What is "Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter", how does "Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter" works ?
"Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter" Video Manual
"Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter" User Manual with a lot of useful information:
complete product description
technical specification
installation manual
activation manual
step-by-step user manual
pinouts and additional technical information
How to get "Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter" ?
Contact to support@infinity-box.biz
How much "Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter" cost ?
Recommended end-user price is 100 (one hundred) USD + shipping. Price depends on World region (local taxes, customs and delivery expenses etc.), so confirm exact price with your local reseller.
Where to download "Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter" software ?
Software can be downloaded from Infinity-Box support area
How is "Ininity-Box PinFinder Adapter" looks like ?