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Vẫn mất xiền mua code như thường..
to here: http://www.halong.vn/
Chưa chắc!Hôm trước bị mất nick trên MSS support forum nên ko lấy cái loader mới về được, tiếc quá, máy trả khách mất rồi nên ko thử được, thấy có thằng unlock OK!
Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!
6 July 2008 - ODM Service Software 1.11 has been released.
What\'s new:
- WORLD FIRST: Full support for W360:
+ Unlock
+ EEPROM read/write
+ EEPROM repair
+ Format FFS
+ Flash read/write
- W161, W181, W270 were added to the supported models list (although they were already supported before!)
Please use ServiceTool to get this update as usual.
Welcome to : www.saigonmobile.vn
SỐ 697 - 699 ĐƯỜNG 3 THÁNG 2 - P.6 -Q.10 TP.HCM
ĐT/FAX : 083.9572152 - 08.38575707 - 0903.303.717
Email : saigonmobile@gmail.com
Skype : saigonmobile
YM : saigonmobile_vn
MSN : saigonmobile@hotmail.com
21 January 2009 - ODM Service Software 1.13 has been released.
What\'s new:
- Full support for ZN200:
+ Unlock
+ EEPROM read/write
+ EEPROM repair
+ Flash read/write
- Full support for EM325:
+ Unlock
+ EEPROM read/write
+ EEPROM repair
+ Flash read/write
- W231 has been added to the list of supported models
- Added Melody/Img versions reading for supported phones
- Some GUI improvements (now both original and repaired IMEI are displayed on the phones with repaired IMEI, default flash file name changed for read operation)
Please use ServiceTool to get this update as usual.
Post your comments on the support forum.
Welcome to : www.saigonmobile.vn
SỐ 697 - 699 ĐƯỜNG 3 THÁNG 2 - P.6 -Q.10 TP.HCM
ĐT/FAX : 083.9572152 - 08.38575707 - 0903.303.717
Email : saigonmobile@gmail.com
Skype : saigonmobile
YM : saigonmobile_vn
MSN : saigonmobile@hotmail.com
Tamansu (22-01-2009), TAMTRUONGTELECOM (22-01-2009), vanhue (22-01-2009)
hướng dẫn chạy mssbox
Dear customers,
Introducing mss.card - a new product from MSS Box II producers!
What is mss.card? Why we have developed it?
MSS Box II was developed more than 5 years ago, since then mobile
phones evolved to very complicated devices, requiring high speed
operation and modern solutions, which are not always possible to achieve with MSS Box II.
mss.card is a logical extension of the MSS Box II project. All further updates for MSS Box II
Requiring high speed operation can be used with mss.card only, as
the box cannot provide the necessary speed.
To achieve this, we have developed special software for mss.card, which is:
* Ultraflasher 2.0 - this is a new version of UltraFlasher for MSS Box II, but for mss.card.
It can flash all modern Motorola phones on Android platforms, like Milestone, XT7xx, MB5xx,
MB3xx and much more.
We have also prepared a big database of flash files.
It doesn\'t mean that MSS Box II is useless now. All further updates
requiring high security will be released under MSS Box II, to
provide better protection from stealing & copying by our competitors.
And now a small present for all our customers! FREE LG software for every mss.card owner:
The following modules are supported for mss.card now:
* LG Module - ultimate LG service tool for all LG phones, based on SE,
Qualcomm, MTK, Analog Devices, Infineon and Texas Insruments chipsets.
It can flash, unlock, repair and much more.
Please find a complete description of this module at:
Are there any discounts and special offers for MSS Box II owners?
- OFCOURSE! We value you as a customer that is why we have a
special price for you: 50 USD per card.
* please note, that you can buy 1 card for each MSS Box II only.
Tell your dealer your MSS Box II ID and get a special discounted price.
Where can I find more information?
- More information is available at msscard.com and on our
official forum at msscard.com • Index page
Always yours,
mss.card team
LG Multiplatform Module features
LG Multiplatform Module screenshots
Full support for LG platforms:
* Infineon
* Texas Instruments
* Analog Devices
* Qualcomm
Main features:
- Dump full flash
- Dump firmware
- Dump NVM
- Dump file system
- Flash full flash
- Flash firmware
- Flash NVM
- Flash file system
- Direct unlock
- Unlock IMEI
- Lock IMEI
- Patch / Repair / Change IMEI
- Format FS (File System)
Interfaces supported:
- Native COM port
- USB to serial COM port emulation
- Native USB
Supported models:
B-series: B2000, B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150, BL20, BL20e, BL20v, BL40, BL40e, BL40f, BL40g, BL42k
C-series: C1100, C1150, C1200, C1300, C1300i, C1400, C1500, C2200, C3100, C3300, C3310, C3320, C3380, C3400, CB360, CF360, CF360GO, CF750, CG180, CG225, CP150, CT810, CT815, CU400, CU405, CU500, CU500v, CU515, CU575, CU720, CU915, CU920
F-series: F2100, F2300, F2400, F2410, F3000, F7100
G-series: G1600, G1610, G3000, G3100, G4010, G4015, G4050, G5300, G5300i, G5400, G5500, G7000, G7030, G7050, G7100, G7110, G7120, GB100, GB101, GB102, GB105, GB106, GB107, GB108, GB109, GB110, GB115, GB125, GB126, GB130, GB170, GB175, GB190, GB190a, GB190b, GB195, GB210, GB220, GB220go, GB220N, GB230, GB250, GB250f, GB250g, GB255, GB258, GC900, GC900e, GC900f, GD330, GD335, GD580, GD710, GD880, GD880f, GD880G, GD900, GM310, GM310F, GM310G, GM630, GM730, GM730e, GM730f, GM735, GM750, GM750h, GM750n, GR500, GR500F, GR500FD, GR500R, GR501, GS190, GS200, GT360, GT365, GT400, GT400GO, GT405, GT500, GT500N, GT505, GT540, GT540f, GT540GO, GT810, GT950, GU280, GU280f, GU282, GU285, GU285f, GU285g, GW300, GW520, GW525, GW620, GW620, GW620f, GW620G, GW620GO, GW620R, GW820, GW825
H-series: HB620, HB620T
K-series: KB620, KB770, KB775F, KC550, KC560, KC780, KC910, KC910Q, KC910Qa, KE260, KE360, KE500, KE508, KE520, KE590, KE600, KE608, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE850, KE858, KE970, KE990, KE990d, KE998, KF310, KF311, KF350, KF390, KF390GO, KF390Q, KF510, KF600, KF690, KF700, KF700Q, KF701, KF750, KF755, KF757, KF758, KF900, KG110, KG115, KG118, KG119, KG120, KG130, KG210, KG220, KG221, KG225, KG228, KG240, KG245, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG290, KG291, KG296, KG320, KG320s, KG328, KG370, KG375, KG376, KG70, KG77, KG800, KG90, KG90n, KG90n, KH1200, KH1600, KH1800, KH1800M, KH2100, KH2200, KH2700, KH4500, KH6400, KH6500, KM380, KM385, KM386, KM500, KM501, KM710, KM710c, KM710d, KM900, KM900e, KM900f, KM900g, KP100, KP105, KP106, KP107, KP108, KP109, KP110, KP115, KP130, KP135, KP150, KP151, KP152, KP152q, KP170, KP175, KP200, KP202, KP202i, KP210, KP215, KP230, KP233, KP235, KP260, KP265, KP270, KP275, KP293, KP500, KP501, KP502, KP550, KP570, KP570q, KS20, KS360, KS500, KS6601, KS6602, KT520, KT525, KT610, KT615, KU1700, KU250, KU310, KU311, KU380, KU385, KU450, KU580, KU6000, KU800, KU830, KU9100, KU950, KU970, KU990, KU990c, KU990GO, KU990i, KU990iG, KU990MF, KU990R
L-series: L01A, L01B, L02B, L03A, L03B, L04A, L06A, L1100, L1150, L1400, L3100, L341i, L342i, L600i, L600V, L601i, L602i, L704i, L705i, L705iX, L706ie, L852i, LG300G, LG410g, LG600, LG800
M-series: M6100, ME550, ME770, ME850, ME970, MG100, MG101, MG105, MG110b, MG120, MG125, MG130, MG150, MG155, MG160, MG161, MG165, MG230d, MG235c, MG280, MG295, MG296, MG320, MG370, MG377, MG610, MG800, MG808, MS20, MS25, MU500, MU515
P-series: P7200
S-series: S5000, S5100, S5200, SH130, SH170, SH210, SH240, SH460, SH470, SH640, SH650, SU100, SU600, SU910
T-series: TE360, TE365, TE365F, TG800, TU500, TU515, TU720, TU750, TU915
U-series: U250, U300, U300C, U310, U310C, U370, U370C, U370W, U450, U450C, U8120, U8130, U8150, U8180, U8200, U8210, U8290, U830, U8330, U8360, U8380, U880, U890, U900, U970, U990
W-series: W3000, W5300, W7000, W7020, W7100
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