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Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.81 released, AshaOS Update #1
1 USB flashing improved
- -- XG221 Flashing revised
- -- XG223 Flashing revised
- -- Added PPM_ID verify during XG223 [AshaOS] flashing (do not allow to kill phone by wrong PPM)
2 Service operations improved
- -- Flash Read feature fully revised on all generations
- -- XG221: Flash Read (FullFlash) Released
- -- XG221: RPL operations improved
- -- XG221: FullRPL extraction (Even Fully Dead Phone)
- -- XG223 AshaOS: Read PPM_ID info during Read RPL released
- - UserData operations improved
- - XG221 UserData extraction from Dump released (Select : XGold221)
- - XG221: Support UserData (Gallery) extraction for now
- - New feature : Asha OS PPM info (NaviManager Tab)
- - Allow to verify current PPM_ID and select another one for de-brand phone without damage
- - Allow to find PPM for revive `dead` phone killed by wrong flashing
Supported products:
- RM-899;Asha 501[SS]
- RM-900;Asha 501[DS]
- RM-902;Asha 501[DS]
- RM-921;Asha 502[DS]
- RM-951;Asha 501[DS]
You can only install same or newer ID with any product code
- Navi Database updated
Included all latest Asha , WP8x , MTKx firmwares
Included `Lumia Black` (GDR3) update for some WP8x models
New Product supported:
RM-973: Asha 500[SS]
- - Other
- - Stuff Files updated
- - Ini updated and revised
- - Some BugFixes at all
Nếu cần liên hệ, xin vui lòng ... liên hệ theo thông tin ở dưới đây!
Số: 411 Tô Hiệu (ngay ngã tư An Dương, đối diện siêu thị HONDA Hương Giang) - Hải Phòng.
ĐT: Gphone 0225.609.239 - 0983.717.628 - 0912.050.858.
- Tài khoản Anypay Viettel số: 0987 250 552
- Tài khoản giao dịch: DongAbank - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Đức Thanh
Mã số TK: 0104365048 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.- Tài khoản giao dịch: Agribank (NNPTNT) - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
Mã số TK: 2112205015281 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.- Tài khoản giao dịch: VietCombank - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
Mã số TK: 0031001023873 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.82 released
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.82 released
- USB flashing improved
-- WP8x flash process revised
-- FFU Verify
-- Lumia 1520 support fixed
-- Recovery Flashing improved
-- Partitions fix
-- Error handling improved
- UserData operations improved
- BB5/XG618: PhoneBook extraction improved for several models
- Navi Database updated
-- All latest Asha, WP8x, MTKx firmwares included
-- `Lumia Black` (GDR3) update for some WP8x models included
- Minor bugs fixed
Official Direct download link:
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.83 released: Nokia update + free Samsung addon
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.83 released
- USB flashing improved
-- MTKx flashing revised: File verify, Compatibility check
- Service Operations improved
-- Factory RPL writing improved (XG223/WP8)
- NaviManager improved
-- Fixed "big" (2+/4+GB) eMMC/FFU files Download/Resume Download
-- Stability and speed fixes
- NaviManager Database updated
-- Latest Asha , WP8x , MTKx firmwares included
-- Included "Lumia Black" update for some WP8x models
-- New products supported:
RM-927: Lumia Icon (Lumia 929)
RM-959: Asha 503 [DS]
- Other
-- Ini updated and revised
-- Minor bugs fixed
Samsung addon Module released, Infineon based models supported:
GT-C3530: Flash Read/User Code Read , Forensic: extract PhoneBook/User Gallery
GT-C3530F: Flash Read/User Code Read , Forensic: extract PhoneBook/User Gallery
GT-E2652: Flash Read/User Code Read , Forensic: extract PhoneBook/User Gallery
GT-E2652W: Flash Read/User Code Read , Forensic: extract PhoneBook/User Gallery
GT-S3350: Flash Read/User Code Read , Forensic: extract PhoneBook/User Gallery
GT-S5292: Flash Read/User Code Read
Supported interface: USB
Extraction of deleted records: result depend on time phone have been used after data deletion
Extraction of data goes via Flash method so dead, locked etc. supported
Official Download link: server1 download area
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.84 released: Nokia XG213 Forensic and more
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.84 released
- USB flashing improved
-- FlashLoaders updated
- Service operations improved
-- MTKx: Flash reading improved, Security verify operation improved
-- MTKx: Show SimLock info during FlashRead - NCK length and PA_SIMLOCK type
-- MTKx: RPL Read/Write improved
-- XG221: Asha 230 - support for Full RPL extraction, Data Extraction, Flash Read
-- XG221: Asha 230 - RPL Read/Write revised
-- S40: MicroSd card format (low Level) released. Format and remove MicroSD password. Any S40 phone supported.
- User Data operations improved
-- XG223: (Non AshaOS) Improved PhoneBook reading (From phone) in case of damaged PhoneBook storage
-- XG213: Forensic Mode Released
Recover PhoneBook from completely dead File System: `Stuck` in normal mode extraction, empty PhoneBook etc.
Recover Damaged PhoneBook when direct mode fails
Recover Deleted PhoneBook records - depend on time of phone use and etc.
- NaviBase updated
Added all latest WP8x, MTKx, Asha, NXP firmwares
New models included:
RM-980 - Nokia X (Nokia X Platform)
RM-969 - Nokia 220 (MTKx)
RM-970 - Nokia 220 (MTKx)
RM-971 - Nokia 220 (MTKx)
RM-986 - Nokia Asha 230 (XGold 221)
RM-995 - Nokia 1320 LTA (WP8x)
- Samsung Infineon module
Improved `Smart Fast` mode extraction (PhoneBook and Gallery)
- Other
Ini updated and Revised
Stuff files updated
Some bugfixes
Discussion thread and Direct Official download link:
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.84 released: Nokia XG213 Forensic and more
Infinity-Box 9 (nine) years (2005 - 2014) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News
New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.85 released: New Nokia MTKx Support
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.85 released: New Nokia MTKx Support
- USB flashing improved
-- MTKx: Nokia 220 (RM-969,RM-970,RM-971) supported
Supported operaions: Full flash, change Language
Only original NMP files format supported - use [BEST] NaviManager to get flash files
-- FlashLoaders updated
- Service operations improved
MTKx: Flash Reading improved, Nokia 220 supported
MTKx: RPL Read/Write improved, Nokia 220 supported
MTKx: Improved SimLock info detection during Flash Read operation
- User Data operations improved
XG213: Forensic Mode Improved
XG110: PhoneBook extraction revised
- NaviBase updated
All latest WP8x, MTKx, Asha, NXP firmwares includes
- Other
Ini updated and Revised
Stuff files updated
Minor bugs fixed
Official Direct download link: server1 download area
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.86 released: Nokia X Platform (Android) Support
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.86 released: Nokia X Platform (Android) Support
- USB flashing improved
- Nokia Android based phones support released. World First !
Supported mode: FullFlash, System update (UserData safe), Wipe
Support "dead" and normal mode flashing
- Service operations improved
NXP: Read Info. Use code *#*#2273#*#* on keypad to enable USB
- User Data operations improved
User Data Extraction (from flash) revised for XGold and BB5 products
- NaviManager improved
Fixed eMMC file detection
Improved stability
- NaviBase updated
All latest WP8x , MTKx , Asha , NXP firmwares included
New models included:
RM-938: Lumia 1520[LTA]
- Other
Ini updated and Revised
Stuff files updated
Minor bugs fixed
Discussion thread and download link: Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.86 released: Nokia X Platform (Android) Support
Infinity-Box 9 (nine) years (2005 - 2014) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News
New features, Unlock Codes (Huawei, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service AGRIBANK 6120205234525:SACOMBANK:060117021036 chủ tài khoản bùi tri phương call:0933.090.445:092.444.0137 viber tango 0979.273.573:
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.87 released
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.87 released
- USB flashing improved
- BB5/MTKx/Xgold: minor bugs fixed
- Service operations improved
BB5/Infineon: Revised LifeTimer edit, all latest products supported
MTKx: Repair MAUI operation improved
Asha OS: PPM_ID checking during Read RPL revised
- Asha OS PPM ID (NaviManager)
PPM ID Variant Database updated, 280 variants for SW 14.xx included
Improved verify during flashing
- User Data operations improved
WP7x: SMS extraction revised , support for big SMS storage improved
WP7x: Gallery backup improved
BB5: PhoneBook writing revised for old models
- NaviManager improved
Stability improvements
- NaviBase updated
WP8x , MTKx , Asha , NXP all latest firmwares included
New models included:
RM-956: Asha 208
RM-987: Asha 230
- Other
Ini updated and revised
Stuff files updated
Minor bugs fixed
Official download link:
server1 download area
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.88 released: MTKx Unlock released
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.88 released: MTKx Unlock released
- Service operations improved
MTKx: Unlock Code Counter reset option released
MTKx: Simlock info reading updated, Full SimLock info (Country,Profile,Operator) available
MTKx: RPL operations (Read/Write/Verify) improved
- Unlock Operations improved
MTKx: Unlock via server released (Code Calculation) - World First!
Support all currently available MTKx models on market: Nokia 108, Nokia 220 and RM-xxx variants
Note:15 digit codes/phones only supported for unlock !
- Other
Minor bugs fixed
Direct download link:
server1 download area
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.89 released: MTKx6260, XG618 Nokia, XGold225 Samsung etc
Infinity-Box Nokia [BEST] v1.89 released: MTKx6260, XG618 Nokia, XGold225 Samsung and more
- USB Flashing improved
- MTKx 6260s flashing support released World First !
Supported MTK6260 Phones:
Nokia 225 (RM-1011)
Nokia 225 (RM-1012)
Nokia 225 (RM-1043)
- MTKx 6250 series flashing revised
- MTKx 6250/6260: "Repair Flash" mode, allow flash bricked phones (Nokia 220 Flash bug)
- Unlock Operations improved:
Support for XG618, 15 digit NCK Log Reading
All existing XG618 products with 15 digits NCK supported. *
Support for XG221, 15 digit NCK Log Reading
All existing XG221 products with 15 digits NCK supported. **
- Service Operations improved:
XG618 Read/Write RPL operations fully revised, all existing XG618 Product supported now. *
XG221 Read/Write RPL operations fully revised, all existing XG221 Product supported now. **
MTKx Read/Write RPL revised
McSD format revised
MTKx Repair MAUI operation improved
MTKx 6260 Service Operations supported:
.Read RPL, Write RPL
.Read Info
.Read Flash
.Factory Set (Format)
.Security Check, Simlock Info check
- UserData operations improved:
FlashRead for XG618 platform fully revised, now supports all existing XG618 products
PhoneBook extraction from Flash for XG618 products (Non-Asha series) improved
Gallery extraction for XG618 improved.
For AshaOs Series XG618 products (Nokia 503 and similar), select AshaOs XG221/XG618
Forensic Mode for XG618 products improved: extract PhoneBook from Damaged FS, deleted etc
- NaviManager Updated
Improved FileVerify before download
Improved FileVerification: Checksum Verify
AshaOs PPM_ID database updated, total 918 records for now
NaviManager Database Updated
- DataBase fully Revised
- All Latest WP8x, Asha, MTKx, NXP firmwares included
New Products supported:
RM-976: Nokia Lumia 630 [MONEYPENNY] WP8x
RM-1011: Nokia 225, MTK6260s Platform
RM-1012: Nokia 225, MTK6260s Platform
RM-1030: Nokia X+, Android/NXP
RM-1053: Nokia XL, Android/NXP
- Other
WP8 FileCheck, Language Info extraction revised. FFU FastVerify revised.
Ini updated and revised
Stuff Files updated
FlashLoaders updated
Repair MAUI for Nokia 220 upload on support area. Use it only with BEST 1.89 or higher!
Samsung Module updated: Exclusive UserData/Forensic
- Added support for Infineon XG225 based phones:
GT-C3322I: Flash Read/User Code Read, Forensic: User Gallery extraction ***
GT-C3590: Flash Read/User Code Read, Forensic: User Gallery extraction ***
GT-C3592: Flash Read/User Code Read, Forensic: User Gallery extraction ***
GT-S3800W: Flash Read/User Code Read, Forensic: User Gallery extraction ***
GT-S3802: Flash Read/User Code Read, Forensic: User Gallery extraction ***
GT-S3802W: Flash Read/User Code Read, Forensic: User Gallery extraction ***
- Improved PhoneBook and Gallery extraction for XGold225 products
Other :
* XG618 Supported product for FlashRead, UserData extraction, RPL operations, Hash Read for 15 Digit NCK
RM-839, Nokia 301
RM-840, Nokia 301
RM-841, Nokia 301
RM-920, Nokia 503
RM-922, Nokia 503
RM-947, Nokia 503
RM-948, Nokia 208
RM-949, Nokia 208
RM-950, Nokia 207
RM-952, Nokia 515
RM-953, Nokia 515
RM-954, Nokia 207
RM-956, Nokia 208
RM-957, Nokia 208
RM-958, Nokia 503
RM-959, Nokia 503
** XG221 Supported product for FlashRead, UserData extraction, RPL operations, Hash Read for 15 Digit NCK
RM-934, Nokia 500
RM-972, Nokia 500
RM-973, Nokia 500
RM-986, Nokia 230
RM-987, Nokia 230
*** Samsung Forensic:
PhoneBook: If you have one of listed models with need of extract phonebook - contact with support.
For finish direct extraction required 4-5 different models phonebook.
Extraction of data goes via Flash method so dead, locked etc supported.
Official download link:
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