LG_Sgold3_Tool_2.2.7.1 Update
+ Added GS290GO Full Supprt User/SP Code Unlocking / Flashing /Repair.
+ Added additional codes reading for GS290/GS290GO ( NSCK etc ) for testing * .
+ Removed news file loading at startup for more fast software loading.
* For reading addirional codes click [Unlock] button with [Read Codes] option selected
log sample here:
PMB8877 Module 1.2 started. SW: Ver
Connecting to GS290GO in UART Mode (COM58 ,921600)
Please reconnect battery, press and hold power button...
Phone found! (MCU:PMB8877) prebooting...
Release power button. Booting...
Reading info...
BOOT Stage Finished , sending authority...
Sending SEC pack...
Reading EEPROM...
Backup Saved AS:C:\Program Files\Z3X\LG\LGI_SG2271\BACKUP\GS290GO_autobackup_ 27062010_182837.eep
Analising EEPROM...
Phone IMEI:35zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Unlock codes:
NCK[0]: 4608514880729376 (LOCKED)
Finished in 2 seconds
Reading EEPROM
Sending SEC pack...
Analising EEPROM...
Phone IMEI:35zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
For operation finishing,do next :
1. power phone ON with original SIM
2. type 2945#*XXX# ,where XXX are model digits to enter unlock menu
3. Enter one of this code(s):
NCK[0]: 4608514880729376 (LOCKED)
NCK[1]: 6063018240247252 (NS)
NCK[2]: 0230411519432214 (SP)
NCK[3]: 6747370190092018 (CP)
Finished in 2 seconds