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  1. #61
    Thành viên chính thức tho hoc nghe's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
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    Mặc định

    Asansam ver 2.3.5 Released Just look and Other nothing Asansam ver 2.3.5 Released

    Please Do not be surprised and look here carefully

    GT-i9300 Galaxy S3 (Repair no network via OneClick) First in World
    GT-N7100 Galaxy Note2(Repair no network via OneClick)First in world
    GT-N8000 Note 10.1 (Repair no network via OneClick) First in World
    GT-i9500 Galaxy S4 (Repair no network via USB only) First in World
    GT-E1230 (R&W Flash,EEP/Read Code/Direct Unlock/Repair IMEI)

    And but

    look here again

    Reset Pattern Lock (Without Root and Enable Usb debugging)
    Bypass Pin code(Without Root and Enable usb debugging)
    Bypass Password (Without Root and Enable usb debugging)

    Without Enable Usb Debugging And Root?

    Discuss here

    WE have a question?
    Still Need Other Sam sung Android Tool?


  2. #62
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Asansam Version 2.3.6 Released Add Remove Safe Mode(First in World)

    Asansam Version 2.3.6 Released

    Firs in The World Update

    HOT Update

    Amazing Update

    Add One Click Remove Safe Mode

    Galaxy S II
    Galaxy S III
    Galaxy S IV
    Galaxy Note
    Galaxy Note II
    Galaxy Note III
    Galaxy Note 10.1
    Galaxy Core
    Galaxy Star
    Galaxy S III Mini
    Galaxy S IV Mini
    Galaxy Tab X.X (4.x.x version)
    And Most New 2013 Phones(4.x.x version)


    Prepairing ...OK
    Device Found!
    Cleaning... OK OK
    Repairing... OK OK
    Setting OwnerShips... OK OK
    Setting Permissions... OK OK
    Rebooting... OK!
    Operation Completed
    Operation Time: 00:00:07
    About Rm Safe Mode
    Need Root
    Need Usb debugging
    Without Lose all Data
    One click Only
    Not supported Custom Firmware
    Most Firmware Supported and

    :::::::::::::READ CAREFULLY AND STEP TO STEP PLEASE ::::::::::::::
    Dont send any replay post(make a new post) about not work for me or why not work on my phone(deleted without answer)
    contact to sonork 100.1587178

    ASANSAM_Rev 2.3.6.rar

    ASANSAM_Rev 2.3.6.rar
    (Asanfile link/Press on go support file button)
    Install 2.3.6 on pc only(no need unistall)

    ASB Box BY Asansam Team Samsung/Sony/Blackberry Supported

    WE have a question?
    Still Need Other Sam sung Android Tool?


  3. #63
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Asansam Box Version 2.3.7 Released Updates Will Continue + BIG UPDATE Asansam Box Version 2.3.7 Released

    Updates Will Continue!

    GT-I9190 Direct Unlock/Imei Repair/Read&Write NVM/Read PIT
    GT-I9192 Read&Write NVM/Read PIT
    GT-I9195 Read&Write NVM/Read PIT
    GT-I9195L Write Firmware/Full Service/Read&Write NVM
    GT-I9195T Write Firmware/Full Service/Read&Write NVM
    GT-I9198 Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Read PIT/Full Service
    GT-I9197 Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Read PIT/Full Service
    GT-I9206 Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Full Service
    GT-I9207 Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Full Service
    GT-I9208 Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Read PIT/Full Service
    GT-I8558 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S6010W Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S6812C Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S7270L Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S7273T Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-N5105Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM
    GT-B7320L Read&Write NVM
    GT-B6520 Read&Write NVM
    GT-B6520L Read&Write NVM
    GT-B7510B Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-N9000 Write Firmware/Full Service/Read&Write efs/read pit
    GT-N9002 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-N9005 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-N9006 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N900T Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N900P Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N900A Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N900V Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-P1000 SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P1000c SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P1000L SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P1000M SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P1000N SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P1000R SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P1000T SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P3100 SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P6200 SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P6201 SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P6800 SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P7100 SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P7300SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P7300BSAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P7300C SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P7500SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P7500C SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    GT-P7501 SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    SGH-i257 Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Full Service
    SGH-i437 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SGH-i497 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SGH-i527M Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Read PIT
    SGH-i527 Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Read PIT
    SGH-i9506 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SGH-i9507 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SGH-T899 Read&Write NVM
    SGH-T899M Read&Write NVM
    SGH-M919 Write Firmware/One click Root/Full Service
    SHV-E170S Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Full Service
    SHV-E170L Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Full Service
    SHV-E170K Write Firmware/Read&Write NVM/Full Service
    SCH-P729 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-P709 Write Firmware/Full Service

    About SAFE OneClick Imei repair
    You must select modem port before press repair button
    and No need RJ45 cable

    ASANSAM_rev2.3.7.rar mediafire link
    ASANSAM_rev2.3.7.rar mirrorcreator link(10 other link)
    Download rar file and copy&extract to c:/asansam2

    ASB Box BY Asansam Team Samsung/Sony/Blackberry Supported

    WE have a question?
    Still Need Other Sam sung Android Tool?


  4. #64
    Moderator VanTuan-ST's Avatar
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    Thanked 1,158 Times in 588 Posts

    Mặc định

    Asansam Box Version 2.3.8 Released

    Updates Will Continue

    GT-S5280 Direct Unlock/Imei Repair/Repair SN
    GT-S5282 Direct Unlock/Imei Repair A+B/Repair SN
    SM-N900R4 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N9008 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N900J Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N900K Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N9009 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-N900S Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHW-M500W Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHV-E230K Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHV-E230S Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHV-E230S Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHW-M480W Write Firmware/Full Service

    About S5282 Direct Unlock
    -Flash phone via Patch unlock Files(you can download on support)
    -Root phone via 3 sec root tools
    -Unlock with ASANSAM BOX NOW

    About s5282 Direct Unlock and then write Arabic Files
    -Flash phone via Patch unlock Files first(you can download on support)
    -Root phone via 3 sec root tools
    -Unlock with ASANSAM BOX NOW
    -Flash S5282XXAME5_S5282OJVAMD4.zip File after root and unlock

    ASANSAM_rev2.3.8.RAR mirrorcreator
    Download rar file and copy&extract to c:/asansam2(need 2.2.8)

    ASB Box BY Asansam Team Samsung/Sony/Blackberry Supported

    Just For Warm UP

    DO You Know What Is Next Update?


  5. #65
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2007
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    Mặc định

    Asansam Box Ver 2.3.9 and All in One Rev 1.0.0 Released Asansam Box Version 2.3.9

    First In the World Again
    Completely Separate
    ASANSAM Team


    GT-i9195L One Click Restore PB
    GT-i9195T One Click Restore PB
    GT-i9197 One Click Restore PB
    GT-S7270 One Click Restore PB
    GT-S7275 One Click Restore PB
    GT-S7272 One Click Restore PB
    GT-N9000 One Click Restore PB
    GT-N9002 One Click Restore PB
    GT-N9005 One Click Restore PB
    GT-N9006 One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900T One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900P One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900A One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900V One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900R4 One Click Restore PB
    SM-N9008 One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900J One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900K One Click Restore PB
    SM-N9009 One Click Restore PB
    SM-N900S One Click Restore PB

    About Restore PB
    please read carefully before use this button = Risk
    This option and Button is for only phones that startup is ok but when go to recovery mode show u E: failed to mount /efs (Invalid argument) or Not show EFS block in mount command
    Please read manual before use this button
    ***WARNING***Please read this post before use RESTORE PB***WARNING*** - GSM-Forum

    ALL IN ONE REV 1.0.0

    Asansam box full setup(Asansam 2.3.9 and ASF 1.1.3)

    About Asansam ALL IN ONE
    Unistall and remove all about asansam and asf and
    then install All in one

    About support files server

    ASANSAM Server is down now and fixed soon

    New Terms and Conditions in gsmhosting.com

    All thanks and Useless Posts after Release new updates Deleted

    Use Tanx Button Only


    ASB Box BY Asansam Team Samsung/Sony/Blackberry Supported

    Just For Warm UP


  6. #66
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Asansam Box Ver 2.4.2 and All in One Rev 1.0.1 Released
    Asansam box Version 2.4.2 Released

    First In the World Again
    Completely Separate
    ASANSAM Team

    More info and discussion HERE

    Just For Warm UP

    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  7. #67
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Asansam Box Version 2.4.3 Released Add Galaxy Note3 Imei repair
    Asansam box Version 2.4.3 Released

    First In the World Again



    Galaxy Note3 Imei Repair
    Galaxy Note2 Imei Repair
    Galaxy S3 Imei Repair
    Add All new models

    More info and discussion Here

    Just For Warm UP

    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  8. #68
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Asansam Box(ASF version 1.1.4)Released Add Sony Xperia Z1 Family Ads by BetterSurfAd Options

    ASF version 1.1.4 Released

    Add Sony Xperia Z1 Family

    Flash AND Full Service

    More info and discussion HERE

    Just For Warm UP

    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  9. #69
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2007
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    Thanked 231 Times in 176 Posts

    Mặc định

    Asansam Box(All in One 1.0.3)Released Add 70 New Phone Models
    Asansam Box Version 2.4.6 Released

    Second and Hot and Amazing Update of 2014


    GT-I9195L OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-I9195T OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P1010 OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P6200L OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P6211 OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P6810 OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P7503 OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P7510 OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P7500M OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-P7511 OneClick IMEI repair
    GT-I9308 OneClick IMEI repair(NEW METHOD)
    GT-I9506 OneClick IMEI repair(NEW METHOD)
    SGH-M919M OneClick IMEI repair(NEW METHOD)
    SGH-M919V OneClick IMEI repair(NEW METHOD)
    SGH-I317R OneClick IMEI repair(NEW METHOD)
    SPH-L720 Direct unlock/imei repair
    SGH-M819N Direct unlock/imei repair/Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S7566 Direct unlock/imei repair/Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S7562U Direct unlock/imei repair/Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S6812B Direct unlock/imei repair/Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-G730M Write Firmware/Full Service/Read,Write NVM/Read PIT
    SM-G730W8 Write Firmware/Full Service/Read,Write NVM/Read PIT
    GT-S7390E Write Firmware/Full Service/Repair SN
    GT-I8262D Write Firmware/Full Service/Read PIT
    GT-S7278 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-G7102 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-G7108 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-G7106 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-N7108D Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S5310B Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S7390E Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-P7560 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-N5120 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-i9128 Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-S6792L Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-i9197X Write Firmware/Full Service
    GT-i9197Z Write Firmware/Full Service
    SGH-T399 Write Firmware/Full Service/Read PIT
    SGH-i467M Write Firmware/Full Service
    SGH-i467 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SGH-T779 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-i925 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-i925U Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-R950 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-i939D Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-i939D Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-i705 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SCH-i815 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHW-M480K Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHW-M480S Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHV-E470S Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHV-E270S Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHV-E270K Write Firmware/Full Service
    SHV-E270L Write Firmware/Full Service
    SPH-P100 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SPH-L900 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-G3502C Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-C105 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-G350 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-G3818 Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-P605M Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-P605L Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-P605K Write Firmware/Full Service
    SM-P605S Write Firmware/Full Service

    Add One Click FRoot

    GT-P6200,GT-P6210 and most other Android Phones

    Other Android phones(Froot) - [Click to open]


    Unistall and remove all about asansam and install new all in one

    ASB Box BY Asansam Team Samsung/Sony/Blackberry Supported

    Just For Warm UP


  10. #70
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
    Ngày tham gia
    Jan 2007
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    Cám ơn !!!
    Thanked 231 Times in 176 Posts

    Mặc định

    ASANSAM Box (All-in-One v1.0.4) Released
    Hi to All

    ASANSAM Box Version 2.4.7 Released


    GT-i8262 One Click IMEI Repair (Special IMEI) *
    GT-P5100 One Click IMEI Repair/Fix no network
    SGH-M919 Direct Unlock/IMEI Repair
    GT-I9195L Direct Unlock
    GT-I9195T Direct unlock
    GT-P5200 Read and write EFS/UB
    GT-P5210 Read and write EFS/UB
    GT-P5220 Read and write EFS/UB
    SM-P600 Read and write EFS/UB
    SM-P601 Read and write EFS/UB
    SM-P605 Read and write EFS/UB
    SM-P605K Read and write EFS/UB
    SM-P605L Read and write EFS/UB
    SM-P605S Read and write EFS/UB
    SM-P605M Read and write EFS/UB




    SGH-M819N Unlock/Repair IMEI


    Android Phone Info Improved
    Android Phone Info Advance Removed
    Log File Builder Improved

    ASF Tool Broken in Last AIO Setup Now Fixed

    * About I8262 Repair IMEI

    For That You Need Both UART(C3300K) and USB Cable
    First Select Your UART Interface Com Port in Select COM Port Then Put Your Phone in Download Mode and connect USB Cable to Phone and please Note You Must Select Special IMEI Check Instead Entering Your IMEIS After Phone Reset Wait Till Phone Start-Up Complete then Remove USB Cable and Insert UART Cable to phone and do rest opertaion

    ** About ASANSAM Native PIT Flasher (Android)

    We Decide Add our Native Android Flasher For PIT Series Phones and For better Performance We Add Models Just after We Tested So for Start We Add few Models Therfore After Tested On more models We Add Them On Next Updates

    About NOTE3 Repair IMEi

    Many User requested For This But need to know We working on That
    And After We Found Solution Who Dont Damage on WiFi/BT or Network
    We Release that Immediately So Please Stop Requesting That


    Please Uninstall Previous Version Of ASANSAM and then Install This New Setup


    Because of Security Reasons We Decided to Stop Supporting UNIKEY Dongles
    So This is Last Version Who Unikey Dongles Owner's Can Use so if these Respected Users Want to Use Next Updates Please Provide ASANSAM SMART CARD Dongle/BOX

    We Hope You Are Understand This
    We Have Almost XXXXX User and Just 719 User have Unikey and Rest of Our Users Using SMART CARD
    So We have More Responsible to Secure Our Users Rights,Investment,Trust and also our Business

    Unikey Users S/N Bound:

    (S/N: 0000000001 - 0000000719)


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