Volcano Inferno UNI Tool V1.5.4 and Inferno MTK Module 1.4.7 Released
Volcano Inferno UNI Tool V1.5.4 and Inferno MTK Module 1.4.7 Released
UNI Tool V1.5.4
ADD: MTK Backup Full user-data while backup factory file:- - UNI Tool>>Choosy any brand Mediatek>>Backup Factory Files>>If press yes it will read whole userdata, if you press no it will read as size of factory.

- It will take much time depend on emmc size.
- Added on request of some advance users

- Help to extract user-data from non encrypted file system based phones.
- Do not ask how to extract user-data there have many ways to extract search on google for it.
ADD: ASUS Tab activated (UNI Tool>>Others>>Asus):- 
- Asus qualcomm loaders added {8x10,8916,8917,8937,8939,8953,8956}
- Note: Asus atm on beta stage some of will work some of not please try and post result..
- All operation will work on EDL mode..

ADD: ZTE Tab activated (UNI Tool>>Others>>ZTE):- 
- ZTE qualcomm loaders added {8909,8916,8939,8940,8952,8953,8976,8996}
- Note: ZTE atm on beta stage some of will work some of not please try and post result..
- All operation will work on EDL mode..
ADD: Coolpad MSM8952 Loader added
MTK Tool V1.4.7
ADD: MTK Backup Full user-data while backup factory file:- - MTK Module>>USB Backup Factory Files>>If press yes it will read whole userdata, if you press no it will read as size of factory.

- It will take much time depend on emmc size.
- Added on request of some advance users

- Help to extract user-data from non encrypted file system based phones.
- Do not ask how to extract user-data there have many ways to extract search on google for it.
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