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  1. #11
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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  2. #12
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    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Version 5.00 update!! 22 APR 2010

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    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Version 5.10 Update!! 07 May 2010!!

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    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Rapidshare Official mirror
    ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) - Official download area

  4. #14
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    ATF 5.20 Update!! INFINEON, Standalone DCT4+ RSA, Real SX4, etc 28 MAY 2010!!
    [DCT4 INFINEON Engine]

    First in the World 3rd Party Box to Fully Support FULL Flashing, DEAD PHONE Flashing and CROSS Flashing DCT4 Infineon Chipsets Supports ALL DCT4 Infineon Phones in the Market !!! (Original Nokia Phones Only)

    Current DCT4 Infineon Phones:

    * 1202 (RH-111) XGOLD 101/102
    * 1203 (RH-111) XGOLD 101/102
    * 1280 (RM-647) XGOLD 110
    * 1616-2 (RH-125) XGOLD 110
    * 1800 (RM-653) XGOLD 110

    Partial Flashing (PPM and CNT only) is fully Supported.
    Upgrade/Downgrade Firmware is not a problem.
    Unique Fast Phone Booting Method (No need to press Power Button).
    Compatible with regular FBUS Cables:

    - 1616-2, 1280 and 1800 will work with regular 1616 FBUS cable
    - 1202 and 1203 will work with regular FBUS cable or Easy Cable with RED WIRE
    First in the world support for Infineon "CROSS-FLASHING" on same CPU Platform:
    202 can be Cross-Flashed with 1203 and vice versa
    1616-2 can be Cross-Flashed with 1800 and vice versa
    1616-2 and 1800 can EVEN be flashed with 1280 firmware, but only for testing .
    DEAD PHONE Flashing is also FULLY supported (Software Problems Only)

    Full Factory Reset for ALL DCT4 Infineon Chipsets

    [BB5 Turbo Engine]

    * Multi SX4 Card Servers are now available (Original SX4 Cards)
    * Read and Write Camera Configuration is now Activated
    * Customized PM Read/Write is now Added (For reading specific sub fields)
    * Flash Mode Booting was adjusted to be more compatible with the 6700c
    * BB5 SL1 and SL2 Downgrade is now Activated
    * BB5 Self Test is now Activated

    New Products Added in Nokia.ini

    * C1-00 RM-689
    * C3-00 RM-614
    * C5-00 RM-645
    * C6-00 RM-612
    * C6-01.1 RM-624
    * E5-00 RM-632
    * N8-00 RM-596
    * X2-00 RM-618
    * X3-01 RM-687
    * X3-01 RM-639
    * X6-00.1 RM-551
    * X6-00m RM-552

    [DCT4+ Engine]

    Stand Alone ASIC-11 RSA Forgery Unlocking and Relocking is now supported

    Phone Model Support List:
    Supported NOKIA models:

    1110i, 1112b, 1200, 1202, 1208, 1208b, 1209, 1600b,
    1661, 1662, 1650, 1680 Classic, 1680 Classic-2b, 2220
    Slide, 2310, 2320 Classic, 2320 Classic-2b, 2323 CLassic,
    2330 Classic, 2600, 2600a, 2610, 2610b, 2626, 2630, 2630b,
    2660, 2660b, 2680 Slide, 2720 Fold, 2760, 2760b, 2760h, 5000,
    5030 XM, 6030b,6060V,6060V, 7070 Prism, 7100 Supernova

    DCT4 Self Test is now Activtated

    [iTablet Engine]

    * Bug fixed for "Flash File Not Found" error in N900 USB Flashing

    Changing Skin now is ENABLE!

    Installation Path now set to Root directory (To avoid Windows 7 conflict).

    Download from:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Rapidshare Official mirror
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official download area

  5. #15
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    ATF 5.30 UPDATE!! Flash Files Download Servers Added!! 2 JUN 2010
    General Update[/COLOR]

    Flash File Download Support Finally Launched !!!

    * FULL PACKAGE Flash File Installers
    * FULL Service Manuals for Levels 1,2,3 and 4 (most BB5 Phones)
    * FULL Schematics (most BB5 Phones)
    * SINGLE VARIANT Flash File Download (Similar to NAVIFIRM)

    * End user can choose between downloading the FULL Pacakge Flash File or just downloading only specific variants.
    * Each Activated ATF Box is entitled to access the MOST complete and UP-TO-DATE
    * Flash Files for BB5 with 3.0 GB Bandwidth allocation per month.

    * New Server Lease for Activation Servers / NCK Unlock Servers / Custom SX-4 Servers
    * Software Window Size was adjusted to allow compatibility on PC's with low desktop video resolution.
    * Success Sound Customization is now Enabled. Make sure success sound wav file is atleast 5 seconds in duration.
    DCT-4 Infineon Update

    Added "Live Phone" booting option for XGOLD 101/102 and XGOLD 110 phones.

    Live Phone Booting is used to improve compatibility with 1616-2 and 1800 phones that come from U.A.E.... These phones usually have "Made in India" in the back sticker as compared to "Made by Nokia" in most 1616-2 and 1800 phones.

    Live Phone option can be found beside the "SCAN PHONE" button and it is NOT enabled by default.

    New model 1616-2b RH-126 Support now.

    ATF Driver Update

    The 5.30 installer is now equipped with the latest FTDI 2.06.02 Drivers.

    Never overwrite new FTDI drivers when you are trying to install other boxes like JAF, UFS etc... Old Boxes will work 100% with the latest FTDI drivers. But if you put old FTDI Drivers, then ATF Box will not function anymore.

    Always check your driver version... Usually JAF and UFS drivers are from 2006... Now is 2010 already, so please STOP LIVING in the past . Use 2010 drivers because you are now living in year 2010.

    Download From:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Rapidshare Official Mirror
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] -Official Download Area
    Last edited by nokia service code; 31-08-2010 at 16:59.

  6. #16
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    ATF Super Speed Flashing [Nitro Mode] 5.40 Update!! 1 JUL 2010!!

    ATF Super Speed Flashing (Nitro Mode)

    First Third Party Box to add Support for the Latest
    Nokia Flash Loader Package
    (April 30, 2010)

    [BB5 Nitro Engine]

    Introducing Nitro Mode Flashing for BB5 NAND Phones 60% Faster than Turbo Mode Flashing !!


    - Full Flash X3 in 15 Seconds (boot-erase-flash)
    - Full Flash 6120c in 23 Seconds (boot-erase-flash)

    Uses The Latest Flash Loader Package

    [BB5 Turbo Engine]

    15% Speed Increase than the previous Turbo Flashing
    Uses Older Loader Package 09.xx.xxx.x for assured full
    compatibility with previous releases...

    [General Fixes and Tweaks]

    * Entire FBUS Protocol Handling was Reworked
    * Added "SD Check" (Super Dongle Key) for All BB5 Phones
    * User Ini File Selection Bug Fixed
    * Non Conventional VPL and INI file now supported
    * Added Data Integrity Check on BB5 RPL Backup Process
    * 800 x 600 NetBook Screen Resoution is now FULLY SUpported
    * Added Simlock Security Type Test on BB5 Buscheck Button

    [Server Services]

    * SX4 PM AUTHORIZATION Engine was Completely Reworked
    * BB5 Unlock/Relock Engine was Complete Reworked
    * Server Based Tasks are now more "User Friendly"

    Two New Flash File Servers are now Online

    1. Mercury : New Lease
    2. Venus : New Lease
    3. Mars : Renewed Lease (www.super-key.com)

    Additional 1.5 GB Bandwidth for Special Modified Boxes is now Set on the all Servers.
    Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

    Download From:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Rapidshare Official Mirror
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] -Official Download Area

  7. #17
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    ATF 5.50 New Loaders + New Box Firmware Update!! 07 JUL 10!!
    First In the World to add Support for the Latest Nokia Flash Loader Pacakge (May 18, 2010)

    N86 RM-484 42 SEC

    5230 RM-588 38 SEC

    Send a message via Skype™ to gsmfun

    ATF 5.50 New Loaders + New Box Firmware Update!! 07 JUL 10!!
    First In the World to add Support for the Latest Nokia Flash Loader Pacakge (May 18, 2010)

    N86 RM-484 42 SEC
    YouTube - N86 ATF 5.50 Full Flashing with New Loader

    5230 RM-588 38 SEC
    YouTube - 5230 ATF 5.50 Full Flashing with New Loader

    [New FPGA Firmware]
    LogiCore 7.07.10

    [BB5 Nitro Engine]
    Now using the Lastest Flash Loader Pacakge

    [BB5 Turbo Engine]
    Now using a more stable RAP3gV2 and V3 Loaders

    [DCT4 Engine]
    Booting Problem Fixed for DCT4+ Phones

    [General Fixes and Tweaks]

    Quick Access "Backup RPL" Button is now on the Main Software Page

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    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] -Rapidshare Official Mirror
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official Download Area

  8. #18
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    ATF 5.55 - New FBUS Loaders - Optional Update 15 JUL 2010
    First Third Party Box to add Support for the Latest
    Nokia Flash Loader Package (May 31, 2010)


    This Update is Optional and it is only for End Users
    who always want to use the Latest Flash Loaders available
    The software version is 5.55, and after you update we
    strongly suggest that you perform a "Restore Box" so we

    can guarantee that you are using the latest version of
    the compiled LogiCore 7.07.10 Firmware.

    Bug Fixes Inside:

    1. BB5 Read ASK is now enabled
    2. Pooling Phone timmeout is now 3 times longer
    3. Server access is now using IP addresses instead of domain names
    4. Simlock Server Version reading is now Skipped

    Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

    Download From:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official Rapidshare Mirror
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official Download Area
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] -Official Mirror Download Area
    Last edited by nokia service code; 03-09-2010 at 08:52.

  9. #19
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    ATF 5.60 Multi-USB Update!! 19 Aug 2010
    ATF 5.60 Multi-USB Update

    ATF Multi-USB Mode Flashing

    Flash TWO BB5 Phones at the same time
    The Phones can be different models or the same model
    The Phones can be "DEAD" or "ALIVE"
    This option saves you a lot of time and it is very EASY and SAFE to use

    ATF USB Flashing uses the latest Flash Loaders and Flash Protocols
    There is no need to select OBSOLETE "Old Protocols"/ "Old Loaders"
    All New Phones are Supported

    ATF USB RPL Backup

    Creates RPL Backups for Supported Phones via USB
    Supported Phones are ALL BB5 RAPUYAMA, RAP3Gv4 and BroadCom based Phones
    No other 3rd Party Software in the world can do this

    Unique USB Flash Procedure

    ATF is rewriting the way USB Flashing is Done
    ATF does not follow the Standard USB Flashing done by other Softwares
    ATF uses a different approach to make USB Flashing SAFER and EASIER
    Bulk ERASE and Bulk WRITE MODES are not used and this increases the
    compatibility on the latest phones with 5 or more Flash Files especially
    phones with ENO Packages.

    General Updates:

    Infineon Phone C1-00 RM-689 Now Fully Supported (First In the World)
    BroadCom "USB Only" Phones Now Fully Supported
    Update Important Files Button added for Minor Updates
    Skin Resolution Increased
    DCT4 Booting and FBUS Scanning was Improved

    Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?
    Download From:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official Rapidshare Mirror
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher]Official Download Area
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] -Official Mirror Download Area
    Last edited by nokia service code; 03-09-2010 at 09:05.

  10. #20
    V.I.P nokia service code's Avatar
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    ATF 5.70 Multi-ATF Box Update!! 25 Aug 2010!!

    Multi-ATF Box Flashing

    Now you can use more than 1 ATF Box on 1 PC
    The Number of Boxes is limited only with PC's Resources/Performance
    So it is possible to connect 10, 20, 100 etc... Boxes if your PC can handle it
    ** We Strongly Suggest you should use a USB HUB with an External
    ** Power Adapter with about 2A or more Power to give.
    ** Check out Blue-Two Thcnology Limited for the 10 Port USB we have tested


    [CNT Flashing S40 Fixed]
    Missing Calculator, Themes and Other CNT Apps for S40 phones
    are now fixed. We have tested 6300 and 3110c Phones.
    In USB Flashing Mode, you can Force 128K CNT for DEAD USB Mode.
    Only use this option if something is missing inside the Phone
    after flashing. Otherwise, leave this option unchecked.

    [User.ini Handling Fixed]
    Files that cannot be found inside the default paths are now
    accessible when saved inside the User.ini.
    User selected files are saved inside User.ini and WILL NOT BE
    overwritten with new installations above 5.60.

    [GUI USB Disabled Fixed]
    After selecting DCT4 and going back to BB5, the USB option is
    again enabled.
    Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

    Download From:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official Rapidshare Mirror
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official Download Area
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] - Official Mirror Download Area

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