Volcanobox V1.4.8 Added Coolsand Ct8853A - Imei Generator & more
How to unlock HUAWEI U Series Phones with VolcanoBox
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Volcanobox V1.4.8 Added Coolsand Ct8853A - Imei Generator & more
How to unlock HUAWEI U Series Phones with VolcanoBox
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Yahoo:Thanhphuek__ ĐC:Đaklak - Gialai
STK: 0291 000 259 305-Vietcombank GiaLai - Chủ TK Đỗ Thanh Phú
VolcanoBox 1.4.9 Huawei Modem Direct Unlock Beta & many more
Whats new ?
- Added Huawei Modems Direct Unlock ( BETA NEED TEST Reports )
- Added cooland CT8853B-SPI8M Read/Write
- Modify Coolsand Read pass Algo ( you must check password from 2 ways 1st Find Password 2nd Unlock code )
- Modify Mstar Find pass Algo
- Huawei U Series Bug Solve if still have problem please report us
- Added New PDF Manual
- Added Huawei U Series Drivers
i want to share some thing about Coolsand Wrong passwords
VolcanoBox Coolsand Wrong password Detailed info & help needed
i had seen Few Friends was asking that Volcano Box reading Wrong code from Coolsand Phones. we really investigate it deeply and I want to share with you guys
whenever you got coolsand phone before do any thing 1st of all read info like this
at the end of log you will see
0x400000 (4M)
0x800000 (8M)
You must check this before you do anything. If you have 4MB then you must select 4MB Flash ID from volcanobox and if you have 8MB then you must select 8MB Flash id.
How could I know which flash id is 4mb and 8mb ?
Mostly Flash id which have “32” figure in flash id name is 4 MB
For example
Built-in Ct1129D
Like these are 4mb Flash id
Mostly Flash id which have “64” figure in flash id name is 8mb
For example
Why need this to verify ?
I had seen many Friends just read flash and try to find password from them and some time they got wrong password. What I saw and what I make experiments is. If you flash id is 4MB and you select 8MB flash id for sure flash file will not readed correctly when flash file not readed correctly then how it’s possible it will give you correct password ? some time Friends select 4MB flash id and their phone have 8MB and they read flash file and try to find password as flash is 8MB and they read just 4MB for sure file is not readed complete !! as file not readed complete for sure it will give you wrong password or no password found error.
So always 1st make read info then select 4MB or 8MB Your desire Flash id and read flash after for sure password will be read correct !
After some Friends post issue about this problem so we decide make tour of market and read password of all available coolsand phones and will check what wrong so I go and make test. During my Tour I Test about 400 phones total and from these 400 phones I got 250 different phones which was Coolsand. I read password from all of them and I am surprised all password was correct. How I was doing take phone set any password and read password from volcano and it’s reading correct password from all coolsand phones
Then I make search in forum try to collect coolsand phones name which was giving wrong password. I got few of them when I check all password read correct. From Market I check lot of models and Brands like
Gright5130 mini
Vell comm Ve1661
Ken Xin da F911
Cell com ve1209
Jmobile J228
Gboss G200
Vell comm a2656
Xptel c1
Nokia c1
Nestle 2232
Nestle mini N5212
More C3322
Cptel G101
XPtel G101
Lehar loot 77
Spice S1332
Samsung W279
Httel K81
Xptell C00-1
Sprice C2
Spice S16
Spice S18
Samsung C3322
Also lot of other models. I read password and all of them are working password. I did not encounter with any wrong password. After what we make experiment we take two same phone ( same models same brand but board was not same ) put password on of it and read flash and read password it read correct password from flash file then I write that file into another phone ( same brand . same model but board was not same ) after flash it mobile alive and working fine but that password is not working on it. Then we take same phone same as phone which I write flash file on it not from I read flash we took same mobile ( mobile same. Model same . board same means 100% ) I set password and read flash and write on that phone which phone I write flash file before and which was not accepting correct code. We write flash file and we read password it was correct and mobile accept. Then again we remove password from that phone which I read flash file 1st (same brand . same model but board was not same ) read flash and write on that phone which was not accepting password. After write flash mobile power on and working fine but keypad was not working good when ever we press 1 mobile type 8 we press 2 mobile type 0 we type 5 mobile type 7 like this keypad was not accurate
So we found this could be reason as Customer never tell true so we don’t know is some buddy played it before or no
So 1st reason we found cause of bad flash file keypad not working fine cause when ever we insert password in password box we can’t see digits we see only Stars ****
For example I write 786 you can read it but i write *** can you read it ? both type I write 786 so in password box we don’t know what mobile is typing ( writing ) so this could be 1st possible reason
2nd reason could be some time mobile keypad ic damaged and mobile not write correct what we press buttons . some time this happen like customer make password on mobile and its was working fine but after some time his baby put mobile in his ***** cause of WET keypad damaged or keypad ic damaged now customer will put mobile in sun shine and after 3 to 4 hour he will take mobile and when it power on for sure mobile will ask for password and when he will type if keypad ic or keypad damaged for sure password will not open and we can’t see what mobile is typing in password box
3rd reason could be some time we press 9 and mobile write # we press 7 and password write * as we don’t know what mobile is writing in password box so it will not open even box read password correct
So if you found any case Please investigate it deeply as our Users is our Beta testers and tell me what you found you can contact me via sonork 100.1577177
@ All please make test as many of you have mobile for sell and some of you have Big Dealer in china mobiles please try to do this
Take phone set password like 9999
Read info of mobile and check what size it have as I explain you already
Set correct Flash id and read flash
After read flash click on Find password
Give path of flash file and see is your password which you set on phone before read. Volcano show you or no . if incase volcano can’t show please Contact me on sonork 100.1577177
If you got any phone which have password and you don’t know what password is on phone. Please try to take same phone ( 100% same ) when you found same phone please contact me on sonork 100.1577177 Don’t Read flash from unprotected phone ( normal phone ) and write on Protected phone ( phone which have password ) this is really useless for us but it will work for you
I asked you to contact me cause of if you read flash from same mobile from working phone and write on that same phone which have password it will work fine for you but we can’t implement it and when ever you got such
phone and you have not same phone in hand for sure you can’t do it !!
I hope it will clear and if you really got such case for sure you will contact me !!
About Huawei U Series unlock
1.remove micro sd card from phone.
2.check battery level(it's important, without battery phone can't connect to pc)
3, remove battery from phone fo 5 sec, then replace it back in phone.
4. enter in fastboot mode(check if drivers not have !, it's important, if drivers conflict will not work ok).
5. press unlock.(if used check phone...repeat same from step number 2).
PS . use directly to usb port don't connect cable threw hub and make sure correct drivers installed.
if again problem not solve please test it on FRESH Windows pc for sure it will unlock your phone also make sure you are not making these mistakes
For example your problem can be:
1.Battery level not ok, phone lost communication(error writing buffer exactly this mean).
2.Phone is in incorrect mode and not respond ok after send loader.
3.Drivers is wrongly installed.
4.Used WIN7 or Vista and not opened with admin right.
5.Firewall block exe in some way.
6.USB not have power to keep phone.
7.Phone have custom rooted, moded , supermoded firmware.
8.your antivirus creating problem.
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>> Unlock- Mở Mạng - Sửa Lỗi Phần Mềm - Nạp TV Mobile<<
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VolcanoBoxV1.5.0 Huawei Blast,Hot Imei Service featuring Iphone Imei Checker(paid)
Whats new ?
- spd 6610/20 added two more Flash id
- modify mtk 6250/52 file-write algo
- modify mstar find pass also
- modify spd find pass also
- mtk boot V5.1205 added 6236 USB read,write,format
- Added Huawei G Series phones by Cables & by Imei
- Solved Huawei U Series unlocking
- Added PDF Manual How to Unlock Huawei U Series phones
We are updating our Document & Help section
Go to your VolcanoBox installed Folder and read
\VolcanoBox\Documents & Help\ PDF files
for sure it will solve lot of problems
Huawei G Series Models List
G5500 By Cable
G5510 By Cable
G6600 By Cable
G6603 By Cable
G6609 By Cable
G7050 By Cable
G7105 By Cable
G7300 By Cable
KNP Touch By Cable
T-Mobile energy By Cable
VM820 By Cable
G3501 By Imei
G5010 By Imei
G5726 By Imei
G6005 By Imei
G6210 By Imei
G6605 By Imei
G6608 By Imei
G6620 By Imei
G6622 By Imei
G7002 By Imei
G7210 By Imei
G7510 By Imei
G7600 By Imei
Mobistar Onda By Imei
Panama By Imei
VM720 ByImei
G20 By Imei
Huawei U8180 Successful Unlock !!
Downloading Loader..
Downloading OK
Rebooting phone, this can take few second....
Reconnecting to phone..
Connection OK.
Reading Phone Info..
Phone SN: D5J4CD1192802843
Phone Firmware: U8180-1V100R001C33B621_E
>>Simlock Status : Locked.
Searching Phone..
Phone found.
Product: U8150
Version: 0.5
Downloading Loader..
Downloading OK
Rebooting phone, this can take few second....
Reconnecting to phone..
Connection OK.
Reading Phone Info..
Phone SN: D5J4CD1192802843
Phone Firmware: U8180-1V100R001C33B621_E
Simlock Status : Locked.
Clearing Simlocks...
>>All Done.
Huawei u8652 Unlock done !!
Volcano Box 7 in 1 Cable Coming Soon !!
How to Check IPHONE IMEI SIMLOCK & Carrier
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Write your imei
Click on Make Request
After Submit your imei
wait for 1 to 5 mins
refresh you page
and you will get info
Simlock & Carrier !!
OneUnlock.com is our Friend and Providing Such a Great Services
Please take a look on these videos
OneUnlock.com => How to Register your account & How to Topup
OneUnlock.com => How to Check your Iphone Simlock & Carrier
OneUnlock.com => Fast Tour to Great Services and Good Support
Be Ready for SPD 6530A Cpu !!
Download Full Installer Link
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VŨ PRO (23-08-2012)
((: VolcanoBox 1.5.1 Pure for chinese mobiles)
- !! Click here to Vote Us !!
- Modify MTK Android 6516,6573 flashing
- Added MTK Android Boot V7.1216.
- Modify MTK 6575,MTK6577 Read Flash
- Modify MSTAR Find Pass Algo
- Modify MSTAR flashing
- Added MTK Boot V5.1205, mtk6251 supported
- Added Huawei Panama CU Unlock Code Calculator
- Download Link
- YOUR VOTES ARE OUR ENERGY! Click here to Vote US !!
VolcanoTool_v1. BY SAEEDULLAH_KHAN.rar
Modify 6800H Write Flash
Modify 6610/20 Write Flash
Modify MSTAR MSW8532B,MSW8533B,MSW8532B2 Write Flash
Modify MTK Boot V7.1216 Andriod Read/Write Flash
World's 1st MEDIATEK MT 6162N Imei Changed Supported by Android Tool
While Other Duplicating their products to catch more customers with some fishy tricks… Volcano Box… AHEAD OF ALL
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BEST UFC in the World !!
Yahoo:Thanhphuek__ ĐC:Đaklak - Gialai
STK: 0291 000 259 305-Vietcombank GiaLai - Chủ TK Đỗ Thanh Phú
!! 1st of All Watch the Video !!
Adjust 6800H Write Flash
Adjust 6610/20 Write Flash
Fix 6800H bug
Adjust Mstar Write Flash
Adjust MTK Andriod Read Flash
Adjust Coolsand Find Pass Algo.
World's Most Wanted Solution =Unlock Your Samsung I9300 Etc Which RELOCK After Firmware Update... Many other failed !!
Now in these days Many Samsung i9300 coming which are Relocked by users & Shop keepers after Firmware update.... Your phone will Unlocked but when you update firmware your phone will Relock and then Trouble comes. after relock many other devices are failed to unlock again. So we specially make solution for them who have phones in hand with this condition. other boxes say phone unlocked but actually phone is still locked. this problem came in new firmwares in phones. you get unlock your phone by Service center and you update your firmware and after update your phone will Relock like these type of trouble you can easily solve with VolcanoBox. simply Root your phone....Connect usb cable....select model and Tick on ADB unlock thats it.... after run in few mins your phone will Unlock and Will Not RELOCK AGAIN !! How's that
MTK Android Flashing Hints & Tips
In these days lot of Chinese mobiles comes with MTK 65xx Cpu
like MTK 6575, 6516, 6573, 6577 etc
mostly all of them are supported by Volcano Box
in some phone there have some tricks to connect which i want to share with you guys. we support Almost All mtk Android phones for ReadFlash, Write Flash, Repair imei etc All you can do with simple usb cable. No need to find rx tx or opening phones, as Rx Tx method is really slow so we don't do it yet. so for imei repair you have to perform these steps
1- Insert sim into phone
2- Insert Battery into phone
3- power on phone
4- Make sure Usb Debug mode on
5- Connect Usb cable
6- install drivers
7- open volcano -> mtk -> press ALT + CTRL + i
8- Select Android Tool
9- Press run & read instructions
Your phone's imei will repair
for Read or Write flash just perform these steps
1- open volcano -> mtk
2- select boot 7.1216
3- select Read Flash or Write flash ( if write Flash select Flash file 1st)
4- Tick usb mode
5- Insert battery into phone
6- Press Run button
7- inset usb cable
Your phone will read flash or write flash as you select Desire option !!
There is some boot keys for these Android phones
Some phones you need to press and hold these keys before plug usb cable
Vol +
Vol -
Vol + and Vol -
Camera key
Vol - and power button
Vol + and power button
Vol - and vol + and power
camera key and power
camera key and vol +
camera key and vol -
power button
we face some phones which need these boot keys rest you can play with them
sample video for you
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Số: 411 Tô Hiệu (ngay ngã tư An Dương, đối diện siêu thị HONDA Hương Giang) - Hải Phòng.
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- Tài khoản Anypay Viettel số: 0987 250 552
- Tài khoản giao dịch: DongAbank - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Đức Thanh
Mã số TK: 0104365048 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.- Tài khoản giao dịch: Agribank (NNPTNT) - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
Mã số TK: 2112205015281 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.- Tài khoản giao dịch: VietCombank - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
Mã số TK: 0031001023873 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
SPD 6530a Supported... VolcanoBox v1.5.4 440volts Shock to other╭∩╮ World's 1st Added SPD 6530a Read/Write Flash
World's 1st Added SPD 6530a Find Pass
Modify MTK 6250 Read/Write Flash
Modify MTK Encryption Algo.
Added Samsung EFS(Backup) Restore for ADB Unlock ( After unlock if you want just write backup your phone will Relock )
!! World's 1st SPD 6530a READ FLASH DONE !!
!! World's 1st SPD 6530a WRITE FLASH DONE !!
VolcanoBox 7in1 cable in action
Volcano Box Basic Manual
Unlock Server
Unlocking Solutions, Real Time Unlocking Solutions, Free Unlock Solutions, Unlocking Tools, Social Tools
Very Special Thanks to Mobileclinic to providing the Phones
Download new ver
VolcanoTool_v1.5.4.rar - Downloads - GPGIndustries - Forum
Other Team still Dreaming that they are giving shock to others but infact WE VolcanoBox team giving shock to them...
VolcanoBox V1.5.5 Presents World's 1st SPD 6530a Format... Where are Other Teams?
- World's 1st Added SPD 6530 Read Info
- World's 1st SPD 6530 Read Password
- World's 1st SPD 6530 Format ( BETA )
- Adjust Coolsand Read Password Algo
format :
1- read Flash file as backup
2- select format
3- select readed flash file
4- Click on ok ( Don't put manual format address )
Format done... keep in mind it's BETA. can be have some bugs
VolcanoBox 7in1 cable in action
Volcano Box Basic Manual
Unlock Server
Unlocking Solutions, Real Time Unlocking Solutions, Free Unlock Solutions, Unlocking Tools, Social Tools
Very Special Thanks to Mobileclinic to providing the Phones
Download new ver
VolcanoTool_v1.5.5.rar - Downloads - GPGIndustries - Forum
Other Team still Dreaming that they are giving shock to others but infact WE VolcanoBox team giving shock to them...
After our updates they try to copy us and take ages and when they release they said we are world's 1st... infact they are world's last.
VolcanoTool_v1.5.5.rar - 4shared.com - chia sẻ và lưu trữ - tải xuống tập tin trực tuyến
BAM BAM Volcano 1.5.6 released! MTK 625a Support and more!!!
World's 1st
Infact it was supported since VolcanoBox 1.4.x
This mean this cpu was supported From last FEW MONTHS
we keep on looking for new phones to search and develop we found that some new CPU already supported.
It's World's 1st cause of no other Team announce it 1st
We did come Polish and giving you Grand Update !!
What new in this ver ?
↔Added Coolsand CPU RDA8853A
↔Modify MT625A Write Flash
↔Modify MT6250DA Write Flash
↔Added Samsung firmware
↔Rename Coolsand Tab to Coolsand & RDA
↔Added Live News & Tips Section in VolcanoBox Software ( internet Required )
Click here to Download
VolcanoBox & GPGindistries Presents:
Media Library for GSM Friends
as you guys know that Youtube is Blocked in many Countries so we Decide to make Media Library for you guys. where you can see Lot of Videos, Tutorials etc. Hope you people will love it. it will update regular. Tomorrow will add lot of Videos etc
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Unlocking Solutions, Real Time Unlocking Solutions, Free Unlock Solutions, Unlocking Tools, Social Tools
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