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    Mặc định 02 Aug 2008: "PinFinder" v1.14: CPU independent pinout detection method etc.

    PinFinder v1.14 uploaded in support area:

    .L4B cable added
    .L4C cable added
    .L12D cable added
    .2x8 (L14B) cable name renamed to 2x8 (L16A)
    .internal pinout database updated
    .detected baudrate shown for MSM and CPU independent algorithms
    .Platform/CPU independent pinout detection method added (in test).
    Possible to use this new pinout detection method for any phone (not depends on CPU type). Detection procedure may be slow and results not so good yet, we are waiting for your results.

    Also here is information about pinout detection for CDMA/Qualcomm models:
    Last edited by hungphongmobile™; 03-08-2008 at 09:51.

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