Lúc đầu máy bình thường, chạy xong bỏ sim lên trắng treo, lấy sim ra khởi động bình thường, chạy lại bằng ATF box rồi mx-box vẫn vậy
Lúc đầu máy bình thường, chạy xong bỏ sim lên trắng treo, lấy sim ra khởi động bình thường, chạy lại bằng ATF box rồi mx-box vẫn vậy
ai giúp với cần gấp
Number of Image Files: 3
Processing Image File :
Processing Image File :
Processing Image File :
If Phone Booting does not Start in 5 Seconds,
Then Perform Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4...
1. Remove USB and Battery...
2. Insert USB.
3. Insert Battery. (Some phones boot automatically)
4. Please Power on phone shortly...
Infineon USB Boot: F00A1FB300020303010100FF
Sending PBL...
PBL Successfully Sent...
Sending SBL...
SBL Successfully Sent...
Setting Transmission Speed Done...
Flash Chip Manufacturer: Samsung Electronics Corp.
Flash Boot Successful...
Unique Data: 1210041196152804
Original Product Code: 059C883
Reading : CCC... OK!
Reading : HWC... OK!
Reading : NPC... OK!
RPL Backup was Successful...
Plain RPL saved to:
C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\Backup\353660059284186\3536600592841 86_70812 P.rpl
Certificate Block Saved to:
C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\Backup\353660059284186\3536600592841 86_CERTIFICATE_3B3DC682.bin
PM Block Saved to:
C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\Backup\353660059284186\3536600592841 86_PMM_PROT_481C2F8D.bin
Security Code: 12345
Data Sections : 04
Current File : rm704__03.99.mcusw
Compile Name: rm704__03.99.mcusw_ebl_psi.fls
Image Type : Main Firmware
Data Size : 27266440 Bytes
Sending Certificate Block
FIRMWARE Certificate Block Sent Successfully...
Processing Section 01
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40000000~0x4001FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 131072 bytes
Data Checksum: 2A3C
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 02
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40040000~0x4005FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 131072 bytes
Data Checksum: 7A82
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 03
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40060000~0x4015FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 1048576 bytes
Data Checksum: 2B96
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 04
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40280000~0x41BBFFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 25952256 bytes
Data Checksum: 1244
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 05
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x43E20000~0x43E5FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Data Verification Successful...
Data Sections : 01
Current File : rm704__03.99.ppm_v
Compile Name: package_v.ppm_ebl_psi.fls
Image Type : PPM Image
Data Size : 4173800 Bytes
Sending Certificate Block
PPM Certificate Block Sent Successfully...
Processing Section 01
PPM Erase Block: 0x41BC0000~0x421BFFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 4170456 bytes
Data Checksum: 7AB8
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
PPM Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Data Verification Successful...
Data Sections : 01
Current File : rm704__03.99.image_v_jblack_059C884
Compile Name: package_v_jblack_059C884.image.fls
Image Type : CONTENT Package
Data Size : 12324112 Bytes
Sending Certificate Block
CONTENT Certificate Block Sent Successfully...
Processing Section 01
CONTENT Erase Block: 0x421C0000~0x43E1FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 12320768 bytes
Data Checksum: 95B6
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
CONTENT Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 02
CONTENT Erase Block: 0x43E60000~0x43F3FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Data Verification Successful...
Total Flashing Time (Erase + Flashing) : 00:03:03
(Booting time is NOT Included)
Waiting for Phone to Start-Up..(Max 150 seconds)
bình thường chạy làm gì..quăng cái log lên ae xem sao
ĐẾN TỪ MIỀN TRUNG NAM BỘ...ĐT 0966.336.396.
máy khách bị chậm
Number of Image Files: 3
Processing Image File :
Processing Image File :
Processing Image File :
If Phone Booting does not Start in 5 Seconds,
Then Perform Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4...
1. Remove USB and Battery...
2. Insert USB.
3. Insert Battery. (Some phones boot automatically)
4. Please Power on phone shortly...
Infineon USB Boot: F00A1FB300020303010100FF
Sending PBL...
PBL Successfully Sent...
Sending SBL...
SBL Successfully Sent...
Setting Transmission Speed Done...
Flash Chip Manufacturer: Samsung Electronics Corp.
Flash Boot Successful...
Unique Data: 1210041196152804
Original Product Code: 059C883
Reading : CCC... OK!
Reading : HWC... OK!
Reading : NPC... OK!
RPL Backup was Successful...
Plain RPL saved to:
C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\Backup\353660059284186\3536600592841 86_74405 P.rpl
Certificate Block Saved to:
C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\Backup\353660059284186\3536600592841 86_CERTIFICATE_741261E0.bin
PM Block Saved to:
C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\Nokia\Backup\353660059284186\3536600592841 86_PMM_PROT_A7A9C893.bin
Security Code: 12345
Data Sections : 04
Current File : rm704__03.99.mcusw
Compile Name: rm704__03.99.mcusw_ebl_psi.fls
Image Type : Main Firmware
Data Size : 27266440 Bytes
Sending Certificate Block
FIRMWARE Certificate Block Sent Successfully...
Processing Section 01
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40000000~0x4001FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 131072 bytes
Data Checksum: 2A3C
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 02
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40040000~0x4005FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 131072 bytes
Data Checksum: 7A82
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 03
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40060000~0x4015FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 1048576 bytes
Data Checksum: 2B96
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 04
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x40280000~0x41BBFFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 25952256 bytes
Data Checksum: 1244
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
FIRMWARE Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 05
FIRMWARE Erase Block: 0x43E20000~0x43E5FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Data Verification Successful...
Data Sections : 01
Current File : rm704__03.99.ppm_v
Compile Name: package_v.ppm_ebl_psi.fls
Image Type : PPM Image
Data Size : 4173800 Bytes
Sending Certificate Block
PPM Certificate Block Sent Successfully...
Processing Section 01
PPM Erase Block: 0x41BC0000~0x421BFFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 4170456 bytes
Data Checksum: 7AB8
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
PPM Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Data Verification Successful...
Data Sections : 01
Current File : rm704__03.99.image_v_jblack_059C884
Compile Name: package_v_jblack_059C884.image.fls
Image Type : CONTENT Package
Data Size : 12324112 Bytes
Sending Certificate Block
CONTENT Certificate Block Sent Successfully...
Processing Section 01
CONTENT Erase Block: 0x421C0000~0x43E1FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Preparing Data Blocks...
Data Size: 12320768 bytes
Data Checksum: 95B6
Uploading Data Blocks to phone...
Block Write Successful...
CONTENT Data Blocks uploaded to phone...
Processing Section 02
CONTENT Erase Block: 0x43E60000~0x43F3FFFE
Start Erasing...
Erasing Please Wait...
Block Erase Done...
Data Verification Successful...
Total Flashing Time (Erase + Flashing) : 00:03:04
(Booting time is NOT Included)
Waiting for Phone to Start-Up..(Max 150 seconds)
Scanning USB Ports...
Basic Phone Information
MCU Version: V 03.99 03-04-12 RM-704 (c) Nokia
IMEI Plain : 353660059284186
IMEI Spare : A353660059284180
IMEI SV : 33536600592841814F
IMEI (2nd) : 353660059284194
IMEI Spare : A353660059284190
IMEI SV : 33536600592841914F
Phone Model: K C2-00
Category : Entry Phone
Phone Type : RM-704
Extended Phone Information
Product Serial Number: B800621AH
Product Code : 059C883
Module Code : 0204689
Basic Production Code: 059B9Q6
Long Production SN : 0
PPM SW Version : V 03.99 03-04-12 RM-704 (c) Nokia V
BT MCM Version : 19b5-22012
MCU SW Version : V 03.99 03-04-12 RM-704 (c) Nokia
HW Version : 1004
RFIC Version : Dummy RFIC version
LCD Version : TPO
Content Pack Version : Content: v_jblack_059C884 V 03.99 03-04-12 RM-704 (c) Nokia
Bluetooth ID : 0C:C6:6A:11:203
CS Type : GSM900, GSM1800
********** SIMLOCK INFO **********
CONFIG_DATA : 0010100000000000
PROFILE_BITS : 800000000003000B
ASIC : 11
PROVIDER : Default Test Operator
Block [1] 1:Open 2:Open 3:Open 4:Open 5:Open
Block [2] 1:Open 2:Open 3:Open 4:Open 5:Open
Block [3] 1:Open 2:Open 3:Open 4:Open 5:Open
Block [4] 1:Open 2:Open 3:Open 4:Open 5:Open
Block [5] 1:Open 2:Open 3:Open 4:Open 5:Open
Block [6] 1:Open 2:Open 3:Open 4:Open 5:Open
Block [7] 1:Open 2:Open 3:Open 4:Open 5:Open
SIMLOCK_TYPE : PA_SL3 (15-digit NCK)
Dynamic Camera Configuration
DCC ID : NI00CS0000040C213402
DCC Ver: 002006
Status : OK
Make sure you have installed the
COMPLETE Flash Package for this Phone...
Goto "Settings" --> "Nokia Settings" and verify that
the Folder where you installed your Flash Files are
in the "PRODUCT PATH TO SCAN" List...
chạy ver cao nhất cho em nó đi bạn
cái này chỉ phần mêm thôi bạn.ban chay bằng hwk chắc được đó
MXKEY [MxKey Team HTI PLUS Flasher Interface 0], SN: C087C1DB
Using device: USB Phonet and HTI, FW ver: 00.50, SN: 0100DAEB
Connection status: EHCI:HUB:HUB::USB 1.10 (Full-speed)
Driver: nmwcdnsuc, ver:
Module ver:, Library ver:
Make sure USB cable, Battery and charger are removed from device.
Insert USB cable, Battery back to device(make sure to have fully charged battery).
Insert Charger or Press phone's power button(if flashing doesnt start automatically)
Waiting for USB ROM device ...
Device synchronized.
Sending EBL Loader...OK
Sending EBL ...OK
Getting EBL Version ...
Boot mode: 0xCC
EBL version major/minor: 10.37
EBL version: Quantum_Bootloader_10.37_M1S1
Protocol version suggested by phone: 3
Set baud rate to: 6.50 Mbit/s
Flash ID: 00EC 3012 - 23280002 [Samsung ]
CFI information:
Flash settings: 0/1024, size: 0x04000000
1 Block regions:
512 x 0x00020000 = 0x04000000
EBL ready !
Original IMEI:
RPL backup already exist (C:\mobileEx\3.5\data\backup\XGOLD__back.RPL)
Processing file: rm704__03.99.mcusw
Downloading item CODE:rm704__03.99.mcusw_ebl_psi.fls, num block: 4, size: 26 MB
Erasing area 0x40000000-0x4001FFFE ...OK
Programming completed in 0.336 s
Erasing area 0x40040000-0x4005FFFE ...OK
Programming completed in 0.345 s
Erasing area 0x40060000-0x4015FFFE ...OK
Programming completed in 1.405 s
Erasing area 0x40280000-0x41B3FFFE ...OK
Programming completed in 30.491 s
Checksum verified (0x6C69)
Processing file: rm704__03.99.ppm_v
Downloading item CUSTackage_v.ppm_ebl_psi.fls, num block: 1, size: 3.98 MB
Erasing area 0x41BC0000-0x41FBA2D6 ...OK
Programming completed in 5.019 s
Checksum verified (0xB87A)
Processing file: rm704__03.99.image_v_jblack_059C884
Downloading item CUSTackage_v_jblack_059C884.image.f , num block: 1, size: 11.75 MB
Erasing area 0x421C0000-0x43E1FFFE ...OK
Programming completed in 14.754 s
Checksum verified (0xB695)
Total time for flashing process(boot+erase+write) was 3 min 8.448 s
Waiting for USB device removal ...OK
Waiting for USB device arrival ...
Waiting for device boot up ...
Phone not found, retrying ...
Warning: Phone did not reboot to normal mode.
Market items is empty, please select the correct products path !
ko xong thì xem lại con 25 chân nhé bác
Hiện có 1 người đang xem bài này . Bao gồm : 0 thành viên và 1 khách