With this version we would like to introduce the following features.
1. Model V1150 was fully tested and proved to be supported by PREPARE cycle with specified boot versions: 06.71, 06.81, 06.82, 06.83, 06.84.
2. Added Repair PDS option and full_flash for V195 fw version R3517.
3. Released possibility of repairing the handset with
damaged flash chip by replacing it with the used unit taken from the same model. Detailed manual “Smart-Clip and repair of the handset with damaged flash chip” uploaded to SMARTMOTO section of
4. Improved version detection for the latest models: Z3, K1, L7e, etc....
Update Smart-Clip first and perform S-Card update after that only.
We recommend to use only the latest versions of Smart-Clip, S-Card and SmartMoto.
Cái tính năng repair khi thay flash IC từ máy khác qua quá khủng luôn! SC lại vượt mặt MSS4 nữa rùi! Tiếc 1 điều là S-card khan hàng quá!