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  1. #41
    Technical Assistance GIALAI_GSM's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF Read Flash + SL3 Server + Infineon Mass Memory v7.70 Update!! 24 AUG 2011!! BB5 Major Functions Added:
    • Read Flash Enabled for RAPUYAMA Phones via USB or FBUS
    • Read Flash Enabled for RAP3Gv40 Phones via FBUS and USB (USB Limited to 8MB per Session)
    • Read Flash Enabled for RAPIDO Phones via FBUS ONLY
    • Extract Phonebook Contacts from Symbian ^3 and Symbian Anna Flash Dumps made by the Read Flash Function
    • Supports International Unicode Characters for Contacts Extraction (Chinese, Arabic, Thai etc...)
    • Recover Videos, Pictures, Music and Documents from ALL Flash Dumps made by the Read Flash Function
    SL3 Bruteforce Server Added:

    • SL3 Bruteforce JOB Uploading is now OPEN to ATF Network Users (Paid Service... Contact Your Reseller)
    • Upload JOBS, Cancel JOBS and Check JOB Status with just a click of a button
    • Only accepts "JOB" files generated by ATF Software's Decrypt PM 120 Function
    Infineon Major Functions Added:

    • Mass Memory (SD Card) Flashing Added for the NEWEST Infineon Phones (C2-02, C2-03, C2-05, C2-06, C2-07 and C2-08)
    Common Updates:
    • New BB5 Flash Loaders Version
    • New Nokia Connectivity Driver
    Support Site Updates:

    Special ATF ENO Files are NOW AVAILABLE for new RAPUYAMA PHONES (N8-00, C7-00, X7-00, E7-00 etc...)

    These ENO Fies were Dumped by the ATF Team and you can ONLY FIND them at the ATF Support Site

    Bug Fixes:

    • E6-00 and X5-01 Nitro Flashing Speed FIXED
    • Rapido ADL Flashing Bug for E71, E63 etc.. FIXED
    • USB ADL Flashing Format Partitions FIXED
    • BB5 Booting Speed FIXED
    • MMC Password Reading now Supports Unicode Characters
    Frequently Asked Question:

    Q: Do I need to pay ATF Network Activation in order to use the READ FLASH Functions of ATF 7.70 ?
    A: NO, this new Feature is FREE.

    Q: Do I need to pay Credits if I want to upload a Bruteforce JOB File ?
    A: Yes, Contact your Reseller for more Infomation.

    Q: How Long Does it take to Read FULL Flash an N8-00 with a 1 Gigabyte Flash Chip ?
    A: Via USB, it will take about 12 minutes... Via FBUS, it will take MANY + MANY HOURS...

    Q: Can I Read FULL Flash a 5130c or a 3110c Phone?
    A: No. As of now, RAP3Gv3 Phones are NOT YET Supported... But it will be!

    Q: Can I Recover My Contacts from a DEAD 5800 phone?
    A: No, only Symbian^3 and Symbian Anna Flash DUMPS are Currently Supported for Phonebook Extraction. We will first Support the Latest most HIGH END phones before proceeding to the OLDER Models.

    Q: Will you support ALL Symbian S60 Contacts Recovery in the Next Updates ?
    A: Yes, we will support them when we have more time.

    Q: Can I recover Picture and Videos from my DEAD 5800 Phone ?
    A: Yes, ALL BB5 Phone DUMPs are supported for FILE Recovery just as long as they are not reformatted.

    Q: I have a DEAD 5800 Phone and I have Flashed it a FEW TIMES already but it is still dead... Can I still DUMP the Pictures and Videos from it?
    A: Flashing will most likely REFORMAT the Phone... So your chances of Retrieval are Lower. Then Best thing to do is to DUMP the Flash first before trying to FIX it via Flashing. If the FILES inside the Phone are very important, then you should always AVOID Flashing before you try to RECOVER the IMPORTANT FILES.

    Q: Why is FBUS Flash READING VERY Slow and USB Flash READING VERY FAST ?
    A: Because of HARDWARE Limitations on the FBUS Channel, the READ Speed is severely Compromised.

    Q: Can I Flash Read a Phone with a Special Language PACK inside and use the Flash DUMP to put the Special Language PACK to my other Phones ?
    A: This is possible, only if the ROOT HASH is the SAME, but it still REQUIRES you to have Knowledge on how to convert BINARY DUMPS into FPSX Formatted BB5 Files.

    Q: What is the MAIN PURPOSE of READ FLASH ?

    ATF Read Flash + SL3 Server + Infineon Mass Memory v7.70 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:
    ATF Read Flash + SL3 Server + Infineon Mass Memory v7.70 Update!! Public Discussion:

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
    International - http://www.advance-box.com/

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
    World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
    Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher))
    Philippine: Gsmph
    Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
    Chinese support forum : ATF Box
    Vietnam: Saigonmobile
    India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
    Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
    Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile
    Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com

    The Master Piece
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    yahoo: gialai_gsm

  2. #42
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    thêm link download
    link mediafire
    liink hotfile
    Last edited by ThanhHai_GSM; 24-08-2011 at 21:20.

  3. #43
    V.I.P thanhtunggialai™'s Avatar
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    ATF new update v7.75

    Hello all !

    USB authorization is fixed in 7.75! How to download:

    In settings -> tick 'Automaticaly Check for Updates' and restart software!

    Last edited by thanhtunggialai™; 29-08-2011 at 07:34.
    Thanh Tùng Mobile
    Địa chỉ : Chợ gạo - Thành Lợi - Vụ Bản - Nam Định
    Phone : 0905022590

  4. #44
    V.I.P thanhtunggialai™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định

    ATF new update v7.79

    USB authorization is fixed in 7.79. Please check support of Box !

    Download ATF Update 7.79 here
    Thanh Tùng Mobile
    Địa chỉ : Chợ gạo - Thành Lợi - Vụ Bản - Nam Định
    Phone : 0905022590

  5. #45
    Technical Assistance GIALAI_GSM's Avatar
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    New ATF Read Flash ALL BB5 Phones v7.80 Update!! 25 Oct 2011!!

    ATF v7.80 Update

    Release Date: October 25, 2011

    BB5 Major Functions Added:

    <<< All BB5 Flash Functions are now using the Newest Nokia Loaders >>>

    - Authorize Phone for RAPUYAMA v2.1 Phones via USB or FBUS (Nokia
    500, 600, 603, 700, 701 etc...)

    ---> SD Repair
    ---> Stand Alone SX4
    ---> Read PM 120 Hashes

    - Read Flash Enabled for RAPUYAMA v2 Phones via USB or FBUS (Nokia
    500, 600, 603, 700, 701 etc...)
    - Read Flash Enabled for RAP3Gv30 Phones via FBUS Cable (5130c,
    3110c, 7210c, 6300c etc...)
    - Read Flash 8MB Limitation on RAP3Gv40 Phones Removed... Now you
    can Dump Full Flash Chip in 1 Session
    - Extract Phonebook Contacts from Symbian Belle Flash Dumps made by the Read Flash Function
    - Write Full Nokia Original RPL for all BB5 Phones (SL1, SL2, SL3,
    PA_SIMLOC30 15-digit and PA_SIMLOCK30 20-digit)

    ---> Write Simlock Data
    ---> Write Super Dongle Key
    ---> Write CMLA Key
    ---> Write WMDRM Key
    ---> Write PARTNERC (If Available)
    ---> Write MDM_KEYS (If Available)

    - N900, N950 and N9-00 Full PM Backup Fixed
    - Read / Write Product Profile Added
    - Added more Phone Modes for changing (Alarm, Charging, Discharging etc...)
    - Added Ability to read Multiple MMC Passwords in 1 Phone (upto 16 MMC Passwords)

    SL3 BF Server Changes:

    - Reduced SL3 BF Price from 30 Credits to 25 Credits

    General Updates:

    - Added New Products to Nokia.ini
    - Added Updated Provider Listing for MNC_MCC Codes
    - New Skins Added with Better Compatibility
    - Fixed FTDI Device Close problem on New FTDI Libraries
    - Mass Memory Flashing Automatically Switches to Turbo Mode when needed.
    - Reads more Information from the Phone during Scan Phone (All Information Available)
    - Fixed Problem for ATF Boxes which ask you to install Drivers each time you Start ATF Software

    Support Page Updates:

    - Added Credit Transfer for ATF Activation Credits (Now you can transfer your activation credits extra to other boxes)

    Driver Updates:

    - ATF Box Driver v2.08.17(Beta)
    - Nokia Connectivity Driver v7.1.45.0
    - libusb Driver v1.2.5.0

    Update Summary:

    1. Uses Latest Nokia Loaders
    2. Can Authorize ALL BB5 Phones
    3. Can Read Flash Chip from ALL BB5 Phones except RAP3Gv2 (6630, N90, N70... very old Phones)
    4. Can Extract Contacts from Symbian Belle Flash DUMPS
    5. Can Full Write Nokia ORIGINAL RPL

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    New ATF Read Flash ALL BB5 Phones v7.80 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:
    New ATF Read Flash ALL BB5 Phones v7.80 Update!! Public Discussion:

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
    International - http://www.advance-box.com/

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
    World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
    Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher))
    Philippine: Gsmph
    Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
    Chinese support forum : ATF Box
    Vietnam: Saigonmobile
    India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
    Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
    Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile
    Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com

    The Master Piece
    Last edited by GIALAI_GSM; 25-10-2011 at 21:27.
    mobile services
    NHƯ HẠ
    129 Hùng Vương KrôngPa Gia Lai
    yahoo: gialai_gsm

  6. #46
    Technical Assistance GIALAI_GSM's Avatar
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    BB5 Broadcom Unlock ATF 7.90 Update!! 4th Nov 2011!!

    BB5 Broadcom Unlock !! By ATF TEAM!!

    • Decrypt PM 120 HASHES for ALL Broadcom BB5 Phones
    • Bruteforce Unlock for ALL Broadcom BB5 Phones (via ATF Server or via LBF Servers)
    • Stand Alone Super Dongle Repair for ALL Broadcom BB5 Phones
    • Stand Alone SX-4 Authorize for ALL Broadcom BB5 Phones
    • Full Phone Authorization via ATF Network for ALL Broadcom BB5Phones
    • Read FULL NAND Chip Flash for ALL Broadcom BB5 Phones
    Now The ATF Network Supports ALL BB5 CPUs Released By Nokia!!!

    Here is a List of Broadcom Based BB5 Phones:

    C3-00 RM-614
    X2-00 RM-618
    X2-01 RM-709
    X2-03 RM-709
    X2-01.1 RM-717
    2710c RM-586
    7020 RM-497

    ************************************************** ********************************
    ************************************************** ********************************

    1. Since NO other team can even Dream of releasing Broadcom Loaders before ATF Team, all Broadcom Phones Authorized by The ATF Network will require 5 ATF Network Credits.

    *** Note that it requires 5 ATF Network Credits and NOT 5 SL3 BF Credits...

    2. You NEED ATF Network Activation in order to:

    a. Authorize Phone
    b. Decrypt PM 120 Hashes for BF Unlock
    c. Stand Alone Super Dongle RPL Repair
    d. Stand Alone SX-4 Authorize

    3. You DO NOT NEED ATF Network Activation if you just want to:
    a. Read FULL NAND Flash Chip and extract files etc...

    4. If you Authorize a Broadcom Phone more than 1 time, then you will be charged and charged again and again and again with 5 credits each time.

    5. Some Broadcom Phones will get stuck when Reading Phone info in Normal Mode. The correct way to do it is to change phone mode to TEST MODE before attempting to Decrypt PM 120 HASHES, Super Dongle Repairs etc...

    Here is a QUICK way on How to Correct Set a Broadcom Phone into TEST MODE from Normal Mode (RF Inactive) Condition.

    a. Put Battery to Phone and Power it On
    b. Connect USB Cable and Connect to PC
    C. Wait while Windows is Installing the Drivers...
    d. Go to ATF Software "Settings" --> "Nokia Settings"
    --> Put a check on "Skip Full Phone Information Sweep for BB5 Phones"
    e. Go back to "Nokia Service" and click Scan Phone...

    *** Once the phone is detected, you can select "Test" on that DropDown
    list on the LEFT SIDE of "Backup RPL" Button. This will make your
    Phone enter into TEST MODE....

    ************************************************** ********************************
    ************************************************** ********************************
    ************************************************** ********************************

    What Else Is New?

    N900 FIASCO Flashing has been moved from iTablets into the BB5 Section.
    --> Now you can Flash N900 just like any other BB5 Phone... Super EASY!
    --> The Current MAEMO Flash ENGINE does not support EMMC (VANILLA) Flashing Yet, this will be Ported on the Next Update.

    What was Fixed?
    1. Infineon Self Test Hang on Exit: FIXED!
    2. Box Activation (Activate New Box) FIXED!

    Whats Up?
    Try using the XFactor.skn skin... it Rocks!

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    BB5 Broadcom Unlock ATF v7.90 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:
    BB5 Broadcom Unlock ATF v7.90 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
    International - http://www.advance-box.com/

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
    World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
    Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher))
    Philippine: Gsmph
    Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
    Chinese support forum : ATF Box
    Vietnam: Saigonmobile
    India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
    Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
    Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile
    Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com

    The Master Piece
    mobile services
    NHƯ HẠ
    129 Hùng Vương KrôngPa Gia Lai
    yahoo: gialai_gsm

  7. ( GIALAI_GSM ) đã được 2 thành viên cám ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    HoangThong_hotrokythuat4 (05-11-2011), TuệNguyễn (05-11-2011)

  8. #47
    Thành viên kỳ cựu setot_thoi's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Advance Turbo Flasher v8.00

    Release Date: November 25, 2011

    HARMATTAN (MEEGO) Flashing Engine Fully Supported
    --> FULL Flash N9-00, N950 and other upcoming MEEGO Devices
    --> Flash EMMC (Mass Memory)
    --> Secure User Data Erase (Removes Phone User Lock and Security Settings)
    --> Supports Cold Flashing via "Skip ADL Chk" (Use only for non-booting Devices)

    Known Limitations about MEEGO HARMATTAN Phones (N9-00 and N950)
    --> Entire PM area is Write Protected... You can Read, but you cannot Write back anything
    --> Security Code which is Read by ATF Software (PM 308,5) is NOT the same as the PHONE LOCK Code
    --> When Phone goes to TEST MODE after flashing, it is Normal for ATF to get an ERROR while
    reading IMEI and Simlocks on the First Read Attempt.
    --> It is not Possible to Downgrade the Firmwares on these phones. So make sure that
    your required Language Pack Exist on the Highest Firmware Version before
    attempting to Upgrage your phone.

    Bug Fixes:

    1. FORCE Broadcom into TEST MODE is NO LONGER NEEDED!
    --> NORMAL MODE Decrypt PM 120 NOW FIXED
    --> NORMAL MODE Scan Phone Hang NOW FIXED
    2. Automatically Selects "Backup RPL" before Phone is Authorized via USB Connection
    3. Time and Date Format for saving PM and RPL files FIXED
    4. ATF Support Site Login and ATF Network Login Delays FIXED
    5. Improved BB5 ENO Flashing for USB ADL (Rapido Phones)
    6. Re-Enabled SL3 to SL2 Downgrade Unlock for OLD HASH RAPIDO Phones

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    ATF N9 Flashing v8.00 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:
    BB5 Broadcom Unlock ATF v7.90 Update!! Public Discussion Thread:

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
    International - Advance Turbo Flasher - By Advance Team
    MẩnMobile .Y/H : Jimmyphong10

  9. #48
    Thành viên danh dự TuấnPhát_GSM's Avatar
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    Mặc định New ATF NITRO Box Release!! Pre-Activated!!

    Introducing the new ATF Nitro Pre-Activated Boxes...

    The latest addition to ATF Team's Super Fast FBUS Flasher Family.

    Now Pre-Activated and Ready to work with The ATF Network.

    Just connect it to your USB Port and you will be ready to Rule the World of Nokia Phones.

    Welcome to The ATF Newtork!

    - Authorize RAP3Gv3 Phones (0 Credits)
    - Authorize RAP3Gv4 Phones (0 Credits)
    - Authorize Rapido Phones (0 Credits)
    - Authorize RapuYama v1 Phones (0 Credits)
    - Authorize RapuYama v2 Phones (0 Credits)
    - Authorize Broadcom 21351 Phones (5 ATF NEtwork Credits)
    - Upload SL3 BruteForce Unlock Job (25 SL3 BF Credits)

    Stand Alone Functions after the Phone is Authorized:

    - Repair Super Dongle Keys
    - Stand Alone SX-4 Authorization for PM 1 and 309
    - Decrypt PM 120 Hashes for Brute Force Unlock

    Other Unique Functions:

    - Full MAEMO and MEEGO Flashing Support (N900, N950 and N9-00)
    - Read FULL Flash (NOR and NAND) from any BB5 Phone
    - Extract Videos, Pictures and other Files from Flash DUMPS
    - Extract FULL Contact List from Symbian ^3, Symbian Anna and Symbian Belle Phones
    - Stand Alone SL3 Mastercode to 15-digit NCK Code Calculation for ALL Lock Levels

    Basic Test and Repair Functions:

    - Super Fast FBUS Flashing for ALL BB5 Phones
    - Super Fast USB Flashing for ALL BB5 Phones
    - it'Support Full Writing of Original Nokia RPL (PA_SIMOC30 Included)
    - Safe Flashing for Infineon FBUS Phones (XG101, XG110)
    - Safe Flashing for Infineon USB Phones (XG213)
    - Fast Flashing for DCT4 Phones
    - Stand Alone SL1 Simlock Repair
    - Stand Alone SL2 Simlock Repair
    - Stand Alone SL3 to SL2 Downgrade for Rapido Phones with OLD ROOTHASH CAEEBB65D3C48E6DC73B49DC5063A2EE
    - Stand Alone SL1 Super Dongle Repair
    - Stand Along SL1 SX-4 Authorize
    - Stand Alone SL2 Super Donge Repair
    - Stand Alone SL2 SX-4 Authorize
    - Stand Alone DCT4 ASIC 11 RSA Unlock
    - Stand Alone DCT4 IMEI Repair for ALL ASIC
    - Stand Alone DCT4 Generate RPL for ALL ASIC

  10. #49
    Moderator VŨ PRO's Avatar
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    Mặc định

    Default ATF MINOR UPDATE v8.10!! 8th December 2011!!

    This Minor Update is available via the "Automatically Check for Updates"

    What's New:

    1. ATF Network Broadcom Authorize no longer needs minimum 5 credits.

    2. Better Detection for SL3 Phone that will not Accept NCK Codes.


    Last edited by VŨ PRO; 08-12-2011 at 19:04.
    SỬA CHỮA CHUYÊN NGHIỆP..Unlock,Repair all Mobile,.,Edit serial và nạp rom,change HDD iphone theo yêu cầu ..!

  11. ( VŨ PRO ) được 1 thành viên cảm ơn vì bài viết hữu ích!

    TuệNguyễn (23-12-2011)

  12. #50
    Administrators ThanhHaMobile™'s Avatar
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    Mặc định ATF Free Blackberry Unlock - Holidays Update!! Public Discussion Thread:

    Free Blackberry MEP Code Calculator via the ATF Support Page

    This is a Small Gift for the Holidays from the ATF Team Website Manager.

    * 100% Free MEP Code Calculator for ALL ATF Box Users (10 Phones per Day per BOX SN Only)
    * Absolutely ALL MEPs Supported and Dynamically Updated (No Waiting Required)
    * Saves Calculated Codes inside the User's Account for Future Reference and Tracking
    * Tells you which Lock Levels are Active for any of the Supported MEPs

    Just Go to your ATF Box Support Page and click on the "BlackBerry" tab, then select "ATF MEP Code Calculator"... Wait until the Calculator has fully Loaded upon popping up.

    Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?


    Buy only from ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] authorized resellers:
    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Authorized Distributors and Resellers List

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
    International - http://www.advance-box.com/

    ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
    World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
    Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher))
    Philippine: Gsmph
    Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
    Chinese support forum : ATF Box
    Vietnam: Saigonmobile
    India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
    Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
    Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile
    Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com

    The Master Piece

    Nếu cần liên hệ, xin vui lòng ... liên hệ theo thông tin ở dưới đây!
    • Repair Boot - Unlock giải mã - mở mạng - mở mã pass người dùng - sửa lỗi phần mềm, nạp tiếng Việt, chuyển đổi ngôn ngữ cho các dòng máy Mobile • CUNG CẤP & TƯ VẤN SỬ DỤNG THIẾT BỊ CHẠY PHẦN MỀM MOBILE CHUYÊN DỤNG • CUNG CẤP SẢN PHẨM DUNG DỊCH PHÁ KEO IC, BÃO HÒA TẢN NHIỆT IC, KEO DẪN ĐIỆN, THIẾC BỘT, CHÌ XẢ MỐI HÀN, DAO PHÁ KEO • KEO DÁN MÀN HÌNH CẢM ỨNG iPHONE, iPAD, LAPTOP, GIA CỐ CPU CÁC LOẠI ...
    ThanhHaMobile™ Service Center
    Số: 411 Tô Hiệu (ngay ngã tư An Dương, đối diện siêu thị HONDA Hương Giang) - Hải Phòng.

    ĐT: Gphone 0225.609.239 - 0983.717.628 - 0912.050.858.
    • Tài khoản Anypay Viettel số: 0987 250 552
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: DongAbank - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Đức Thanh
      Mã số TK: 0104365048 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: Agribank (NNPTNT) - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 2112205015281 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.
    • Tài khoản giao dịch: VietCombank - Chủ tài khoản: Ngô Thị Thu Hà
      Mã số TK: 0031001023873 chi nhánh Lê Chân - Hải Phòng.

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    Bài viết cuối: 26-04-2012, 17:30
  4. Update SpiderMan anh em vui lòng post ở đây
    By HoangThong_hotrokythuat5 in forum SpiderMan Box
    Trả lời: 8
    Bài viết cuối: 18-06-2011, 11:52
  5. Z3x samsung update anh em vui lòng post tại đây
    By HoangThong_hotrokythuat4 in forum Z3X-BOX FOR SAMSUNG
    Trả lời: 0
    Bài viết cuối: 05-10-2010, 16:34

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