. TV96K
    1167. ------------J-Max------------
    1168. J95
    1169. ------------J-Max------------
    1170. J95
    1171. ------------Jugate------------
    1172. ZJ880
    1173. ZJR655
    1174. ZJS638
    1175. ------------Just5------------
    1176. CP10
    1177. ------------Karamfone------------
    1178. S4
    1179. X5
    1180. ------------Karbonn------------
    1181. K10
    1182. K118
    1183. K217
    1184. K25
    1185. K300
    1186. K331
    1187. K334
    1188. K343
    1189. K350
    1190. K406
    1191. K443
    1192. K444
    1193. K444i
    1194. K445
    1195. K446
    1196. K450
    1197. K451
    1198. K460
    1199. K478
    1200. K496
    1201. K541
    1202. K550
    1203. K560
    1204. K570
    1205. K661
    1206. KC411
    1207. ------------Kenuo------------
    1208. D9
    1209. KN-76D
    1210. N750
    1211. ------------Kenxindad------------
    1212. 300
    1213. ------------Kiech------------
    1214. N8899
    1215. ------------Kifung------------
    1216. S108
    1217. ------------Kimcell------------
    1218. N88
    1219. ------------Kingdom------------
    1220. K2
    1221. ------------KingK------------
    1222. 800
    1223. ------------King-One------------
    1224. K608
    1225. ------------Kingpo------------
    1226. E320
    1227. ------------Kingsun------------
    1228. V902
    1229. ------------Kinloong------------
    1230. K288+
    1231. ------------Kisen------------
    1232. P83
    1233. ------------Konka------------
    1234. A76
    1235. A76FM
    1236. C623
    1237. D225
    1238. D620
    1239. D770
    1240. E303
    1241. G208
    1242. ------------Kotka-----------
    1243. E90
    1244. ------------KPN------------
    1245. One
    1246. ------------KTech------------
    1247. 8388
    1248. ------------K-Touch-----------
    1249. A5118
    1250. A615
    1251. A635
    1252. A905
    1253. A933
    1254. B830
    1255. b920
    1256. B922
    1257. D170
    1258. D700
    1259. D780
    1260. H777
    1261. H999
    1262. S515
    1263. V760
    1264. V908
    1265. V918
    1266. ------------KuXing------------
    1267. K1000
    1268. ------------Kyocera------------
    1269. C2500
    1270. E2500
    1271. E3500
    1272. S1600
    1273. ------------Kyoto------------
    1274. T737E
    1275. ------------KZG------------
    1276. N200
    1277. ------------Laise------------
    1278. N99
    1279. ------------Lanboxiny------------
    1280. F8
    1281. ------------Lanix------------
    1282. LX11
    1283. X10
    1284. ------------Lanye------------
    1285. N70
    1286. ------------Lava------------
    1287. A10
    1288. A9
    1289. ARC02
    1290. KKT22
    1291. KKT24
    1292. KKT25
    1293. KKT30
    1294. KKT34
    1295. M23
    1296. ------------Lawow------------
    1297. A200
    1298. S10
    1299. S20
    1300. S50
    1301. ------------Lcphone------------
    1302. LC888
    1303. ------------Leady------------
    1304. MM10
    1305. MM95
    1306. X105
    1307. X501
    1308. ------------Leiniao------------
    1309. N800
    1310. ------------Lemon------------
    1311. 212
    1312. 216
    1313. E590
    1314. IQ303
    1315. ------------Lenovo------------
    1316. 688
    1317. A330
    1318. A350
    1319. A539
    1320. E520
    1321. i510
    1322. i60
    1323. i706
    1324. P50
    1325. P612
    1326. P618
    1327. P650
    1328. S533
    1329. S62
    1330. Shark32
    1331. ------------Lephone------------
    1332. A12
    1333. ------------Lian-Sheng------------
    1334. L995
    1335. ------------Life------------
    1336. DST01
    1337. ------------Lipiec------------
    1338. T800
    1339. ------------Longtel------------
    1340. E3
    1341. S800
    1342. S88
    1343. ------------LongXing------------
    1344. M3
    1345. ------------Lontin------------
    1346. 8820
    1347. E69
    1348. ------------Louis-Yuitton------------
    1349. T658
    1350. ------------Louis-Yuitton------------
    1351. T658
    1352. ------------LX-Mobile------------
    1353. TV
    1354. ------------Magicon------------
    1355. MG3250
    1356. MG901
    1357. ------------Magicon-Harmony------------
    1358. MG901
    1359. -----------Malata------------
    1360. MT118
    1361. MT256
    1362. MZ280
    1363. T256
    1364. ------------Matrix------------
    1365. M1
    1366. M2
    1367. M20
    1368. M3
    1369. N82m
    1370. ------------Maximus------------
    1371. EX75
    1372. T44
    1373. ------------Maxtel------------
    1374. K48
    1375. ------------Maxtron------------
    1376. MG175
    1377. MG182
    1378. MG278
    1379. ------------Maxx------------
    1380. GC1000
    1381. MQ340
    1382. MQ430
    1383. MX118
    1384. MX122
    1385. MX124
    1386. MX235
    1387. MX292
    1388. MX304
    1389. MX316
    1390. MX322
    1391. MX333
    1392. MX335
    1393. MX404
    1394. MX425
    1395. MX435
    1396. MX463
    1397. MX470
    1398. MX480
    1399. MX488
    1400. MX533
    1401. MX534
    1402. MX713
    1403. MX745
    1404. ------------M****a------------
    1405. A18
    1406. ------------Megafon------------
    1407. CP10T
    1408. DM15
    1409. ------------Megatec-----------
    1410. Luxe
    1411. -----------Megatek------------
    1412. M100
    1413. ------------Meidea------------
    1414. E65
    1415. E66
    1416. Y100
    1417. Y1000
    1418. Y300
    1419. Y400
    1420. Y500
    1421. ------------Melbon------------
    1422. M2
    1423. MB-606m
    1424. ----------Message-phone------------
    1425. QS150
    1426. ------------Metfone------------
    1427. Closer
    1428. ------------Metfone------------
    1429. Closer
    1430. ------------Metom------------
    1431. M20
    1432. M20IV
    1433. M20TV
    1434. M28
    1435. M29
    1436. M39
    1437. MT309
    1438. N11
    1439. N81
    1440. N82
    1441. T300
    1442. ------------Mex------------
    1443. MX14
    1444. BSN95
    1445. N95
    1446. ------------MFU------------
    1447. 6700
    1448. M6
    1449. ------------Mi------------
    1450. 200
    1451. ------------Micro------------
    1452. M11
    1453. ------------Micromax-----------
    1454. GC255
    1455. M2
    1456. Q1
    1457. Q1+
    1458. Q2
    1459. Q3
    1460. Q5
    1461. Q50
    1462. Q55
    1463. Q6
    1464. Q7
    1465. Q75
    1466. Q80
    1467. X112
    1468. X113
    1469. X114
    1470. X115
    1471. X116
    1472. X117
    1473. X118
    1474. X122
    1475. X1iX1i+
    1476. X1u
    1477. X200
    1478. X211
    1479. X212
    1480. X215
    1481. X220
    1482. X225
    1483. X226
    1484. X228
    1485. X230
    1486. X235
    1487. X250
    1488. X260
    1489. X262
    1490. X263
    1491. X265
    1492. X266
    1493. X280
    1494. X285
    1495. X2iX2i+
    1496. X310
    1497. X330
    1498. X332
    1499. X360
    1500. X361
    1501. X370
    1502. X395
    1503. X414
    1504. X450
    1505. X485
    1506. X50
    1507. X505
    1508. X510
    1509. X555
    1510. X560
    1511. X600
    1512. ------------Micxon------------
    1513. MTV800
    1514. ------------Mideia------------
    1515. Y100
    1516. ------------Midi------------
    1517. MD462
    1518. ------------Mikki------------
    1519. C90
    1520. ------------MingXing------------
    1521. A008
    1522. ------------Mini------------
    1523. 6600
    1524. 8000C
    1525. i9
    1526. iphone
    1527. N95 8gb
    1528. N98+
    1529. TTK-98
    1530. Vertu
    1531. ------------Mito------------
    1532. 1868
    1533. 288GG
    1534. 302
    1535. ------------Mixcon------------
    1536. S908
    1537. ------------Mobiado------------
    1538. 105
    1539. ------------MOTOROLA-----------
    1540. WX160
    1541. WX161
    1542. WX180
    1543. WX181
    1544. WX260
    1545. WX260C
    1546. WX265
    1547. WX280
    1548. WX288
    1549. WX290
    1550. WX295
    1551. WX390
    1552. WX395
    1553. ------------MTS------------
    1554. MTS 535
    1555. ------------ZTE------------
    1556. Orange Lima
    1557. Orange Lisbon
    1558. T-Mobile E200 Vibe
    1559. VODAFONE 547
    1560. ZTE-G N281
    1561. ZTE-G R221
    1562. ZTE-G S260
    1563. ZTE-G X670
    1564. ZTE-G X760
    1565. ZTE-G X761
    1566. ZTE-G X930

    This list is from MTK RSA Type phones !!

    1. ------------ALCATEL------------
    2. F152
    3. 505K
    5. B331
    6. C818
    7. CRYSTAL
    8. E101FLIP
    9. F115
    10. F121
    11. F122
    12. F123
    13. F331
    14. MISSIXTY2
    15. OT103
    16. OT104
    17. OT105
    18. OT106
    19. OT107
    20. OT108
    21. OT109
    22. OT112
    23. OT113
    24. OT140
    25. OT150
    26. OT203
    27. OT203A
    28. OT203E
    29. OT204
    30. OT205
    31. OT206
    32. OT208
    33. OT209
    34. OT213
    35. OT214
    36. OT214W
    37. OT216
    38. OT222
    39. OT223
    40. OT228
    41. OT250
    42. OT252
    43. OT262
    44. OT280
    45. OT282
    46. OT292
    47. OT300
    48. OT301
    49. OT303
    50. OT304
    51. OT305
    52. OT306
    53. OT308
    54. OT310
    55. OT311
    56. OT312
    57. OT315
    58. OT315M
    59. OT352
    60. OT355
    61. OT355D
    62. OT356
    63. OT360
    64. OT361
    65. OT362
    66. OT363
    67. OT380
    68. OT383
    69. OT385
    70. OT385J
    71. OT390
    72. OT455
    73. OT505
    74. OT505K
    75. OT506
    76. OT506D
    77. OT507
    78. OT508
    79. OT510
    80. OT530
    81. OT540
    82. OT543
    83. OT555
    84. OT565
    85. OT565K
    86. OT585
    87. OT600
    88. OT602
    89. OT606
    90. OT608
    91. OT650
    92. OT660
    93. OT665
    94. OT706
    95. OT708
    96. OT710
    97. OT799
    98. OT799
    99. OT800
    100. OT802
    101. OT802Y
    102. OT803
    103. OT803D
    104. OT806
    105. OT806D
    106. OT807
    107. OT808
    108. OT808G
    109. OT809
    110. OT810
    111. OT810D
    112. OT813
    113. OT813D
    114. OT813F
    115. OT818
    116. OT819
    117. OT828
    118. OT838
    119. OT870
    120. OT880
    121. OT888
    122. OT90
    123. OT900
    124. OT900
    125. OT901
    126. OT902
    127. OT905
    128. OT907
    129. OTA919
    130. OTC819D
    131. OTT66
    132. OTTEST
    133. Q5
    134. S by SFR 3440
    135. S122
    136. SFR115
    137. SFR1150
    138. SFR121
    139. SFR122
    140. SFR123
    141. T268
    142. TCL-I802
    143. TCL-I806
    144. TCL-I806D
    145. TCL-I880
    146. TCL-I898
    147. TCL-I900
    148. TCLI905
    149. TCL-Q3
    150. TCL-T208
    151. TCL-T218
    152. TCL-T255
    153. TCL-T355
    154. Text Ed 152 by SFR
    155. T-Mobile Accord
    156. Virgin VM202
    157. Virgin VM665
    158. VM621I
    159. VM800
    160. ------------MOTOROLA------------
    161. WX160
    162. WX161
    163. WX180
    164. WX181
    165. WX260
    166. WX260C
    167. WX265
    168. WX280
    169. WX288
    170. WX290
    171. WX295
    172. WX390
    173. WX395
    174. ------------VODAFONE------------
    175. VODAFONE150
    176. VODAFONE155
    177. VODAFONE250
    178. VODAFONE252
    179. VODAFONE331
    180. VODAFONE331FM
    181. VODAFONE345
    182. VODAFONE350
    183. VODAFONE354
    184. VODAFONE355
    185. VODAFONE455
    186. VODAFONE540
    187. VODAFONE541
    188. VODAFONE543
    189. VODAFONE555

    Total Around 1800 Models Added !!

    Those are list which is Supported models for unlock and repair imei but you can still unlock and repair imei of that models which are not listed above.

    How can I Unlock Phone which are locked on any service provider? ( Country Code )

    1- Select boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )

    2- Select proper model

    3- Connect cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact cable for some phones Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but they will not boot your phone so do Google and find it Or check in forum which cable is for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281 you can find Rx Tx from Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not help in booting. For this phone you have to use UART cable which have Ignition like LG Gs-102 cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some phones need to be disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points and some phones no need any special method they will be done with simple Volcanobox Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use it on any other Unibox and select Unibox port in volcano box )

    3.1 If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
    3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
    3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
    3.4 Select Mtk from list
    3.5 Press and hold power button
    3.6 Click on detect button
    3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
    3.8 Now click on set pinouts
    3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation

    4- Click on Read info

    5- It will read your all details include your Network code etc

    This is example pic reading unlock codes from Alcatel OT606

    How to it Reset User code from this new module?

    1- Select boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )

    2- Select proper model

    3- Connect cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact cable for some phones Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but they will not boot your phone so do Google and find it Or check in forum which cable is for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281 you can find Rx Tx from Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not help in booting. For this phone you have to use UART cable which have Ignition like LG Gs-102 cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some phones need to be disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points and some phones no need any special method they will be done with simple Volcanobox Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use it on any other Unibox and select Unibox port in volcano box )

    3.1 If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
    3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
    3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
    3.4 Select Mtk from list
    3.5 Press and hold power button
    3.6 Click on detect button
    3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
    3.8 Now click on set pinouts
    3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation

    4- Click on Reset User code it will reset your phone code to default value like 1122- 1234 etc

    How do I unlock Non Supported mtk phones? ( BETA )

    1- Select boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )

    2- Select any mode

    3- Connect cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact cable for some phones Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but they will not boot your phone so do Google and find it Or check in forum which cable is for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281 you can find Rx Tx from Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not help in booting. For this phone you have to use UART cable which have Ignition like LG Gs-102 cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some phones need to be disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points and some phones no need any special method they will be done with simple Volcanobox Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use it on any other Unibox and select Unibox port in volcano box )

    3.1 If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
    3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
    3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
    3.4 Select Mtk from list
    3.5 Press and hold power button
    3.6 Click on detect button
    3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
    3.8 Now click on set pinouts
    3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation

    4- Click on Backup Calibration

    5- It will read some files

    6- Click on process simlock file

    7- It will read your codes

    What is Backup Calibration?

    Backup calibration is for reading NVM area from almost all MTK phones which you can handle to boot phones with Volcanobox. This is usefull to unlock Non supported phones + you can save backups and write on faulty phones which have no service or code not accept after damage by other devices or some phone after format ffs have no service you can write backup files on it. Keep in mind this is BETA and we are not responsible of any damage cause of using this feature. Backup files have your many other information like your imei etc

    How do I write imei with this new MTK module ?

    1- Select boot type of phone ( Generic for Normal MTK Phone which are Cloned Chinese phones and in some countries they have some local companies like in india they have a company named Micromax and in Pakistan they have company named Qmobile. These type of local companies are basically import phones from china. Even they are branded but infact those phones are purely China made phones & Clones – RSA for Those MTK phones which have very Tight Security and mostly phones are International brands like Motorola & Alcatel Etc… )

    2- Select any mode ( at the moment Generic mobile supported )

    Connect cable ( Keep in mind You have to connect exact cable for some phones Pinfinder will not help. They can detect Rx TX but they will not boot your phone so do Google and find it Or check in forum which cable is for which mobile for example if you have ZTE-281 you can find Rx Tx from Volcanobox pinfinder but simple Rx Tx will not help in booting. For this phone you have to use UART cable which have Ignition like LG Gs-102 cable just plug it and it will work fine. Some phones need to be disassemble and you have to sold rx tx in Test points and some phones no need any special method they will be done with simple Volcanobox Pinfinder. Or just use your desire UART cable and use it on any other Unibox and select Unibox port in
    volcano box )

    If you want to use Volcanobox as pinfinder then do this
    3.2 Connect Correct JIG to phone and connect it
    3.3 Go to Volcanobox Detect Tab
    3.4 Select Mtk from list
    3.5 Press and hold power button
    3.6 Click on detect button
    3.7 It will found rx tx ( pinout ) from phone
    3.8 Now click on set pinouts
    3.9 Now go to MTK tab and open New mtk module. Select port and you ready to do next operation

    Click on imei box and write your desire imei

    Select imei location ( which Imei you want to write )

    Click on write imei on AT mode

    Press Power button from phone and it will done

    IF any information you got false please notify me on sonork
    Faisal_Computer 100.1577177

    Huawei Mobiles

    Added These models for unlock

    1. U8815
    2. G300
    3. Fusion 2
    4. U8665

    These phones need to be Root after you can unlock. Root files can download from Support area !!
    Go to forum.gpgindustries.com -> Downloads -> Volcanobox -> Flash files -> Huawei Mobiles Root files... download them. Instruction are in Rar files !!

    Direct link :

    How to unlock Huawei U8815 & G300 & Fusion 2 & U8665?

    1.Download from support area for your desire mobile custom recovery.
    1.1.If drivers installed skip step 2.
    2.Power on phone complete and install drivers, must be mounted volume with phone drivers, so install from this volume.
    3.Put phone in FastBoot mode holding Vol dow and power On buttons (need to pess and hold 5-10sec)
    4.Put usb cable and wait untill install drivers(check in device manager if all ok).
    5.Open VolcanoBox
    6.Go to Tools
    7.Click on Huawei U Series
    8.Click on Recovery Util.
    9.Brows *.img file ( make sure you unrar Rar files )
    .Wait untill finish, remove cable, remove battery(for 5...6 sec, if not phone will auto power on).
    put batttery, keep Vol up and power on untill phone power in recovery mode.
    now open VolcanoBox
    3.click on tool
    open Huawei U Series
    15.Select proper model

    16.click on check

    7.If all ok press unlock.


    Added ADB Unlock BETA for

    • GT-S5360

    Added Format Support For these

    • GT-S5230
    • GT-S5233
    • GT-S3650
    • GT-S3650C
    • GT-S3650H
    • GT-S3653
    • GT-S3653M

    Added Support for Format & Pattern lock Remove BETA

    • GT-C3200
    • GT-C3200G
    • GT-C3200L
    • GT-C3310L
    • GT-C3310V
    • GT-C3310C
    • GT-C3312
    • GT-C3322
    • GT-C3330
    • GT-C3332
    • GT-C3350
    • GT-C3312
    • GT-C3530
    • GT-C3560
    • GT-C5010
    • GT-C5010L
    • GT-C3353
    • GT-C3550
    • GT-C3550L
    • GT-C3550M
    • GT-E2230
    • GT-E2230L
    • GT-E2230M
    • GT-E2232
    • GT-E2330
    • GT-E2330B
    • GT-E2330C
    • GT-E2530
    • GT-E2530F
    • GT-E2600
    • GT-E2652
    • GT-E2652W

    Click here to Download
    VolcanoBox 1.6.6 Full installer

    Chinese Phones Again !!

    • Coolsand added two new flash FM25Q32A,25LQ128YIG Read/Write World's 1st
    • MTK Boot V7.1216 read infor added analysis of format user area address (support some MTK andriod phone).
    • Bsed on MTK android analysis of format user area address,can format manually which will solve locks and software problem.
    • Fx MSTAR Boot H connect error bug
    • Colsand added select time delay manually,which will increase flashing speed
    • Coolsand added format default address for reference only ( use it at your own Risk )

    • Added MTK New Module for unlock and repair imei.PDF in x:\Program Files\Volcano Team\VolcanoBox\Documents & Help\PDF Manual

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  2. #92
    V.I.P Lính Khang's Avatar
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    Mặc định VolcanoBox ver 1.6.7 SPD Android Imei Repair Supported & more SPD Imei repair

    Whats new ?

    • Modify SPD IMEI Tool
    • added SPD USB mode operation for repair imei
    • SPD USB IMEI Supports for these
    • World's 1st Android 8810
    • World's 1st Android 6820
    • 6600L
    • 6610
    • 6620
    • 6530
    • 6800H
    • 8800G
    • and almost all SPD phones

    for more info

    volcano ver 1.6.7

    see this video


    watch the video for NON Youtube

    VolcanoBox World 1st SPD Andriod imei repair Done

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    Mặc định [03-NOV-2012] VolcanoBox V1.6.8 Added SPD 6820 8810 Format and Adjust MT625A Flashing


    === Version 1.6.8===

    Whats New?

    1.Added SPD 6820 8810 Format(Solve locks and software problems)
    2.Adjust MT625A Flashing

    Official Download Area for many Devices & Media Library just for you guys !!

    Click here to Download

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  4. #94
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    Mặc định VolcanoBox 1.6.9 MTK Andriod 4.0.4 Imei Repair Supported now !!

    Whats new ?

    • World's 1st SPD 8801 add support Flash ID TC58NVG0S3AFT
    • World's 1st Updated MTK Andriod 4.0.4 Imei change
    • Modify Coolsand Flash ID 25LQ128 flashing

    Your BEST online Shop !!
    New Staff for management !!
    New Products Added !!
    For Discount prices contact me !!
    For Resellers Accounts Contact me !!
    Fast Shipping !!
    Unlocking & Flash boxes, Credits, Spare parts, Activations etc..
    every thing available what you will need for your shop !!
    GSMSP | Online Hard Discount !

    You Best Online Unlocking Server !!
    Fast, Safe & Reliable

    Tested report !! MTK Android 4.0.4 imei repair done !!

    Download link

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  5. #95
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    Mặc định [Bug Fix 09.11.2012] VolcanoBox 1.6.9b World's 1st MTK Andriod 4.0.4 Imei Repair!

    Whats new ?

    • World's 1st SPD 8801 add support Flash ID TC58NVG0S3AFT
    • World's 1st Updated MTK Andriod 4.0.4 Imei change
    • Modify Coolsand Flash ID 25LQ128 flashing

    Your BEST online Shop !!
    New Staff for management !!
    New Products Added !!
    For Discount prices contact me !!
    For Resellers Accounts Contact me !!
    Fast Shipping !!
    Unlocking & Flash boxes, Credits, Spare parts, Activations etc..
    every thing available what you will need for your shop !!
    GSMSP | Online Hard Discount !

    You Best Online Unlocking Server !!
    Fast, Safe & Reliable

    Tested report !! MTK Android 4.0.4 imei repair done !!

    Download link

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  6. #96
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    Mặc định

    Volcano box New Update 1.7.0 Adjust spd 6800h flashing and All bugs fixed

    === Version 1.7.0===

    Whats New?

    1.Adjust spd 6800h flashing
    2.Fix 625a flashing bug
    3.Adjust Mstar anti-theft lock algo
    4..Fix spd bug

    Click here to Download

    Unlock-Mở Mạng-Sửa Lỗi Phần Mềm-Nạp TV

  7. #97
    V.I.P Lính Khang's Avatar
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    Mặc định VolcanoBox Ver 1.7.1 MTK Andriod EMMC Flash

    History of Volcanobox..

    The Launching day of VolcanoBox

    I remember I have the very 1st software of Volcano that was 11-Nov-2011. After this we make lot of software and did lot of test on lot of mobiles. We make almost 100+ software with lot of changes after all we make a final ver for public. That ver name was VolcanoTool V1.0.6. and we release it on 25-Feb-2012.

    Hard Fight Days of VolcanoBox

    After Releasing of VolcanoBox there was lot of Pain days we faced. Lot of people was against us. Many teams was playing bad games against us. But we fight hard in face of giving Exclusives & World’s 1st updates. Day by Day we prove that Volcano is best and now all our competitors are run away and we are the only real team left.

    Growing up

    Our aim is making World’s Class box where our Customers satisfy and Be proud of become Family member of VolcanoBox. Our 1st update was on Feb-25-2012 which was 1.0.6 and today date is Nov-13-2012 in these 9 Months we make almost 90 updates which is History in Gsm industries no any box make exclusive & Unique & World’s 1st 90 updates in just 9 months. If we take a look on Volcanobox Updates average is 10 Updates in just 1 month. This make History and sure it will written with Golden words in the history of GSM Industries.

    Need your Support

    As you guys knows Volcanobox just 9 month old and in this 9 months VolcanoTeam Entertain you with lot of **** updates. We are working for you guys only and if you guys want we continue our exclusive work as we are doing now Please Suggest Volcanobox to your Friends & those people who don’t know about it. This will Help us a lot. I hope you guys will support us.

    We need more sales to continue invest in expensive development and non-stop updates.
    Thanks you

    VolcanoBox V1.7.1

    World's 1st
    • ADDED MTK Andriod EMMC Flash Functions
    • ADDED MTK Android EMMC Display read flash ID
    • ADDED MTK Android EMMC Display Partition size
    • Adjust Mstar flashing
    • Added these ZTE models For Unlock
    1. A21 Plus
    2. Amazing A1
    3. Turkcell Maxi Plus 5
    4. Vodafone Smart Chat
    5. V9c Tablet


    Click here to watch video for them who can't see videos on youtube

    We have been working very hard the last 2 month to make a special update for this special day. We wanted to give our indian users proud to have choosen us.

    Release was delayed of a few days… But Indian and Latin America users be ready to be shocked!

    Click here to download VolcanoBox 1.7.1

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    Mặc định Volcano box New Update 1.7.1A Adjust MTk Old module

    === Version 1.7.1A===

    Whats New?

    Adjust MTk Old module bugs


    More Big Update Coming Soon

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  9. #99
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    VolcanoBox Presents ver 1.7.2 All Samsung CDMA & All LG CDMA Phones Repair ESN/MEID ♥

    Whats new?

    VolcanoBox Happy to Presents you

    what you have in this ?

    Almost All CDMA phones for Repair MEID/ESN from Samsung & LG & Other

    For more info

    Click here


    Qaisar Mahmood
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  10. #100
    Thành viên tích cực caokyit's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    có ae nào hướng dẫn mình red info dòng galyxy bằng valcano với.mình làm ko được nè

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