pm trực tiếp Mr Hoàng điĐược post bởi badboypost
pm trực tiếp Mr Hoàng điĐược post bởi badboypost
Thanks các bác nhiều nhé !! Mong được các bác giúp đỡ
* New version M300_1_19SC is uploaded in O2 section of support sites.
- Corrected bug with O2X2i
- Repairing using full flash.
Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!
Dùng 2 bộ Vygis Full một lúc mà kêu nghèo kìaĐược post bởi GSM_Solution
eGSM Network ĐT: 0913285467 - 0988354567
nghe nói 1 bộ cho 1 em áo dài MIỀN TÂY rồi...thỉnh thoảng có xuống MIỀN TÂY không mất tiền NHÀ NGHỈĐược post bởi Hoang
unlock all ss sim sumo in 3s
Added support for LG-KG220 and KG-225.
Uploaded also some flashes for them.
Software works with standart 24 pins cable = 7050 CABLE INDEED (same
like for C1200,C2200,C3300 and etc.).
unlock all ss sim sumo in 3s
New software - NEC N343i flasher-unlocker v1.11SC is uploaded at
support sites.
Software goes as free update for LG softwares users and works with LG
reg file.
Supported phones - \"NEC N343i\".Software\'s features :
- fast flash reading-writing at 921 kb
- fast unlock
- phone code reading
- phone repairing by writing full flash
- This is a FULL SERVICE SOFTWARE that can UNLOCK - FLASH - and Repair
complete this Phone, and not some tiny code calculator.
Just enjoy --> It is FREE GIFT
unlock all ss sim sumo in 3s
linh_mobile (07-10-2007), thachbao (29-04-2010)
Added support for LG-G7120,LG-F2250,LG-F3000,LG-MG100,LG-ME500,LG-KG210.
Uploaded some flashes for them.
- Improved flashing procedure for phones,based on AD CPU.This allow to have 0,5-2 minutes economy,depending from flash type and size.
- According some askings from UK customers,IMEI changing options are hidden.
Anyway they can be enabled from keyboard with some keys combination.
New version LG Workshop v1.55SC is uploaded at support sites.
Added support for LG-KG800,LG-KG320 and LG-ME591.
Uploaded some flashes for them.
- LG-KG800 and LG-KG320 uses totally new cable,pinout info is in "Pinout info.txt"file.
The USB cable,which goes to phones package,can't be used for unlocking and
New software - Sony Ericsson J100i flasher-unlocker v1.11SC is uploaded at support sites.
Software goes as FREE addon to O2-Benq softwares AND VPOWER BOXES and works with O2 reg file.
Supported model-SE J100i.
Software's features:
- fast flash writing-reading at 812 kb
- fast unlock
- user area (FFS) formating (clearing phone lock code and etc.)
- eeprom repairing (this function is for beta testing-read eeprom backup before)
regards, Gobi
New version - Sony Ericsson J100i flasher-unlocker v1.12SC is uploaded at support sites.
By reports of betatesters,\"Repair EEPROM\" function not work correctly in v1.11SC, so
this function it is removed,until problem will be solved.
To language packs folder added language pack with Bulgarian,Hungarian and Romanian languages
Nhận: Bơm ga bật lửa, sửa chữa điện thoại di động tại nhà!
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