mình mới mua z3x nên không rành lắm! mình chạy cây M620 thì bị mất nguồn! nó báo lỗi như vầy!

Selected model: M620
Selected com port: COM8
Selected speed port: 460800
Decode *.s3 file - please wait
segments 9
segment 1 20000000 100 byte
segment 2 20300000 27877060 byte
segment 3 2001E000 160 byte
segment 4 20016000 5056 byte
segment 5 20078000 1099428 byte
segment 6 2000C000 20684 byte
segment 7 20058000 56 byte
segment 8 20058138 17190 byte
segment 9 2003803C 36684 byte
Phone must be OFF with battery
Please, connect phone and press shortly power button
Syncing phone... OK
Sending loader1... OK
Syncing phone... OK
Sending loader2... OK
Syncing phone... OK
Syncing phone... OK
Flash ID: 0100003D7E22
Syncing phone... OK
Sending *.s3 file...
Send s3 - fail
Elapsed time: 135 second, sw ver: 3.4.0044

anh em nào biết chỉ giúp!