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  1. #111
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  2. ( ThanhHai_GSM ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    hoalinhmobile (22-06-2014)

  3. #112
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    ATF Samsung S5, XiaoMi Repair v11.30 Update!! Public Discuss Thread:
    Release Date: April 24, 2014
    Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00

    Multi-Brand + Multi-Method Boot Repair Update

    eMMC Tool 2.5 (PRO)
    --> Now updated to support .mmc repair files for easy BOOT REPAIRS via eMMC TP Connection
    Initial Phone Support List:
    Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F - First in the World
    Xiaomi Mi3W 16GB - QUALCOMM - First in the World
    Xiaomi Mi2S 32GB - First in the World
    Lumia 810 RM-878 - First in the World
    Lumia 822 RM-845 - First in the World
    Nokia X RM-980 - First in the World

    Download eMMC Repair Files Here:
    eMMC REPAIR FILES by Linus H. - 4shared

    eMMC Repair Files are packed with HIGH RESOLUTION eMMC TP Pictures and
    all the Partitions needed to recover your phone into a BOOTABLE STATE

    SDC Tool 1.5
    --> Now Updated to support the NEWEST Samsung Exynos Octa and Snapdragon 800 Phones
    Latest SDC Unbricker Files Created for SDC Tool 1.5:
    Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900H - First in the World
    Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F - First in the World

    Download the HOTTEST SDC Unbrick Files Here:
    SAMSUNG SDC FILES by Linus H. - 4shared

    Image Tool 1.3
    --> Now Updated to support the NEWEST Samsung Official 4 Files + PIT for Snapdragon 800 and Exynos Octa
    --> Now Supports BIGGER PDA Flash Files even for Computers with just 4GB of RAM
    --> Fixed a bug on some Exynos 4412 Flash Files that cannot detect Phone Model

    --> Added Lumia LUMIA 1320 RM-994 BIG BOOT 3056.40200.1407.0004
    --> Added Lumia LUMIA 1320 RM-995 BIG BOOT 3056.40000.1401.1001
    --> Added Lumia LUMIA 1320 RM-996 BIG BOOT 3056.40200.1407.0002

    Download the Newest AFP Files Here:
    ATF JTAG AFP FILES by Linus H. - 4shared

    Windows Phone 8
    --> Fix some Test Mode 'FBUS' Bug when performing Self Tests
    --> Internal Testing for 'Interop' Unlock via JTAG Launched

    Android X
    --> Fixed WinUSB Timeout Error

    Other Changes
    --> Complete Product Listing in Nokia.ini as of April 24, 2014

    Special Thanks
    --> For this update we give special thanks to lordmaxey who
    pioneered Lumia WP8/WP8.1 Full Interop Unlock via ATF JTAG

  4. ( namnhatrang ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    hoalinhmobile (22-06-2014)

  5. #113
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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  6. ( namnhatrang ) đã được 2 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    hoalinhmobile (22-06-2014), Xuân Toàn (28-05-2014)

  7. #114
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    ATF WP8.1, SPI, Android and Samsung JTAG v11.40 Update!! Public Discussion Thread: Release Date: May 31, 2014
    Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00
    ATF Box USB Driver Required:

    Lumia WP 8.1 + Nokia Android + SPI Programmer + Samsung JTAG

    Nokia Lumia WP 8.1 by Microsoft Initial Support

    --> Updated Windows Phone Flashing Module to support Lumia 630 and 635
    --> Updated Windows Phone Normal Mode Module to Support Lumia 630 and 635
    --> Fully tested on Actual Lumia 630 Test Phone
    --> Test Mode Functions for Lumia 630 and 635 is still not Supported

    Nokia Android Firmware Flasher for X/X+/XL Updated

    --> Fixed Flash Error "62%" when using older WinUSB Drivers
    --> Warns End User when REVISION 2 Flash Files are detected
    --> Fully tested on Actual Nokia X, X+ and XL Actual Test Phones

    ATF JTAG 1.0.8

    --> Added Built-In AFP File Downloader inside ATFJ.exe
    --> You can access it through "Help" ---> "Updates"
    --> Support added for Samsung Phones FULL BOOT Repair
    --> (Download then via the Built-in ATFJ.exe Downloader)

    Samsung GT-I8150
    Samsung GT-I8150B
    Samsung GT-I8150T
    Samsung GT-I8260
    Samsung GT-I8260E
    Samsung GT-I8260L
    Samsung GT-I8262
    Samsung GT-I8262B
    Samsung GT-I8262D
    Samsung GT-I8350
    Samsung GT-I8550L
    Samsung GT-I8550E
    Samsung GT-I8552
    Samsung GT-I8552B
    Samsung GT-I8700
    Samsung GT-S6310
    Samsung GT-S6310L
    Samsung GT-S6310N
    Samsung GT-S6310T
    Samsung GT-S6312
    Samsung GT-S7560
    Samsung GT-S7560M
    Samsung GT-S7562
    Samsung GT-S7562L
    Samsung GT-S7572
    Samsung SCH-W789
    Samsung SCH-I829
    Samsung SGH-T679
    Samsung SGH-T679M

    --> Added ATF JTAG Scripting Language
    Supports Manual Debugging of Snapdragon SOC Modem Core
    --> Initial Documentation Released
    --> http://www.advace-box.com/jtag/ATF_J...ING_MANUAL.pdf

    SPI Tool 1.0 Initial Release

    --> Direct In Circuit Programming for Small SPI Flash ICs
    --> NO NEED to remove SPI Flash from PCB
    --> Ideal for Nokia 105 and 106 Direct SPI Flash Programming
    --> Ideal for HUAWEI WiMax Modem SPI Reprogramming
    --> Read/Write Speeds upto 30 Mhz
    --> Supports CPOL=0, CPHA=0 and CPOL=1, CPHA=1 SPI Modes
    --> Auto Verify and Auto Rewrite Corrupted Sectors
    --> Selectable VCCIO Voltage (1.80v, 2.80v and 3.30v)
    --> Selectable Instruction Set according to SPI Flash IC Brand
    --> Automatically Detects Flash IC Capacity for Micron/Numonyx
    --> Automatically Skips IMEI, Simlocks and PM Region of Nokia 105 and 106

    * When used with Nokia 105 and 106, you can:
    ----> Read Full Dump from 100% Working Phone and write it to another phone without
    damaging the IMEI, Simlocks and PM Region.
    ----> Write MCU+PPM+CNT, or just PPM+CNT or just PPM only
    ----> Allows Cross Version PPM Files to be written on any MCU Firmware Version
    ----> Now you can write your prefered BIG Language Packs which was not supported in FBUS
    ----> You can read FULL DUMP via FBUS and write it to other phones via SPI Tool

    [SD Card Password Bruteforce Update]
    --> Fixed Resume File Saving when CSD was Invalid
    --> Added Support for UHS-I and UHS-II SD Cards

    [Samsung Unbrick Image Creator 1.5]
    --> Added Support for newer 4.4.x tar.md5 2014 Flash Files
    --> Added Support for newer PIT Factory Files

    [ATF Box Driver Update]
    --> New ATF Box Signed Drivers for 32/64 Bit Windows XP, 7, 8 and 8.1 (Version
    --> If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, the Drivers will be
    Downloaded Automatically via Windows Driver Update Servers

    [General Updates]
    --> Complete Product Listing in Nokia.ini as of May 31, 2014
    (Nokia X+, Nokia XL, Lumia 630, Lumia 635 and Lumia 930 were added)



    ATF_v11.40_Full_Installer - Download - 4shared - Linus Hernandez

  8. #115
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    ATF Android Root Kit 1.2 Update 11.41 04-June-2013

    Release Date: June 4, 2014
    Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00
    ATF Box USB Driver Required:

    Download ATF 11.41 via the AUTOUPDATE SERVER!!!

    Nokia Android Root Kit 1.2

    Universal ROOT Method For Nokia X, X+ and XL

    Tested On:

    Nokia X Firmware:
    ----> 10.0.3
    ----> 11.11.1
    ----> (REVISION 2)

    Nokia X+ Firmware:

    Nokia XL Firmware:
    ----> (STOCK)
    ----> (REVISION 2)

    *** After Phone is ROOTED, you can Install Google Services + Launcher
    *** After Phone is ROOTED, you can Backup IMEI, Simlocks

    ATF DOES NOT USE ADB.EXE or FASTBOOT.EXE. Please make sure that ADB.exe and FASTBOOT.exe are not RUNNING before trying to ROOT your Phone because ATF will automatically close ADB.exe and FASTBOOT.exe even if you are still busy flashing an HTC Phone or doing some other Android Tweaks via ADB...

    For this Update, we give Credits to:
    ----> Chainfire - author of SuperSU.zip
    ----> dhacker29 - author of TWRP for Nokia Android
    ----> Dee Troy - author of TWRP

    ATF Android Root Kit 1.2 v11.41 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:
    ATF WP8.1, SPI, Android and Samsung JTAG v11.41 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:

    Buy only from ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] authorized resellers:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Authorized Distributors and Resellers List

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
    International - Advance Turbo Flasher - By Advance Team - ATF Lightning - ATF Nitro - Fastest Flasher in world - Nokia flasher - ATF Samsung - First in the world
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  9. ( toilatoi142001 ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    hoalinhmobile (22-06-2014)

  10. #116
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    ATF Pre-Update Surprise 11.45 - June-20-2014
    Release Date: June 20, 2014
    Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00
    ATF Box USB Driver Required:

    Download ATF 11.45 via the AUTOUPDATE SERVER!!!

    Quick Fix for Nokia X, X+ and XL Flashing

    Nokia Android New Method of

    --> fully Compatible with Nokia X+ and XL
    (MODEM_FSG Write is now ENABLED)

    (Requires ROOT).

    ( First in the WORLD )

    This is a pre-release update. If you encounter problems flashing Nokia X, X+ and XL with 11.45, please report it properly here:
    ATF WP8.1, SPI, Android and Samsung JTAG v11.45 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:

    First 15 ATF End Users
    who will show complete successful logs of Full Flashing
    Nokia X, X+ or XL via ATF 11.45 will get

    FREE JTAG Activation for their ATF BOX!

    You need to just create a New
    in ATF Section and post Full
    Logs + Screenshot.

    ATF DOES NOT USE ADB.EXE or FASTBOOT.EXE. Please make sure that
    ADB.exe or FASTBOOT.exe are not RUNNING before trying to ROOT your
    Phone because ATF will automatically close ADB.exe and FASTBOOT.exe
    even if you are still busy flashing an HTC Phone or doing some other Android
    Tweaks via ADB...
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  11. #117
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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  12. ( namnhatrang ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    hoalinhmobile (22-06-2014)

  13. #118
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF v11.50 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:
    Release Date: June 27, 2014
    Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00

    ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows 7/8/8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)

    Nokia Lumia WP 8.0/8.1
    --> Added "Easy Flashing" Mode for DEAD and ALIVE PHONE
    ----> No need to press VOLUME DOWN Button (Just Connect USB Cable to POWERED OFF PHONE)
    --> Fixed Dead Mode detection on WP 8.0 (bug from 11.45)

    Nokia Android
    --> Added Full IMEI/Simlock Backup/Restore for Nokia X/X+/XL including "V2" Devices
    --> Added Support for Writing Back MODEM_FSG via Partition Restore
    --> Updated TWRP Recovery Image for ROOTING
    --> Full Rooting for ALL Currently Released Nokia Android Phones
    --> Full Google Services Installation Support for all Released Nokia Android Phones
    --> Fixed Firmware Flashing Stall Issues (Thanks to Beta Testers)

    Samsung Unbrick Image Creator 1.6
    --> Added support for older Qualcomm APQ8060 PIT files
    --> Fixed SDC Decrypt Issue on Corrupted SDC Files

    SDC Tool 1.6
    --> Added more delay when detecting older/brandless SD Cards

    eMMC Tool 2.6(PRO)
    --> Added Support to Change Default Boot Partition of eMMC
    --> Added Support for Lumia eMMC using external VccQ & Vcc
    --> Added Support for SmartGsm 4-in-1 Adapter version 2
    --> Added BIG BOOT mmc Files (Latest Firmware Versions)
    520T RM-913 3056.40000.1349.2004
    520 RM-914 3056.40000.1408.0007
    520 RM-915 3056.40000.1402.0008
    521 RM-917 3056.40000.1404.0035
    525 RM-998 3055.40000.1347.1008
    526 RM-997 3055.40000.1347.2002
    620 RM-846 3056.40000.1408.0002
    822 RM-845 3051.40000.1352.0042
    810 RM-878 3043.0000.1326.0017
    720 RM-885 3056.40000.1408.0005
    720T RM-887 3046.0000.1334.0002

    Download eMMC Files Here:
    <<<<<< ALL LUMIA DEAD BOOT REPAIR FILES - Direct Links >>>>>>

    ATF JTAG Updated BIG BOOT FILES (Latest Firmware Versions)
    520T RM-913 3056.40000.1349.2004
    520 RM-914 3056.40000.1408.0007
    520 RM-915 3056.40000.1402.0008
    521 RM-917 3056.40000.1404.0035
    525 RM-998 3055.40000.1347.1008
    526 RM-997 3055.40000.1347.2002
    620 RM-846 3056.40000.1408.0002
    625 RM-941 3056.40000.1402.1005
    625 RM-942 3056.40000.1349.2003
    625 RM-943 3056.40000.1349.2004
    720 RM-885 3056.40000.1408.0005
    720T RM-887 3046.0000.1334.0002
    820 RM-824 3051.40000.1347.1006
    820 RM-825 3051.40000.1351.2006
    820 RM-826 3051.40000.1347.1006
    920 RM-820 3051.40000.1347.1004
    920 RM-821 3051.40000.1351.2005
    920 RM-822 3051.40000.1349.0005
    920T RM-867 3051.40000.1349.0007
    925 RM-892 3051.40000.1351.2004
    925 RM-893 3051.40000.1404.0011
    925 RM-910 3051.40000.1345.1003
    925T RM-955 3048.0000.1328.0001
    928 RM-860 3051.40000.1352.0058
    1020 RM-875 3051.40000.1345.1012
    1020 RM-876 3051.40000.1345.1003
    1020 RM-877 3051.40000.1347.0007
    1320 RM-994 3056.40200.1407.0004
    1320 RM-995 3056.40200.1418.0011
    1320 RM-996 3056.40200.1407.0002

    Download JTAG AFP Files Here:
    <<<<<< ALL LUMIA DEAD BOOT REPAIR FILES - Direct Links >>>>>> - GSM-Forum

  14. #119
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  15. ( toilatoi142001 ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    gamoi.gsm (14-07-2014)

  16. #120
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF v11.50 + ATF JTAG 1.0.9 Update Public Discussion Thread:
    ATF JTAG 1.0.9 build 4684
    Release Date: July 1, 2014
    Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00

    Cherry Mobile Update

    CM Hyper Full Factory Restore + EFS Write
    ~---> Repairs Phone Back to Original State
    ~---> Works on blank eMMC or Replaced eMMC

    CM Flare 2.0 Full Factory Restore + EFS Write
    ~---> Repairs Phone Back to Original State
    ~---> Works on blank eMMC or Replaced eMMC

    CM Titan 2.0 Full Factory Restore + EFS Write
    ~---> Repairs Phone Back to Original State
    ~---> Works on blank eMMC or Replaced eMMC

    Download Links:

    ATFJ 1.0.9 build 4684 - EXE ONLY

    Cherry Mobile AFP Factory Repair Files

    Release Date: June 27, 2014
    Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00

    ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows 7/8/8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)

    Nokia Lumia WP 8.0/8.1
    --> Added "Easy Flashing" Mode for DEAD and ALIVE PHONE
    ----> No need to press VOLUME DOWN Button (Just Connect USB Cable to POWERED OFF PHONE)
    --> Fixed Dead Mode detection on WP 8.0 (bug from 11.45)

    Nokia Android
    --> Added Full IMEI/Simlock Backup/Restore for Nokia X/X+/XL including "V2" Devices
    --> Added Support for Writing Back MODEM_FSG via Partition Restore
    --> Updated TWRP Recovery Image for ROOTING
    --> Full Rooting for ALL Currently Released Nokia Android Phones
    --> Full Google Services Installation Support for all Released Nokia Android Phones
    --> Fixed Firmware Flashing Stall Issues (Thanks to Beta Testers)

    Samsung Unbrick Image Creator 1.6
    --> Added support for older Qualcomm APQ8060 PIT files
    --> Fixed SDC Decrypt Issue on Corrupted SDC Files

    SDC Tool 1.6
    --> Added more delay when detecting older/brandless SD Cards

    eMMC Tool 2.6(PRO)
    --> Added Support to Change Default Boot Partition of eMMC
    --> Added Support for Lumia eMMC using external VccQ & Vcc
    --> Added Support for SmartGsm 4-in-1 Adapter version 2
    --> Added BIG BOOT mmc Files (Latest Firmware Versions)
    520T RM-913 3056.40000.1349.2004
    520 RM-914 3056.40000.1408.0007
    520 RM-915 3056.40000.1402.0008
    521 RM-917 3056.40000.1404.0035
    525 RM-998 3055.40000.1347.1008
    526 RM-997 3055.40000.1347.2002
    620 RM-846 3056.40000.1408.0002
    822 RM-845 3051.40000.1352.0042
    810 RM-878 3043.0000.1326.0017
    720 RM-885 3056.40000.1408.0005
    720T RM-887 3046.0000.1334.0002

    Download eMMC Files Here:
    <<<<<< ALL LUMIA DEAD BOOT REPAIR FILES - Direct Links >>>>>>

    ATF JTAG Updated BIG BOOT FILES (Latest Firmware Versions)
    520T RM-913 3056.40000.1349.2004
    520 RM-914 3056.40000.1408.0007
    520 RM-915 3056.40000.1402.0008
    521 RM-917 3056.40000.1404.0035
    525 RM-998 3055.40000.1347.1008
    526 RM-997 3055.40000.1347.2002
    620 RM-846 3056.40000.1408.0002
    625 RM-941 3056.40000.1402.1005
    625 RM-942 3056.40000.1349.2003
    625 RM-943 3056.40000.1349.2004
    720 RM-885 3056.40000.1408.0005
    720T RM-887 3046.0000.1334.0002
    820 RM-824 3051.40000.1347.1006
    820 RM-825 3051.40000.1351.2006
    820 RM-826 3051.40000.1347.1006
    920 RM-820 3051.40000.1347.1004
    920 RM-821 3051.40000.1351.2005
    920 RM-822 3051.40000.1349.0005
    920T RM-867 3051.40000.1349.0007
    925 RM-892 3051.40000.1351.2004
    925 RM-893 3051.40000.1404.0011
    925 RM-910 3051.40000.1345.1003
    925T RM-955 3048.0000.1328.0001
    928 RM-860 3051.40000.1352.0058
    1020 RM-875 3051.40000.1345.1012
    1020 RM-876 3051.40000.1345.1003
    1020 RM-877 3051.40000.1347.0007
    1320 RM-994 3056.40200.1407.0004
    1320 RM-995 3056.40200.1418.0011
    1320 RM-996 3056.40200.1407.0002

    Download JTAG AFP Files Here:
    <<<<<< ALL LUMIA DEAD BOOT REPAIR FILES - Direct Links >>>>>> - GSM-Forum

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