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  1. #121
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Z3X-BOX LG Update. LG 2-3G Tool v4.0. LG-P760, P765, P768, P769 added

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    LG 2-3G Tool v4.0 Update. New phones added


    - support Lg P760 (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P765 (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P768 (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P768e (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P768f (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P768g (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P768N (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P769 (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P769BK (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P769BKGO (direct unlock, repair imei)
    - support Lg P769BKGO1 (direct unlock, repair imei)

    + Added multi-language interface - for translate use Z3X LG 2-3G Tool
    * Fixed auto detect sec zone for C729, C800 series

    Discuss here
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  2. #122
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    Z3X-BOX Samsung 17.6 Update. Anycall BOOM. Exclusive solution.
    Samsung Tool 17.6 Anycall*s BOOM. Exlusive. First in the world

    Some news we have today for you:


    - support Anycall SHV-E210s android 4.3 (Direct imei repair/network repair) - First in the world
    - support Anycall SHV-E210K android 4.3 (Direct imei repair/network repair) - First in the world
    - support Anycall SHV-E210L android 4.3 (Direct imei repair) - First in the world

    - support Anycall SHV-E220S (Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world
    - support Anycall SHV-E270S(Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world
    - support Anycall SHV-E270K (Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world

    - support Anycall SHV-E275S (Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world

    - support Anycall SHV-E300S (Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world
    - support Anycall SHV-E300K (Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world

    - support Anycall SHV-E500S (Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world

    - support Anycall SHW-M440S (Direct unlock/imei repair/network repair/flashing) - First in the world

    - support Samsung GT-i9082 new security (Direct unlock/imei repair/network. Autodetect security type)

    ztool Update:
    - Improved ztool for android 4.4.2
    - Improved ztool for andorid 2.x.x

    Anycall’s phones with 00000000000000 imei can have damaged structure of EFS. In this case just flash working EFS *.tar readed from working phone. We will try collect all EFS’s type and will upload to support.

    If any problem with Anycall - contact with me in sonork we will check.

    P.S. Want more anycalls, request here.

    P.S2 CopyPasters - you have now lot of job. Show your power now.
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  3. #123
    Administrators ThanhHaMobile™'s Avatar
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    Chu y Z3X-BOX Samsung Update. v17.7 New phones added

    Samsung Tool 17.7 Update. First in the world

    - support Samsung GT-S5611 (Direct read codes/unlock/imei repair, flashing, format) - first in the world
    - support Samsung GT-E3300i (Direct read codes/unlock/imei repair, flashing, format) - first in the world
    - support Samsung GT-E3309i (Direct read codes/unlock/imei repair, flashing, format) - first in the world
    - support Samsung SM-T110 (Direct repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-T110x (Direct repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-T111 (Direct Unlock/repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-T111m (Direct Unlock/repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-G310HN (Direct unlock/imei repair, flashing)
    - support Samsung GT-i9063T (Direct unlock/imei repair, flashing) - first in the world

    Fixed msl error on infineon based models:
    - Samsung GT-C3592
    - Samsung GT-S3800
    - Samsung GT-S3802

    Anh em download tool mới qua shell của Z3 nhe!
    Nếu cần liên hệ, xin vui lòng ... liên hệ theo thông tin ở dưới đây!
    • Repair Boot - Unlock giải mã - mở mạng - mở mã pass người dùng - sửa lỗi phần mềm, nạp tiếng Việt, chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ cho các dòng máy Mobile • CUNG CẤP & TƯ VẤN SỬ DỤNG THIẾT BỊ CHẠY PHẦN MỀM MOBILE CHUYÊN DỤNG • CUNG CẤP SẢN PHẨM DUNG DỊCH PHÁ KEO IC, BÃO HÒA TẢN NHIỆT IC, KEO DẪN ĐIỆN, THIẾC BỘT, CHÌ XẢ MỐI HÀN, DAO PHÁ KEO • KEO DÁN MÀN HÌNH CẢM ỨNG iPHONE, iPAD, LAPTOP, GIA CỐ CPU CÁC LOẠI ...
    ThanhHaMobile™ Service Center
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    ĐT: Gphone 0225.609.239 - 0983.717.628 - 0912.050.858.
    • Tài khoản Anypay Viettel số: 0987 250 552
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: DongAbank - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Đức Thanh
      Mã số TK: 0104365048 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: Agribank (NNPTNT) - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 2112205015281 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: VietCombank - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 0031001023873 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.

  4. #124
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Z3X-BOX Samsung Update. v17.7 New phones added
    Samsung Tool 17.7 Update. First in the world

    - support Samsung GT-S5611 (Direct read codes/unlock/imei repair, flashing, format) - first in the world
    - support Samsung GT-E3300i (Direct read codes/unlock/imei repair, flashing, format) - first in the world
    - support Samsung GT-E3309i (Direct read codes/unlock/imei repair, flashing, format) - first in the world
    - support Samsung SM-T110 (Direct repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-T110x (Direct repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-T111 (Direct Unlock/repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-T111m (Direct Unlock/repair imei/wifi/bt, flashing)
    - support Samsung SM-G310HN (Direct unlock/imei repair, flashing)
    - support Samsung GT-i9063T (Direct unlock/imei repair, flashing) - first in the world

    Fixed msl error on infineon based models:
    - Samsung GT-C3592
    - Samsung GT-S3800
    - Samsung GT-S3802

    Discuss here
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  5. #125
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Samsung Update 17.8 Log of changes.

    Main - we have released new ONLY USB algo for unlock most of new qualcomm phones 4.3 and 4.4.2 android version:
    i337,i337m,i747,i747m,i9190,i535,i9192,i9200,i9305 ,i9505,M919m,m919 and all others. No more problem like MSL-error.

    New phones added:

    - support SM-B310E (Direct unlock/repair m/s imei, flashing) - first in the world
    - support GT-E1203 (Direct unlock/repair m/s imei, flashing) - first in the world

    Added support for unlock branded SPD firmware on such phones:

    - E3300i
    - E3309i
    - S5611
    - E1205Y
    - E1200i
    - E1200R
    - E1200Y
    - E1202i
    - E1207Y
    - E1270
    - E1272
    - E1282
    - E1282T

  6. #126
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Z3X-BOX Samsung Update 17.9 - Lot of phones added:
    Samsung Update 17.9 Lot of new phones added for unlock:

    New phones added:

    - support SM-N750 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-N7500Q(Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-N7505 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-N7505L (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-N7507 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-N9000Q (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-P601 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-P602 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world

    - support SM-P901(Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-T312 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-T520 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world

    - support SM-T805Y (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-T805M (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-T805 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world

    - support SM-T705Y (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-T705M (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world
    - support SM-T705 (Direct unlock,read/write EFS,autobackup nv_data, flashing) - first in the world

    - support GT-S5310L (Direct unlock/repair m/s imei, flashing) - first in the world
    - support GT-S6790L (Direct unlock/repair m/s imei, flashing) - first in the world

    P.S. want note 3, S5 qualcomm? just wait

    Discuss here
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

  7. #127
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Z3X Samsung Editor v3.2. Released. SPD algorithm updated.
    Samsung Editor v3.2

    - support GT-S5611 for edit LP.

    Updated Spreadtrum algorithm

    Fixed error messages at x64 OS

    Updated language files (Z3X Samsung Editor)

  8. #128
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Samsung Update 18.0 New phones added
    Samsung Update 18.0 New phones added


    - support GT-I8268 (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)- first in the world
    - support GT-G3502 (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)
    - support GT-G3502U (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)
    - support GT-G3812 (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)
    - support GT-G3818 (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)
    - support GT-G3858 (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)- first in the world
    - support GT-G3868V (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-T231 (Direct unlock, repair imei/bt/SN/wifi, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-T230 (Direct repair bt/SN/wifi, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-T230NT (Direct repair bt/SN/wifi, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-T230NU (Direct repair bt/SN/wifi, flashing)- first in the world

    PLEASE STOP ASK FOR N900X and G900X. we know this most wanted solution now but good solution not exist. all post regarding this will be deleted. don't waste forum space.

  9. #129
    Super Moderator namnhatrang's Avatar
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    New Update Released. 18.1 New revolution like usually. Best Samsung Update 2014?
    New Update Released. 18.1 New revolution like usually coming from z3x-team.

    Update include 3 parts:


    Part 1 - New phones added - First in the world.

    - support Samsung SM-T235 (Flashing, Direct unlock, Read/Write EFS, Autobackup nv_data) - First in the world
    - support Samsung SM-T235Y (Flashing, Direct unlock, Read/Write EFS, Autobackup nv_data) - First in the world
    - support Samsung SM-G800F (Flashing, Direct unlock, Read/Write EFS, Autobackup nv_data) - First in the world
    - support Samsung SM-G800M (Flashing, Direct unlock, Read/Write EFS, Autobackup nv_data) - First in the world
    - support Samsung SM-G800Y (Flashing, Direct unlock, Read/Write EFS, Autobackup nv_data) - First in the world


    Part 2 - Most wanted part of update - CERTIFICATE Read/Write.

    After months of research still not founded any working solution for repair imei on
    N900X and other new qualcomm phones, and we have decide did some interesting things which can be
    very useful for all z3x user for repair this type of phones.

    We have releasing today new functions for some type of phones called:
    1 CERT reading for Exynos based phones,
    2 CERT writing for Exynose & Qualcomm based phones,
    3 WIPE efs for Quaclomm based phones.

    Why need this function, lets explain:
    For example new qualcomm phones can’t be unlocked safe without getting original MSL code from samsung database.
    Exist other way - via wipe EFS, but after this phone will lose original CERT.

    Some addition information:

    1st. Lets talk about thing using own name.
    Service imei, super imei - we not will use this words. this is rubbish.
    CERT file is unique for every phone and contain signature, this file can’t be generated/created by anyone.
    This file exist in Samsung database from day of product your phone.

    Addition support added for such phones:

    Exynos based phones :

    • support samsung SM-N750 (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)- First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N7500Q (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N7505 (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N7505L (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N7507 (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N900 (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N9000Q (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung GT-i9300 (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung GT-i9500 (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung GT-i9300T (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-G900H (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world

    Qualcomm based phones:

    • support samsung SM-N9005 (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N9006 (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N9008 (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N9008V (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N9009 (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N900P (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N900R4 (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N900S (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N900T (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N900V (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    • support samsung SM-N900W8 (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)- First in the world

    Small FAQ:

    q> Can i use i9500 CERT for N900x?
    a> No you can’t. you can use only same phone models certificate!!!! BUT
    you can use N900 CERT for N900x models!!! Autodetect CETRT compatibility exist, if CERT file compatible
    you will see this line in log: Checking for compatible phone and cert... OK

    q> Why unlock button for NEW QUALCOMM PHONES not active?
    a> You can’t unlock phone now using normal method BUT
    if you will wipe phone and write any CERF from working phone you will have fully unlocked phone with network and imei (from CERT).

    q>Why IMEI REPAIR button for NEW QUALCOMM PHONES not active?
    a>You can’t repair imei on NEW phones using normal method BUT
    You can WIPE phone and write any CERT and your phone will fully working.

    q>What will be if i will flash phone after write CERT.?
    a> ALl will be ok with phone, CERT writing original method for get working phone without any patching.

    q>Exist some new GT-i9500 which can’t be repaired using regular method, new solution useful for this?
    a>Yes useful but only if you have needed CERT, at least you can use any i9500 CERT to get working phone.

    q>I have CERT FAIL on SM-G900H any solution useful for this?
    a>Yes but only if you have needed CERT, at least you can use any working good CERT from SM-G900H.

    q>Why need CERT read/write for such old phones like i9300?
    a>If you will write CERT, phone will not lost network after update firmware.

    q> Where i can get/buy/generate CERT for my phone with MY phone imei inside?
    a> You cant generate this. You can try get from any sams insiders or buy from sams insiders.


    3ND part of update one more exclusive & first in the world :

    Qualcomm factory features:

    • Reading *.qcn.
    • Writing *.qcn

    Reading QCN function allow to read full factory QCN with all important NV items related exactly to chosen model.

    Writing QCN function allow you to write any QCN format file in to your phone.

    I hope no more any problem with 3G/4G network problem with: i337,i747,i9506,i9505,i9200 and many other models. If you have phone with problem 3g/4g, just read QCN from good phone and write in to phone with problem.

    Addittion function added:
    • samsung i9506 (Read/Write *.qcn) - First in the world
    • samsung i9195 (Read/Write *.qcn) - First in the world
    • samsung i337 (Read/Write *.qcn) - First in the world
    • samsung i747 (Read/Write *.qcn) - First in the world
    • samsung i317 (Read/Write *.qcn) - First in the world
    • samsung i9200 (Read/Write *.qcn) - First in the world
    • samsung i9205 (Read/Write *.qcn) - First in the world
    • • •
    this list very long, page will be very big, so all new type qualcomm based phones added - First in the world )))

    Here sample of log of repair SM-N900T with sert Failed. Cert file has been readed from SM-N900.

    Selected model: SM-N900T
    Selected port:
    Selected port speed: 115200
    Checking certificate file... OK
    Searching ADB device... OK
    Reading phone info...
    Model: SM-N900T
    Android version: 4.4.2
    Product code: SM-N900TZKETMB
    Phone version: N900TUVUDNF4
    PDA version: N900TUVUDNF4
    CSC version: N900TTMBDNF4
    IMEI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Phone S/N: xxxxxxxxx
    Checking Super user right... true
    Bypass MSL... OK
    Checking for compatible phone and cert... OK
    Writing CERT... OK
    Checking CERT status... OK
    Rebooting phone... OK
    Done with Samsung Tool v.18.1

    i9195 msl error while unlocking, n750,n7505,i9300,i9500,n900,g900h unlocking

    p.S. new update will be ready soon


  10. #130
    Moderator toilatoi142001's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Z3X-BOX Samsung Update. 18.2 new phones added
    Samsung Update 18.2 New phones added, world fist.


    - support SM-G130E (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G130H (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G130HN (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G130M (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G313H (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G313HZ (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G350E (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G355H (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G355HN (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world
    - support SM-G355M (Direct unlock, repair imei, CERT read/write, network repair, flashing)- first in the world

    All above listed phones can be rooted by prerooted firmwares.
    Prerooted firmwares uploading in progress and will be done till evening.

    Now even *SPREAD phones have IMEI certificate, for this phones added:
    1. CERT read/write,*
    2. Network repair after imei repair.

    - support SGH-I547C (Direct unlock, repair imei, flashing)
    - support GT-N7105 New security direct unlock

    - support samsung SM-N900A (Flashing, WIPE efs, WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity)

    Added exynos new security september made firmwares for:

    - support samsung SM-N900 NEW security (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    - support samsung SM-N750 NEW security (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    - support samsung SM-N7505 NEW security (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    - support samsung GT-i9500 NEW security (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    - support samsung GT-i9300 NEW security (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world
    - support samsung GT-N7100 NEW security (READ/WRITE CERT, Auto detect CERT compatiblity) - First in the world

    and others

    Improved unlock method with qcn autorestore for:

    T999,i9190,i9192,i9195, i9505 and all other new qualcomm’s

    P.S *Someone want copy Z3X-QCN solution? we looking for you…… Hope you sleeping good….

    Discuss here
    toilatoi142001@yahoo.com AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:

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