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  1. #101
    V.I.P Lính Khang's Avatar
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    Mặc định VolcanoBox 1.7.3 Released MTK Andriod EMMC Flash Format & CDMA Read info & more...


    VolcanoBox 1.7.3

    • World's 1st Added MTK Andriod EMMC Flash Format Address
    • World's 1st Added MTK Andriod EMMC Flash Format
    • Adjust MTK 6253 encryption
    • Added CDMA Read info
    • Modify to make more stable CDMA ESN/MEID Repair
    • Added New Manuals (x:\Program Files\Volcano Team\VolcanoBox\Documents & Help\PDF Manual\)
    • Added CDMA Drivers (x:\Program Files\Volcano Team\VolcanoBoxDrivers\CDMA Drivers)

    How to repair ESN/MEID with Volcano Box ?

    1. Go to cdma tab
    2. select your need model
    3. select your phone diag port or rj45 interface port.
    4. tick on read cdma info
    5. press run
    if all ok you can see meid esn model and bulid.

    Like this
    CDMA Reading Phone Info...
    Phone Found..
    Phone DATE : Jul 16 2010
    Phone build 010-RD3550-....
    Meid : A1111111111222
    ESN = 807C51D8
    CDMA Reading info finish.

    Now your phone is ready to repair MEID/ESN

    1. ENTER MEID HEX in meid/esn box.
    2. tick on repair meid/esn
    3. press run

    you can see all done !!

    How to format Android phones ?
    1. Go to Mtk tab
    2. Select Built-in-Boot-10(v7.1216)(65xx_Android)
    3. Untick Auto Detect pinouts
    4. Tick on USBMODE
    5. Click on Read info
    6. Click on run
    7. When it’s say “Analysis for usb port, please insert phone usb cable”
    8. PLUG Mobile with NORMAL usb cable to computer port ( With boot keys if needed and make sure drivers are installed )
    9. When it’s read info complete. You can see at the end FORMAT ADDRESS like this
    10. Format addr:0x428E8000 –format Length:0xE4200
    11. Now click on Format
    12. Click on yes
    13. Now format windows will open. You have to write your mobile’s format address into format windows start address and format length. for example you have format address of your mobile this Format addr:0x428E8000 –format Length:0xE4200 which you read from readinfo just write 428E8000 into start address(hex) box and write E4200 in format length(hex) box. Keep in mind you don’t have to write “0x” for example if you see in log by reading info Format addr:0x428E8000 –format Length:0xE4200 then you just write 428E8000 this do not write complete address with “0x” just leave “0x” and write rest all
    14. After writing Format address ( without “0x” ) Click on CUSTOMIZE
    15. When it’s say “Analysis for usb port, please insert phone usb cable”
    16. PLUG Mobile with NORMAL usb cable to computer port ( With boot keys if needed and make sure drivers are installed )
    17. Please wait till software says Flash Erasing Complete !!
    18. Now check your phone if after format phone ask you for code please turn it off and check is there mmc or sim inside or not. If sim or mmc inside please takeout and power on your phone it will not ask you for code again. If sim and mcc not inside please insert it and power on your phone it will not ask you for code again.
    19. Your phone is done. Make sure you Read Full flash file as back for Emergency. If some thing happen bad you can write back your readed flash file so your phone will come back to previous state !!
    World's 1st Added MTK Andriod EMMC Flash Format Done !!

    Click here to download VolcanoBox 1.7.3 Full Installer

    Click here to download Link Updated !!
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  2. #102
    Administrators ThanhHaMobile™'s Avatar
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    Thumbs up VolcanoBox 1.7.4 Mix update

    • Optimize MTK Android NAND Flash flashing(Boot V7.1216)
    • Solve Mstar Erase bug
    • Optimize Coolsand detection
    • Now Volcano can pinfind new Coolsand Type cpu like Jmobile J228 etc.. )

    !! This update have Firmware update to make sure no Phone Connect to box or Your Electricity will not gone or your box will not disconnect from your pc !!

    Nếu cần liên hệ, xin vui lòng ... liên hệ theo thông tin ở dưới đây!
    • Repair Boot - Unlock giải mã - mở mạng - mở mã pass người dùng - sửa lỗi phần mềm, nạp tiếng Việt, chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ cho các dòng máy Mobile • CUNG CẤP & TƯ VẤN SỬ DỤNG THIẾT BỊ CHẠY PHẦN MỀM MOBILE CHUYÊN DỤNG • CUNG CẤP SẢN PHẨM DUNG DỊCH PHÁ KEO IC, BÃO HÒA TẢN NHIỆT IC, KEO DẪN ĐIỆN, THIẾC BỘT, CHÌ XẢ MỐI HÀN, DAO PHÁ KEO • KEO DÁN MÀN HÌNH CẢM ỨNG iPHONE, iPAD, LAPTOP, GIA CỐ CPU CÁC LOẠI ...
    ThanhHaMobile™ Service Center
    Số: 411 Tô Hiệu (ngay ngã tư An Dương, đối diện siêu thị HONDA Hương Giang) - Hải Phòng.

    ĐT: Gphone 0225.609.239 - 0983.717.628 - 0912.050.858.
    • Tài khoản Anypay Viettel số: 0987 250 552
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: DongAbank - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Đức Thanh
      Mã số TK: 0104365048 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: Agribank (NNPTNT) - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 2112205015281 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: VietCombank - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 0031001023873 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.

  3. #103
    V.I.P Lính Khang's Avatar
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    Mặc định VolcanoBox Pinfinder bug fix

    .: Features :.

    * Pinfinder Bug Fix ( When set pin outs came one error )

    .: 1.7.4 Features :.

    * Optimize MTK Android NAND Flash flashing(Boot V7.1216)
    * Solve Mstar Erase bug
    * Optimize Coolsand detection
    * Now Volcano can pinfind new Coolsand Type cpu like Jmobile J228 etc..


    !! This update have Firmware update to make sure no Phone Connect to box or Your Electricity will not gone or your box will not disconnect from your pc !!

    Click here to download

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  4. #104
    V.I.P Lính Khang's Avatar
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    Mặc định Volcano Box 1.7.5 Most Awaiting Solution SKing U Disk Repair Added FREE

    VolcanoBox 1.7.5
    World's 1st & Most Awaiting Solution
    !! Sking U Disk Repair !!
    Free For All VolcanoBox Users

    How to repair U Disk Error on Sking mobiles ?
    You have to download & Extract VolcanoBox V 1.7.5
    Download & Extract Sking Flash files
    1. Open Volcano Box 1.7.5
    2. Opon SPD Tab
    3. Select Built-in-Boot_12(6530)
    4. Click on Flash file button
    5. Click on Flash type
    6. Select All Files
    7. Brows Path of your Desire Flash file
    8. make sure your select correct flash file for your desire mobile
    9. Click on run
    10. Lets it's Flash.
    11. After flash your mobile is Repaired

    Oneunlock.com is Truly Trusted & Fast & Reliable Online Unlock Code server. Use ONEUNLOCK.Com Server for your online Unlocking & Get Amazing Discount !!. For Signup Use this banner and Topup your account and pm me your registered email to get Discount !!

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  5. #105
    Moderator THIÊN UY™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    VolcanoBox 1.7.6 Alcatal Android Supported W939 V861 MOV2 M960 C919 C918 991 C903 etc VOLCANO 1.7.6 MASSIVE MTK ERUPTION! OTHERS BURNING UNDER THE PRESSURE WE ARE RELEASING DAY AFTER DAY!

    Added MTK Android Platform V1.01 ( ALCATEL & ZTE ANDROID PHONES )
    Modify MTK Andriod NAND Flash flashing
    Modify MTK Andriod EMMC Flash flashing
    Modify MTK Andriod EMMC Flash Format
    Modify MSTAR Flashing
    added Samsung I927 & I927R For adb Unlock

    !! Important Notice !!

    i had been trying to be in Peace but Honestly Money Donkey Team make me Fireball !! here i am going to write some very Special Things for sure They will learn a lot with this & i don't know My team will be Angry on me but i can't Stop my self.

    Every time whenever i make update gives you world's 1st update right after some time they copy Volcano and make update and monkey donkey team claim we are World's 1st...

    let me explain to all of you about last update about Sking U disk error. Monkey Donkey Team have some Agreement with some coders that already have some failed products in the market. Each time they coming up with new name to make custumer loose money. They are totally fake and useless!!! Almost every time they just copy us nothing else and today i am going to prove it !!

    Few days ago Monkey Donkey team release one video were they claim they solve Sking U disk error problem with Their Sh*ty box. what was that ? let me tell you today. There was 3 guys in india who had Factory Flasher ( which other team also posted ) and 2 Files in PAC format. what was the PAC file is just UDisk area files nothing else. Monkey Donkey Team Beg them to make one video with Monkey Dongkey Box to post on forum. That guy Agree and he just pinfind with Monkey Donkey Box and after that they use Factory Flasher and Factory files. when they had posted that video monkey donkey team had nothing in hand just they had that video and monkey donkey team just saying we are working on it bla bla bla.....

    !! on that time they had nothing in hand !!

    One of that guys contact me whom had Factory Flasher + that PAC files in hand. we make deal and i start working on coders to develop the solution. After i get those files i open them and check carefully what's actually inside. after i see i got it. so what i done is. Sking or any other SPD6530 Cpu Flash id is 16MB + 16MB. 16MB is for Flashing etc and other 16MB is for Udisk Area. what i did is i repair one phone and after i read 32MB file from Volcano and after i write that 32MB to faulty mobile and it's solved. so we take 3 mobiles Sking S9300 , S929 and S9220 we read 32MB flash file from it and we Encrypt it. we know as we release Monkey Donkey Team will try to copy us at same time. so we Encrypt that file and we release that update. So That was the Really World's 1st Solution. I make update after Sv have not idea what to do so he purchase or take Original Flasher and flash files and he post As it is. means there was nothing in Monkey Donkey Box they was just using Their SH*TY box as pinfinder and was using Original Flasher and Flash files for Flash phones. After two days TMC team take our Files and they try to DECRYPT them. as they success in DECRYPT that files which i was uploaded in *.IMG files. they saw we just read 32 MB Flash file thats it. now they know from our Hardwork that we just read 32 MB from that Sking phones and write on Faulty phones and problem solved.

    So After that They Release new update they did exactly what we did and now they Claiming World's 1st. they write lot of bla bla. i am telling to all VolcanoBox users if you have any working phone you can use even old ver of VolcanoBox use Read Flash with Selected 32MB Flash file. it will read 32MB Flash file and you can write it on any faulty phone. it will repair all kind of problems.

    So Guys tell me who was real world's 1st

    WE ? or That F*cking Monkey Donkey Team ?

    2ndly they release and asking they are only world's 1st with repair IMEI of SPD 6530. i think they also forget here that we was supported this long time ago. check this
    VolcanoBox Ver 1.6.7 World's SPD Android Imei Repair Supported & more SPD Imei repair

    Volcano Box Ver 1.6.7 Update 31-10-2012

    for Repair IMEI OF ANY SPD CPU.........here is the link
    GSM-Forum - View Single Post - VolcanoBox History & Updates All in one place

    so Every Time they just spy us and BLA BLA and i don't know how you people Believe on them ? I really don't understand why people would buy their box. They always late and will always be last. Simply cause it is an empty shell...

    @ Monkey Donkey team

    You had 2 month of brightness but you belong to the past now… Even you are trying to trick users by releasing a one box every 2 month… This will not change anything.

    We have so much more in hands… Our plans for updates are at least of 3 month!!! This is why we are giving our users 3 REAL updates every week. And now Fake " improvement bull**** update"

    So accept you have lost. Start sale Volcano box. And make your customers forgive you for all the lies you have been saying

    Lets Comes to Today's update

    Whats news ?

    1. Added MTK Android Platform V1.01 ( ALCATEL & ZTE ANDROID )
    2. Modify MTK Andriod NAND Flash flashing
    3. Modify MTK Andriod EMMC Flash flashing
    4. Modify MTK Andriod EMMC Flash Format
    5. Modify MSTAR Flashing
    6. added Samsung I927 & I927R For adb Unlock
    Added MTK Android Platform V1.01


    1. Read Info
    2. Read flash
    3. Write flash
    4. Write Custom pack

    5. Write custom partitions(user's choice)
    6. Format phone
    7. Language Changing Via Flashing
    8. Direct Unlock Phone (Beta)

    9. Direct reboot in recovery from exe

    Where to found this module ?
    Go to MTK TAB
    There you will see MTK Android Platform 1.01
    HELP Included !!

    When you will open this tab you will see Help Button. Press it if you need Help !!

    Added These models


    • ZTE-U V856
    • ZTE-U V857

    Alcatel phones

    • OT- W939
    • OT- V861
    • OT- MOV2
    • OT- M960
    • OT- C919
    • OT- C918
    • OT- A919
    • OT- 991D
    • OT- 991
    • OT- 918S
    • OT- 918N
    • OT- 918D
    • OT- 918A
    • OT- 918
    • OT- 903
    • OT- 903D
    • OT- 903A
    For Direct Unlock. Read code. Format, Write Flash , Read Flash , Format etc
    Keep in mind this is Beta Ver could be have some bugs

    Oneunlock.com The Best Online Unlocking Store !!

    Download link

    link download: VolcanoTool_v1.7.6.rar

  6. #106
    V.I.P livemobi's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    WORLDFIRST AGAIN Volcano Box 1.7.7 MSTAR 8532B/B2/8533B New flash ic supported & More

    CLICK HERE TO Download

    CHUYÊN Unlock Mở mạng - Nạp TV - Repair boot all Mobile
    Tel: (08) 22.102.872 - Mobile:
    0907 225 175 (Mr HUY)
    Hỗ trợ Y!H: livemobi

  7. #107
    Moderator THIÊN UY™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ...VolcanoBox 1.7.9...

    Whats new ?

    Now you can use Your Volcano box as any UART & Ignition CABLE !!

    For more info

    VolcanoBox V1.7.9 Can make any Samsung & LG UART cables even C3303K,S7070 etc.

    Samsung i9100 S2 (Android 6573) World First Format, Read ,Write only on Volcano Box

    Qaisar Mahmood

  8. #108
    Thành viên chính thức ™Nhật Nam GSM™'s Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
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    Mặc định Cập nhật SPD VolcanoBox1.8.0 độc đáo & Mega flash ic 00C800A1 & SG2112A & Coolsand 8851A

    Cập nhật SPD VolcanoBox1.8.0 độc đáo & Mega flash ic 00C800A1 & SG2112A & Coolsand 8851A

    Volcanobox phiên bản 1.8.0

    G O D CHA Update

    Số 1 thế giới SPD 6803 flash ID 00C800A1 Write Flash

    Số 1 thế giới SPD 6803 flash ID 00C800A1 đã đọc flash

    Số 1 thế giới SPD 6803 flash ID 00C800A1 Format

    Số 1 thế giới SPD 6530 flash ID SG2112A Write Flash

    Số 1 thế giới SPD 6530 flash ID SG2112A đã đọc Thông tin

    Số 1 thế giới SPD 6530 flash ID SG2112A đã đọc flash

    Số 1 thế giới SPD 6530 flash ID SG2112A Format

    1 thế giới RDA 8851A Hỗ trợ

    1 RDA thế giới 8851A reall READ Hỗ trợ Flash

    1 RDA thế giới 8851A Viết Hỗ trợ Flash

    (Chỉ có một Rest Loại hỗ trợ sẽ thêm vào tuần kế tiếp)
    RDA 8851A hộp khác cũng có thể đọc Flash nhưng tôi đã kiểm tra tất cả hộp mà có thể đọc tập tin flash 8851A RDA là giả mạo ... không có dữ liệu trong tập tin readed. nhưng bây giờ chúng ta có thể đọc tập tin Flash sản. Coders & Người dùng chỉ chuyên gia ít sẽ biết những gì tôi đang nói ở đây

    Link Dow: http://www.gpgdragonsupport.com/ftpp...ool_v1.8.0.rar

  9. #109
    Thành viên chính thức hungthinhmobi's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    VolcanoBox 1.8.1 Small White Punch to DonkeyMonkey Teams

    VolcanoBox 1.8.1

    White update

    Optimize spd Imei Change(USB)
    Added spd 6610 Flash MX25U12835F Support
    Added Mstar New Exclusive Flash ic Support
    Added MTK New Exclusive Flash ic Support

    We had revised SPD imei repair. so you guys please test it and let us know the results.

    here is how to do

    How can i repair Imei of any SPD phones include SPD Android Phones ?

    You have do exactly as i describe here

    1. open VolcanoBox
    2. Go to Detect Tab
    3. Select SPD from list
    4. Attach phone
    5. Click on detect button
    6. detect spd Pinout
    7. after detection. click on Clear Pinouts
    8. after set manual pinouts GND & USBD+ & USBD- ( where it's detected before )
    9. click button set pinout.
    10. Go to Spd Tab
    11. untick auto-detect pinout
    12. R/W imei chooses COM
    13. Press these keys from your keyboard to enable Imei repair Function ALT + CTRL + i
    14. Click on Write Imei
    15. click RUN
    16. New windows will be open
    17. choose USB port
    18. disconnect phone from cable & remove the red Clip ( Red Clip from power which is coming from box )
    19. Write imei number in Boxes
    20. Click on write imei
    21. Connect cable and connect the red clip to phone ( Red Clip from power which is coming from box )

    Your SPD imei will be repaired !!

    You have to make sure you are doing 100% same. incase of failed you have to try again and again and make sure your Drivers are correctly installed !!

    MonkeyDonkey Team had released some update on 17-Dec
    MonkeyDonkey 1.36 World's First Android with MonkeyDonkey 17 Dec 2012

    What Does Title means ?
    Is They are Founder of Android ?
    Ah i see maybe they are saying 1st time in MonkeyDonkey box Android supported.. sorry we are in last but 1st time we launched Android... LOL

    Then They wrote
    World's 1st any android unlock..

    What it's means ?
    is they are 1st in world to unlock any android phone ?
    Sorry i don't undertand this.. LOL

    Then They Wrote
    Truely for china nothing else..
    what it's means ?
    1st they write World's 1st any android unlock..( which is not understandable ) then they write Truely for china nothing else.. means they only for china Country ? if they write Truely for china mobile nothing else.. then why they write World's 1st any android unlock.... Really Strange

    Then They Wrote
    World's 1st repair any china mobile android based mobile imei....

    What they means ?
    are they are 1st in repair of imei in china mobiles ?

    Simply The best Cheating with you guys... nothing else...... i can say they have nothing in hand now and they are just changing their software ver and releasing old updates just giving you DOUGH... i got one person from their team member i don't want to tell his name.. he was telling me MonkeyDonkey team doing like this when they have nothing in hand they just rename software ver and release it... maybe in next year they will be finished....

    All they Release is already RELEASED by VOLCANOBOX and they just copy us... if any one want Prof i can provide with complete details .....

    Download VolcanoBox 1.8.1

    Unlock-Mở Mạng-Sửa Lỗi Phần Mềm-Nạp TV

  10. #110
    Thành viên chính thức hungthinhmobi's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    VolcanoBox 1.8.2 RDA 8851A Fullly Supported ZTE Android & Samsung added !
    Volcano Box

    !! Hot in Winter !!

    World's 1st ADDED

    RDA 8851a READ INFO
    RDA 8851a READ FLASH
    Adjust MTK 6252 flashing
    Adjust MTK Android flashing

    Added ZTE Andriod Phones via cable


    Added Samsung Mobiles for ADB unlock



    VolcanoBox 1.8.2 World's 1st RDA 8851A Fullly Supported ZTE Android & Samsung added !


    Unlock-Mở Mạng-Sửa Lỗi Phần Mềm-Nạp TV

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